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Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 2:51pm

Commodore Cyndi Song

Name Cyndi Lin Song

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klavorian
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5-8
Weight 130
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Cyndi Song is a striking individual with a captivating physical presence. She boasts long, vibrant red hair that cascades down her shoulders, usually styled in a sleek ponytail that adds an air of practicality to her appearance. Her piercing green eyes hold an intensity that can be quite intimidating, capturing attention and demanding respect.

Cyndi possesses an enviable physique, with long and slender legs that accentuate her overall presence. She carries herself with confidence, exuding an aura of self-assurance and poise. Her posture is impeccable, further emphasizing her commanding presence in any room she enters.

In summary, Cyndi Song is a formidable figure with her long red hair, intimidating green eyes, and confident demeanor. Her long, slender legs add to her allure, making her a force to be reckoned with in any situation.


Spouse Paul Sanderson
Children 1 Son: Brent age 13
1 daughter: Piper 16
Father Drew Song
Mother Tasha Song
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cyndi is a unique individual with a multifaceted personality. On one hand, she is easy-going and loves to have a good time. She knows how to lighten the mood and create a positive atmosphere among her crew. She values laughter, camaraderie, and creating memorable experiences.
However, Cyndi also understands the importance of her role as a captain and takes it seriously. She maintains a professional approach when it comes to making tough decisions and leading her crew. She sets high standards for herself and expects the same level of dedication and professionalism from her team.
Despite her generally amiable nature, Cyndi possesses a hidden dark side that rarely surfaces, if ever. This side of her personality emerges when her crew or loved ones are in danger. She is fiercely protective and will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to defend and safeguard those she cares about. This aspect of her character showcases her unwavering loyalty and determination.
Overall, Cyndi's personality combines an easy-going and fun-loving nature with a deep sense of responsibility and a willingness to protect those she holds dear. Her friendly yet professional approach ensures a harmonious working environment while also instilling confidence and trust in her crew.
Allergic to Inaprovaline. It can cause seizures and possibly end in death.
Weapons Permission: authorized to carry Class 45 type phaser on her person at all times.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
1. Leadership: A captain needs strong leadership skills to guide and inspire their crew, making tough decisions, and maintaining order and discipline aboard the starship.

2. Decision-making: Captains must make critical decisions quickly and effectively, weighing various factors and considering the overall mission objectives and the safety of the crew.

3. Communication: Excellent communication skills are essential for a captain to effectively convey orders, instructions, and information to their crew, as well as to establish clear channels of communication with other ships and higher-ranking officers.

4. Problem-solving: Captains must be adept at identifying and resolving problems that arise during missions, whether they are technical issues, conflicts among crew members, or unexpected obstacles.

5. Adaptability: Captains need to be flexible and adaptable in ever-changing and unpredictable situations. They must be able to think on their feet and adjust their plans and strategies accordingly.
6. Strategic thinking: Captains must have a strategic mindset, understanding the larger picture and long-term goals while considering the immediate tactical objectives. They must be able to devise effective plans and anticipate potential challenges.


1. Workaholic: Captains who are workaholics may find it difficult to strike a balance between work and personal life. They may prioritize work over self-care, leading to burnout and a negative impact on their well-being and decision-making abilities.

2. Delegating: Captains who struggle with delegating responsibilities may take on too much themselves, leading to overwhelm and decreased efficiency. This weakness can limit the growth and development of team members, as they are not given the opportunity to take on important tasks and contribute to the team's success.

3. Stubborn: Captains who are stubborn may be resistant to change or new ideas. This can hinder the team's ability to adapt to new situations and explore innovative solutions. It is important for captains to be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives to promote collaboration and growth.

4. Temperamental: Captains who have a temper when pushed may struggle with controlling their emotions in high-pressure situations. This can negatively impact their ability to communicate effectively and make rational decisions. It is important for captains to develop emotional intelligence and practice stress management techniques to maintain composure and lead with professionalism.

