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Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 2:31pm

Piper Sanderson

Name Piper Lynn Sanderson

Position Family Member

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human/Klavorian
Age 16

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 110
Hair Color red
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Piper Sanderson is a 16-year-old girl with a striking appearance. She has long, vibrant red hair that cascades down her back, drawing attention wherever she goes.

Her sparkling blue eyes captivate those who meet her, reflecting a sense of curiosity and intelligence.

Piper possesses a slender figure, exuding grace and elegance in her movements.

Despite her youthful charm, she has chosen not to adorn herself with piercings or tattoos, allowing her natural beauty to shine through.


Spouse none
Children NONE
Father Paul Sanderson
Mother Cyndi Song
Brother(s) Brent (13)
Sister(s) none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Piper is a friendly and outgoing individual who enjoys being around others and making new connections. She has a natural ability to engage with people and is often described as warm and approachable. Piper's friendly nature allows her to easily form friendships and build strong relationships with those around her.
Furthermore, Piper possesses a strong personality that is characterized by her determination and stubbornness. When she sets her mind to something, she is relentless in pursuing her goals and is not easily swayed by others' opinions. Piper's strong-willed nature empowers her to overcome obstacles and stay committed to her beliefs and values.
However, one aspect of Piper's personality is her tendency to hold things inside instead of openly expressing her thoughts and emotions. She may find it challenging to open up about her feelings or seek support from others. This characteristic may stem from a desire to maintain independence or a fear of vulnerability. It is important for Piper to recognize the value of communication and develop healthy ways to express herself and address any internal struggles she may face.
Strengths & Weaknesses 1. Resilience: Growing up in a Starfleet environment can be challenging, with constant changes and uncertainties. Piper's ability to adapt and bounce back from setbacks demonstrates her resilience and determination to thrive in any situation.

2. Strong Work Ethic: Piper understands the importance of hard work and consistently puts in the effort required to excel academically. Her commitment to her studies and dedication to achieving good grades showcases her strong work ethic.

3. Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: Piper's exposure to a diverse and dynamic environment on the Starbase fuels her curiosity. She actively seeks out knowledge, engages in intellectual discussions, and demonstrates a genuine eagerness to learn about various subjects.

4. Multicultural Awareness: Living on a Starbase exposes Piper to people from different cultures, backgrounds, and even species. This experience provides her with a unique perspective and fosters an understanding and appreciation for diversity.
5. Strong Support System: Having her parents serve in Starfleet provides Piper with a strong support system. This support, combined with the resources available on the Starbase, enables her to seek guidance, mentorship, and opportunities for personal and academic development.
1. Social Adjustment: Living in a Starfleet environment could mean frequent moves and exposure to diverse cultures. This constant change may make it challenging for Piper to establish long-lasting friendships or feel a sense of belonging.

2. Time Management: With the dynamic nature of life on a Starbase, Piper may face numerous responsibilities and activities that require effective time management. Balancing school, extracurriculars, and personal commitments might be a weakness she needs to address.

3. Academic Pressure: The high expectations and competitive nature of education on a Starbase could create additional academic pressure for Piper. Striving for excellence while dealing with the demands of her unique environment may be a challenge she needs to navigate.

4. Limited Independence: As a teenager living in a Starfleet environment, Piper may have limited opportunities for independent decision-making and exploration. This lack of autonomy might hinder her personal growth and self-discovery.
Ambitions Piper Sanderson is a dedicated and ambitious student, driven by her passion for learning and personal growth. Her primary ambition is to excel academically and achieve outstanding grades throughout her high school education. Piper understands the importance of these grades as they will play a crucial role in determining her acceptance into the future studies of her choice.

With her unwavering commitment to her studies, Piper aims to broaden her knowledge and explore various fields of interest. She aspires to be accepted into prestigious universities or specialized programs that align with her career aspirations. Whether it be pursuing a degree in medicine, engineering, or the arts, Piper is motivated to work diligently to ensure she has the opportunity to pursue her desired path after high school.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Piper also harbors ambitions to make a positive impact on the universe.