5. Lack of Self-awareness: Captains who lack self-awareness may have difficulty recognizing and addressing their own weaknesses and blind spots. This can hinder their ability to grow and improve as leaders. It is important for captains to regularly reflect on their actions, seek feedback from others, and actively work on self-improvement to lead effectively.
Ambitions Cyndi Song finds herself in a position of great significance and responsibility, commanding a starship for Starfleet. She has worked tirelessly to reach this point in her career, displaying exceptional skill and dedication along the way. Cyndi is fully aware that her journey doesn't end there, as she carries with her a weighty future obligation.

While Cyndi's current focus lies within the realms of Starfleet, she knows that one day she will have to return to her home planet of Klavor. As the head of the monarchy, she will be entrusted with the task of leading her people and ensuring the prosperity of her kingdom. This impending duty looms over her, but she remains committed to serving Starfleet to the best of her abilities in the meantime. Her family believes that in order for her to be an effective leader she needs to be familiar with other species and Starfleet. She has also paved the way for other members of her people to serve in Starfleet. As long as she serves within Starfleet she holds no official title.

In summary, Cyndi Song's current position as a starship commander for Starfleet is just one chapter in her extraordinary journey. Though she knows she will eventually have to assume the role of head of the monarchy on Kalvir, she remains committed to serving Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Writing: Cyndi could explore her creativity by writing science fiction stories or articles related to her research interests.

2. Astronomy: Since Cyndi enjoys reading science books, she may also enjoy stargazing and learning about the universe through telescopes and astronomy programs.

3. Virtual Reality Gaming: In addition to holodeck programs, Cyndi could engage in virtual reality gaming, immersing herself in various virtual worlds and adventures.

4. Nature Exploration: Cyndi could spend time outdoors with her family, going on hikes, camping trips, or visiting science museums or planetariums.

5. Science Experiments: Cyndi could involve her children in simple science experiments at home, fostering their curiosity and love for science.

6. Spending time with her husband and two children. Whether it be dinner and table games in their quarters or time on the holodeck.

Personal History The Early Years

Cyndi Song, born on the planet Klavor, had an early history that revolved around her status as the only child of the reigning monarchy. From a young age, Cyndi was immersed in learning the duties and practices that would be expected of her in the future. Cyndi was a bit of a wild child when she was young, wanting to test the limits. She was a curious child and had to know the whys of everything.

Despite her royal responsibilities, she managed to have a good childhood, thanks to her parents who doted on her and raised her with a balance of expectations and openness towards their people.

There came a time where the Queen felt that Cyndi was settling, that she had no desire to learn about other cultures and had never learned to work for anything in her life. The Queen wanted her to experience having a goal to reach for and having to work to get it. A plan was formed and the Queen started working on an idea for Cyndi to experience life outside their homeworld.

Cyndi's early friendships were primarily formed with those who served at the palace, as they were the ones closest to her in age and shared her experiences. However, she also made an effort to interact with the people of Klavor beyond the palace walls, showing her friendly and approachable nature.

Education played a crucial role in Cyndi's life, and she had a rigorous school schedule. She took her studies seriously, understanding the importance of knowledge and learning. When she wasn't buried in homework and lessons, Cyndi enjoyed spending time outdoors, particularly riding her favorite horse through the picturesque countryside. Her best friend and loyal guards would often accompany her on these adventures, ensuring her safety and adding to the joy of her experiences.

In addition to her royal duties and education, Cyndi underwent training to defend herself and develop expertise with a weapon. Recognizing the importance of self-defense and the need to protect herself and her kingdom, Cyndi dedicated time to honing her skills.

Under the guidance of esteemed instructors, she learned various combat techniques and became proficient in the use of a weapon. Whether it was firing a phaser or excelling in hand-to-hand combat, Cyndi showed determination and discipline in her training.

Her dedication to self-defense not only instilled confidence in her own abilities but also demonstrated her commitment to the safety and well-being of her people. Cyndi understood that as a future leader, she needed to be prepared for any situation that may arise, and her training equipped her with the necessary skills to protect herself and those under her care.

With her strong sense of duty, warm demeanor, thirst for knowledge, and expertise in self-defense, Cyndi's early history laid a solid foundation for her future as a capable and respected leader, ready to face any challenges that would come her way.

In high school, Cyndi focused her studies on science, preparing herself for a major in that field. However, as a Klavorian, she was also required to learn how to fly shuttles, a skill that would prove valuable in her future endeavors.