She envisions using her education and skills to contribute to society and make a difference in the lives of others. Piper understands that education is not only a means to achieve personal success but also a powerful tool to bring about positive change.

In summary, Piper's ambitions center around her dedication to academic excellence, securing acceptance into her desired studies after high school, and using her education to make a meaningful impact on the world.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Stargazing: Living on a Starbase provides a unique opportunity to observe the vastness of space. Engaging in stargazing can be a fascinating hobby, where she can learn about different constellations, planets, and celestial phenomena.

2. Robotics and Engineering: With advanced technology on a Starbase, she may develop an interest in robotics and engineering. She can explore building and programming robots, experimenting with different designs, and participating in engineering challenges.

3. Virtual Reality Gaming: On a Starbase, virtual reality gaming experiences may be readily available. She can immerse herself in virtual worlds, compete in multiplayer games, and engage in virtual reality simulations.

4. Zero-Gravity Sports: Living in space offers the opportunity for unique sports experiences. She might enjoy participating in zero-gravity sports like space basketball, zero-gravity acrobatics, or even inventing her own zero-gravity sport.

5. Space Exploration Literature: Reading books and novels about space exploration, science fiction, and futuristic societies can be a captivating hobby. She can dive into the imaginative worlds created by authors and explore different perspectives on space travel and colonization.

Personal History Date of Birth: 1/10/2384

Piper's journey began on Earth, where her father worked at the shipyards and her mother was completing her final year at the academy. During her early years, Piper had the privilege of living on a starship alongside both of her parents. However, as time went on and her parents pursued separate paths, Piper and her brother Brent found themselves living with their father.

Despite the physical distance, Piper held onto cherished memories of her mother's visits whenever they could reunite. These precious moments were often accompanied by trips to both her maternal and paternal grandparents' homes, providing Piper with a sense of connection to her extended family.

Piper's family background carries a significant weight of responsibility and destiny. Her mother, a Klavorian, holds the esteemed position of the future queen of Klavir, a planet of great importance. Piper is well aware that her family will eventually settle on Klavir, where her mother will step down from her royal position, paving the way for Piper to assume the role of queen.

Being the oldest child, Piper bears the weight of expectation to inherit the mantle of leadership from her mother. The role of queen comes with immense responsibilities and challenges, requiring strong leadership qualities and a deep understanding of the Klavorian culture and traditions. Recognizing the magnitude of her future role, Piper has already begun her training, preparing herself mentally, emotionally, and intellectually to take on the duties and responsibilities that come with being the queen of Klavir.

Piper's journey towards becoming the future queen is marked by dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to honor the legacy of her mother and the Klavorian people. As she embraces her destiny, Piper will not only carry on the traditions of her family but also shape the future of Klavir with her own unique vision and leadership.

Life in space became a source of great joy for Piper. Whether it was residing on a starship or a Starbase, she embraced the adventure and wonder of the cosmos. However, tragedy struck when her father sustained a severe injury while on a mission. Piper had never felt such fear before, desperately wishing for her parents to abandon their spacefaring lives and settle on Earth with her father's parents. Despite her hopes, they made the decision to accompany their mother on the USS Amandora while their father recovered.

Two years later, while Piper and her brother were visiting Klavir, their mother's ship met a devastating fate. Fortunately, their parents happened to be there at the time, awaiting a new ship for their mother. The incident must have left a lasting impact on Piper, a reminder of the fragility and dangers of life in space.

News of her father's appointment as the commanding officer of Starbase Danvers brought a mix of emotions for Piper. Happiness mingled with a tinge of apprehension as she contemplated the responsibilities and uncertainties that lay ahead. Nevertheless, she found solace in learning that her mother would be serving at the same station, as it meant that they would have more opportunities for cherished family time together.

In the face of both joy and adversity, Piper's love for her family and her passion for space continued to shape her journey. Each experience further molded her character and resilience, reminding her of the importance of treasuring the moments shared with loved ones amidst the vastness of the universe.