It was while she was in high school that the Federation sent a diplomat to visit, along with officers from Stafleet. Cyndi was curious about them and when introduced to them, had a crush on Paul Sanderson. She had feelings for them but Paul knew Cyndi was too young, the future Queen of the planet and was careful around her. The last thing he wanted to do was cause an incident.

As her graduation approached, Cyndi’s mother informed her she would be going to Starfleet Academy to become a helm officer. Cyndi objected, she didn’t want to leave her homeworld. She was happy with her life just the way it was. The Queen expressed her concern that she was too sheltered and needed to experience life outside of their world in order to be an effective leader and Cyndi would open the possibility for other Klavorians to go Starfleet Academy.

There were many conversations and Cyndi finally agreed but only if she could go into science, which she had interest in. Cyndi wouldn’t tell her mother this, but she was hoping to be able to see Paul Sanderson once more. Cyndi had never gotten over the feelings she had for him.

Starfleet Academy on Earth: 2380 - 2384

Cyndi's first year at the academy were undeniably challenging. From the moment she stepped foot into her dorm room, she realized that her roommate, Stella Devries, had a completely different lifestyle. Stella was a party enthusiast, always eager to bring people into their dorm and indulge in late-night revelries. It was a stark contrast to Cyndi's more reserved and studious nature.

While Cyndi could have easily complained and used her influence to change the situation, she remembered the wise words of her mother. Her mother had cautioned her about the danger of relying on her privilege and thinking she could simply wave her magic "princess" wand to fix everything. This reminder served as a powerful lesson for Cyndi, prompting her to approach the situation with caution and resilience.

Despite the difficulties, Cyndi managed to survive that challenging firs year. It was a test of her character and resilience, as she navigated through the noise and distractions caused by Stella's partying habits. However, Cyndi's determination did not waver. She knew that in order to create a conducive environment for her studies and personal growth, she needed to make a change.

After much contemplation and self-reflection, Cyndi made the courageous decision to request a change in roommate. It was a bold step towards asserting her needs and boundaries. This decision was not without its own set of challenges, as Cyndi had to navigate the administrative process and face potential backlash. However, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of a more suitable living arrangement.

As the year progressed, Cyndi discovered that her experiences at the academy were teaching her valuable life lessons. She realized how many things she had taken for granted back home, where she had a comfortable and familiar environment. The challenges she faced at the academy forced her to become more independent, self-reliant, and adaptable.

Through the ups and downs, Cyndi gradually transformed into a stronger individual. She learned to navigate unfamiliar situations, make tough decisions, and advocate for herself. The hardships she encountered served as catalysts for personal growth and self-discovery. Cyndi's journey at the academy became an opportunity for her to develop resilience, independence, and a deeper understanding of herself.

In the end, Cyndi's first year at the academy was not only about surviving but thriving. It was a transformative period that shaped her into a more confident and empowered person. She emerged from the challenges with a newfound sense of strength, resilience, and gratitude for the lessons she had learned along the way.

Cyndi's second year at the academy started off more smoothly than she anticipated. Her new roommate, Rachel, shared the same values and work ethic as Cyndi, resulting in a focused and studious environment in their dorm. Parties were not a distraction for them as they both dedicated themselves to their studies.

During the late fall, Cyndi attended a lecture with Rachel and was taken aback when she discovered that the guest speaker was Paul Sanderson. She couldn't ignore the familiar pull she felt towards him, reminiscent of her high school days.

After the lecture, as the students began to disperse, Cyndi mustered the courage to approach Paul and invited him out for coffee. To her surprise, he accepted the invitation, and they spent the night engaged in deep conversation.

Their connection grew stronger, and by Christmas, Cyndi and Paul were exclusively dating. Paul became a pillar of support for Cyndi, as she confided in him about her initial lack of expectations at Starfleet academy, and how her desire to succeed and serve on a starship had evolved.

In early 1982, Cyndi and Paul made the decision to move in together. It seemed impractical to maintain separate homes when they were always staying with each other. They were deeply in love and rarely spent time apart, except when Paul was working and Cyndi was attending classes.

Cyndi managed her studies diligently and effortlessly balanced her homework with spending quality time with Paul. Their evenings were often filled with shared meals of take-out food, intimate moments, and discussions about their future together.

During Cyndi's summer break, Paul took time off from the fleet yards, utilizing his saved vacation days, and they embarked on a memorable journey through Europe. The experience strengthened their bond even further, deepening their commitment to each other.

As their summer adventure came to an end, just before Cyndi was set to begin her third year at the academy, Paul surprised her with a romantic gesture. He proposed to her at a private villa in Italy.

Without hesitation, Cyndi accepted his proposal, knowing in her heart that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. They wanted to wait to marry until after she finished her studies as the academy.

During Cyndi's third year at the academy, she faced her toughest challenges yet. The cadets were assigned to various labs and tasked with solving complex scientific problems. Initially, Cyndi felt discouraged by the difficulty of the tasks. However, with Paul's unwavering support and encouragement, she began to believe in herself and started excelling in her classes.

In March of 2383, Cyndi received the life-changing news that she was pregnant. Both she and Paul had initially planned to wait until after her graduation to get married and start a family.

However, their plans were altered when Cyndi's mother discovered the pregnancy and insisted that they marry immediately. It was important to her that her grandchild was not born out of wedlock.

Though Cyndi objected to the rush, Paul, with his calm demeanor, convinced her that they didn't want to begin their lives together on bad terms with her mother. He reassured Cyndi that they would have the wedding they truly desired in the future, through a renewing of their vows.

The wedding, despite being hastily arranged, became a grand affair with dignitaries from all over attending.

Despite the added responsibilities, Cyndi managed to finish her third year at the top of her class. During her break, she and Paul finally had the opportunity to enjoy a late honeymoon on Risa, a renowned destination known for its relaxation and leisure activities.

It was a well-deserved getaway for the newlyweds, allowing them to savor some quality time together before continuing on their respective paths.

Cyndi's final year at the academy kicked off with a demanding set of classes. In order to graduate, she had to complete four theses. The first one went smoothly for Cyndi, but the second and third proved to be more challenging as she dealt with morning sickness and fatigue at inconvenient times. It felt like she was being pulled in multiple directions, but Paul became her guiding light during this time. He provided coaching and support, ensuring she had remedies for her nausea and opportunities for rest whenever possible.

In early January, their daughter, Piper Lynn Sanderson, was born. The news quickly spread, and the hospital was soon filled with visits from the Klavorian Queen and King, welcoming their grandchild into the world.

Fortunately, the remainder of Cyndi's last year at Starfleet Academy was focused on completing her theses and preparing for her final examinations. Paul had arranged his schedule to be available whenever Cyndi needed to attend classes, taking on the responsibility of caring for their daughter. Despite the Queen's attempts to hire a nanny, Cyndi and Paul were adamant about personally taking care of their own child.

Finally, in 2384, Cyndi graduated from the academy. Both her and Paul's families were present to witness this milestone achievement.

Paul, holding their daughter in his arms, was the first to congratulate Cyndi, filled with pride and joy for her accomplishment. It was a momentous occasion, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives as a family.
Service Record 2384 - 2386

Cyndi Song served on the USS Montague for a total of two years. Initially, she found it challenging as she was assigned menial tasks and felt anxious about not being involved in the bridge operations or making discoveries. However, she quickly realized that in order to earn the respect of the science chief, she needed to work hard and prove herself.

Cyndi actively volunteered whenever there was a need, which helped her gain valuable experience and showcase her dedication. Another factor that contributed to her success was having her husband, Paul, serving on the same ship in the engineering department. Their presence together provided support and motivation for both of them.

Cyndi found it a well worth struggle to balance her career with raising Piper. She and Paul worked as a team and saw that their daughter was cared for by one of them when possible. She was grateful to be there through her younger years and to be a part of every new thing she did as she grew. Having Paul by her side meant everything as he was her soulmate.

Despite the challenges of balancing her role as a science officer with being a wife and mother, Cyndi demonstrated exceptional capability in managing her responsibilities. Her commitment and ability to excel in her duties led to her promotion to Assistant Science Chief after two years of service on the USS Montague.

Following her promotion, Cyndi was transferred to the USS Odessa to continue her career in the science department.

2386 - 2388

In 2386, Cyndi and her husband Paul were transferred to the USS Odessa. Shortly after their arrival, they received the joyful news that Cyndi was expecting their second child. They were delighted to know that their children would be close in age, bringing them even closer as a family.

As Assistant Science Chief on the USS Odessa, Cyndi effortlessly embraced her role and demonstrated exceptional abilities in assisting her chief with various tasks, including scheduling and managing the staff. Her natural aptitude in this position made it seem as though she was born for the role.

On a personal level, Cyndi faced some criticism from her mother, who believed that the children would be safer on Klavir once the new baby was born. The Queen cited the Synth Attack of 2385 as her reasoning for feeling they would be unsafe. However, Cyndi and Paul disagreed with this notion, though they understood how she felt. In early 2387, they welcomed their son, Brent Paul Sanderson, into their family, further solidifying their commitment to raising their children on the USS Odessa.

Cyndi and Paul managed to juggle their schedules efficiently, ensuring that they could take care of their children while fulfilling their duties on the USS Odessa. This arrangement continued until 2388 when an opportunity arose for Cyndi to become the Science Chief on the USS Washington. In the same period, Paul accepted a position as the First Officer on the USS Lincoln.

As Paul would have larger quarters on the USS Lincoln, he took the children with him, providing them a comfortable space to live together. This decision allowed both Cyndi and Paul to pursue their respective careers while still maintaining a loving and supportive environment for their children.

2388 - 2390

Cyndi's talents as a Chief Science Officer on the USS Washington truly shone through as she displayed exceptional leadership and skills. Her contributions were invaluable, especially during a mission where she played a crucial role in rescuing a stranded crew on a planet by utilizing unique scientific tactics.

During another mission, when confronted with an unknown species, Cyndi's expertise proved vital once again. She collaborated with the medical team to uncover the cause of the illness affecting the planet's inhabitants and worked diligently to make the planet habitable for them. Her dedication to both scientific discovery and the well-being of others was evident in her efforts.

However, amidst her professional successes, Cyndi experienced a sense of loneliness in her personal life. Being separated from her husband and children took its toll on her, as she yearned to be present for the precious moments and experiences with her loved ones. While she knew that eventually they would be reunited, she couldn't help but feel the absence and the longing to be more involved in their lives.

Despite the challenges of being apart, Cyndi remained resilient and focused on her responsibilities as a Chief Science Officer. She drew strength from the knowledge that her sacrifices were ultimately for the betterment of her family's future. With this perspective, she continued to excel in her role, confident that the time would come when they would be together again, making cherished memories as a family.

2390 -.2392

In 2390, Cyndi was offered the position of second officer on the USS Windsor, while still serving as the chief science officer. With the support of her husband Paul, she accepted the role. Before boarding the ship, Cyndi cherished the time she spent with Paul and their children, knowing that it would be a while before they would be together again.

Once onboard, Cyndi fully embraced her new role as second officer. She not only excelled at her added duties but also continued to excel in her position as chief science officer. Her dedication and passion for her work were evident, and she quickly gained the respect of her peers and superiors.

During a critical mission, where the captain had been injured and the first officer was held captive by their adversary, Cyndi's leadership abilities shone through. With determination, strength, and diplomacy, she navigated the situation successfully. She managed to secure the release of the first officer and averted a potential battle, showcasing her exceptional problem-solving skills.

Impressed by her performance, Captain Barajas recognized Cyndi's potential and recommended her for XO (Executive Officer) training. Cyndi gladly accepted the opportunity and soon found herself headed to the prestigious command academy. Her journey to the command academy marked a significant milestone in her career, as she prepared to take on even greater responsibilities and challenges.

2393 - XO Training

In the year 2393, Cyndi found herself immersed in the intensive studies at the XO Academy. The demanding curriculum required a significant amount of her time and focus. As she delved deeper into her training, she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for her husband and children. There were moments when she questioned her decision to pursue this path, wondering if she should just leave it all behind and join her family on Klavir.

During these moments of doubt, Cyndi would reach out to her husband Paul for support. He would remind her of the passion she had for her work, emphasizing that she was an invaluable asset to Starfleet. He reassured her that quitting was not in her nature and that she had the strength and determination to overcome any obstacles she faced.

At the end of her time at the XO Academy, Paul orchestrated a heartwarming surprise for Cyndi. He visited her, bringing their children along so that she could spend precious time with them. The joy and love shared between them served as a reminder of why she had embarked on this journey in the first place. It rejuvenated her spirit and rekindled her motivation to continue pursuing her dreams.

The visit from her family provided Cyndi with the much-needed balance between her professional aspirations and personal life. It reinforced the importance of her role as a mother and a wife, while also reaffirming her dedication to her career in Starfleet.

With renewed determination and the support of her loved ones, Cyndi was ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities with a sense of purpose. She knew that her journey was not just for herself but also for the betterment of Starfleet and the greater good. The visit from her family served as a reminder of the love and support she had, empowering her to move forward with confidence and determination.

2394 - 2396

After leaving her family with their unwavering support, Cyndi embarked on a new chapter in her career as the first officer on the USS Lexington. It was during her time on the ship that she discovered a kindred spirit in Captain Niccorina Rossi. They shared not only a strong professional bond but also a deep connection on a personal level.

Their command dynamic was exceptional, leading them to be recognized as one of the most effective and accomplished teams in the entire fleet. The crew of the USS Lexington admired and respected their leadership, as they consistently demonstrated a remarkable ability to navigate challenging situations with skill and determination.

Cyndi and Captain Rossi often found themselves assigned to missions that pushed the boundaries and tested their capabilities.

These assignments were not easy, but they embraced each challenge with unwavering dedication and commitment.

While they experienced many successes, there were also a few instances where their best efforts did not yield the desired outcome. However, their resilience and the respect they commanded from their crew remained unshaken.

There were a couple times during serving on the Lexington that they stopped at Paul’s Starbase. Cyndi treasured being able to spend time with Piper, Brent and her husband.

The crew of the USS Lexington drew inspiration from Cyndi and Captain Rossi's unwavering work ethic and their ability to lead by example. They witnessed firsthand the unwavering commitment and passion that Cyndi and Captain Rossi brought to their roles, which in turn motivated the crew to give their all in every endeavor.

Despite the difficulties they faced, Cyndi and Captain Rossi's leadership and teamwork ensured that the USS Lexington continued to thrive and excel. Their ability to handle complex and demanding situations, combined with the unwavering support of their crew, allowed them to overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success.

Cyndi's journey as the first officer on the USS Lexington was a testament to her resilience, dedication, and the strong bond she shared with Captain Rossi. Together, they created an environment where their crew felt valued and empowered, resulting in a ship that consistently performed at the highest level.

2397 Command Training

In 2397, Cyndi received a recommendation from Captain Rossi to attend the Command Academy. Excitement and a tinge of sadness filled her as she embarked on this new journey. With unwavering determination, Cyndi dedicated herself to her studies and excelled in her classes, all while maintaining close contact with her husband and children.

However, just as Cyndi had completed her classes, she received the news that her husband, Paul, had been injured and would require medical leave. Initially, Cyndi had considered resigning from Starfleet to support and care for him, as well as be there for their children. But to her surprise and joy, Paul decided to join her on her new assignment aboard the USS Amandora.

2497 - Current

With Paul by her side, Cyndi embraced her new command with enthusiasm, knowing that she had been given an excellent crew on the USS Amandora.

. She was grateful to have her family with her, not only to support Paul in his recovery but also to benefit from his invaluable advice and years of experience. Cyndi made certain she had time for her husband and children balancing her command wel.

Over the course of the two years that Paul and the children were on the ship, their familial bond grew stronger. However, as Paul started to feel restless, it was Cyndi who suggested that he consider the position of command officer at Starbase Danvers. This decision would allow them to spend more time together since the USS Amandora would operate out of that base.

With pride, Cyndi now serves as the captain of the USS Amandora, eagerly anticipating the missions that lie ahead. She is not only dedicated to her duties as a Starfleet officer but also cherishes the promise of quality family time.

The journey she has embarked upon, both professionally and personally, fills her with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.