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Fri Sep 20th, 2024 @ 12:34am

Lieutenant Commander Grace Parker

Name Grace Emma Parker

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 120
Hair Color brown
Eye Color hazel
Physical Description Emma stands tall and exudes an air of confidence with her well-built physique. Her height commands attention, making her a presence that is hard to miss in a crowd. Her strong and toned figure is a testament to her dedication to a healthy lifestyle, reflecting her commitment to taking care of herself.

One of Emma's most captivating features is her pair of hazel eyes. They are truly windows to her soul, as they express a wide range of emotions with just a glance. Whether they are sparkling with joy, filled with determination, or reflecting profound thoughtfulness, her eyes have a way of drawing people in and making them feel seen and understood.
Flowing down to her shoulders, Emma's brown hair adds a touch of warmth and sophistication to her overall appearance.

The rich, chestnut hue of her locks enhances her natural beauty, framing her face with softness and framing her expressive eyes. With its shoulder-length style, her hair is versatile and can be styled in various ways to suit any occasion, whether it's a casual day out or a formal event.

Emma's physical attributes, from her tall and well-built figure to her expressive hazel eyes and shoulder-length brown hair, come together to create a striking and memorable presence. Her confidence and natural beauty radiate from within, making her an individual who effortlessly captivates those around her.


Children Marcus-10
Father Allen
Mother Marjorie
Brother(s) 1.Elijah
2. Hosea
3. Jermiah
4. Charles
Sister(s) none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Emma is a friendly and outgoing individual who possesses excellent conversational skills. She genuinely enjoys spending time with others and has a natural ability to connect with people on various levels. Her warm and approachable nature makes it easy for her to make friends and establish new relationships.

However, Emma is selective about who she truly opens up to. While she may have a wide social circle, she maintains a small circle of close friends with whom she shares her personal feelings and emotions. She values deep connections and prefers to keep her innermost thoughts reserved for those she trusts the most.

In a professional setting, Emma is highly adaptable and knows how to compartmentalize her emotions. She has the ability to shut off her feelings when necessary, allowing her to stay focused and make rational decisions. This can sometimes make it difficult for others to read her reactions or gauge her true feelings, as she remains composed even in challenging situations.

Overall, Emma's friendly and outgoing nature, coupled with her ability to switch off her emotions when required, make her an excellent conversationalist and a reliable individual both in personal and professional settings.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

1. Tactical Expertise: A security chief in Star Trek possesses a deep understanding of tactical operations and combat strategies, allowing them to effectively respond to any threat or emergency situation.

2. Leadership Skills: They have the ability to lead and inspire their team, making quick decisions under pressure while maintaining a calm and authoritative presence.

3. Physical Fitness: A security chief is physically fit and possesses exceptional strength, agility, and endurance, which enables them to handle physical confrontations and perform demanding tasks.

4. Problem-Solving Abilities: A security chief possesses excellent problem-solving skills, analyzing complex situations and devising efficient strategies to overcome challenges and ensure the safety of the crew.

5. Communication Skills: A security chief excels in communication, effectively conveying instructions and information to their team members and other departments, enabling seamless coordination during critical operations.


1. Getting Caught in Details: A security chief who gets caught up in minor details may lose sight of the bigger picture. This can lead to delayed decision-making, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities to address critical security issues.

2. Overconfidence: Overconfidence can blind a security chief to potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in their security protocols. It may lead to complacency, inadequate risk assessment, and a false sense of security, leaving the ship susceptible to security breaches.

3. Reluctance to Delegate: A security chief who insists on doing everything herself may become overwhelmed and fail to effectively utilize the skills and expertise of her team. This can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and missed opportunities to leverage the collective knowledge and resources of the security team.

4. Micromanagement: A security chief who micromanages her team may stifle creativity, hinder autonomy, and create a culture of dependency. This can result in decreased morale, limited growth opportunities for team members, and an inability to respond quickly and efficiently to security incidents.
Ambitions 1. To ensure the safety and security of the starship and its crew members at all times.

2. To develop and implement effective security protocols and procedures to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information.

3. To lead and train a highly skilled security team, fostering a culture of professionalism, discipline, and teamwork.

4. To stay updated on the latest advancements in security technology and techniques, constantly improving the starship's defense capabilities.

5. To establish strong relationships with other departments and officers, promoting collaboration and effective communication.

6. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, prioritizing her family and finding ways to be present and supportive despite the demands of her position.

7. To serve as a role model for other women in Starfleet, inspiring them to pursue leadership positions and excel in their careers.

8. To continuously seek personal and professional growth, taking advantage of training opportunities and seeking mentorship from experienced officers.

9. To contribute to the overall success of the starship through active participation in strategic planning and decision-making processes.

10. To create a safe and inclusive environment onboard the starship, where all crew members feel valued, respected, and supported.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Camping and Hiking: Exploring the great outdoors can be a great way for a security chief to unwind and enjoy nature. It also helps with building endurance and problem-solving skills.

2. Game Night with Family: Spending quality time with family is important, and a game night can be a fun way to bond and relax. It can also help improve critical thinking and strategic skills.

3. Exercise: Staying physically fit is crucial for a security chief, as it helps maintain stamina and mental alertness. Engaging in regular exercise activities such as running, swimming, or weightlifting can be beneficial.

4. Keeping up on Security Techniques: As a security chief, it is essential to stay updated with the latest security techniques and trends. This hobby can involve reading security publications, attending conferences or seminars, and networking with other professionals in the field.

5. Reading: A fan of mystery and thrillers she loves nothing more than to get caught up in an intriguing novel, engrossed in the story.

Personal History The Early Years

Emma, born on November 2, 2463, had a wonderful childhood as the youngest of five siblings and the only girl. Growing up with four brothers, she naturally developed a tomboyish nature that defined her early years until she reached the end of grade school.

From a young age, Emma enthusiastically joined her brothers in their adventures, whether it was climbing trees, playing sports, or exploring the neighborhood. She loved the thrill of competition and was never afraid to get her hands dirty. Emma's brothers became her best friends and mentors, teaching her valuable life lessons about resilience, teamwork, and perseverance.

As she progressed through grade school, Emma's love for learning blossomed. She excelled academically, always eager to absorb knowledge and challenge herself. Despite her tomboyish nature, she also developed strong friendships with her classmates, who admired her for her kindness, compassion, and willingness to lend a helping hand.

Outside of school, Emma's family enjoyed spending time together. They often embarked on camping trips and nature hikes, where she discovered a deep appreciation for the great outdoors. These experiences allowed her to develop a sense of adventure and a strong connection to nature, which would continue to shape her interests as she grew older.

Emma was a vibrant and curious individual who, during her middle school years, embarked on a journey of self-discovery. It was during this time that she began to explore and embrace her feminine side, thanks to the support and guidance of her newfound friend, Julia Daniels. Together, they delved into the world of makeup, learning how to enhance their natural beauty and express themselves through various styles and trends.

Emma quickly discovered a love for styling her hair, experimenting with different cuts, colors, and accessories. She also developed a knack for choosing the perfect outfit, confidently donning dresses and showcasing her unique fashion sense. However, despite her growing fondness for all things feminine, Emma remained true to her own sense of comfort and individuality.

While she enjoyed feeling pretty and expressing herself through fashion, Emma never lost sight of her own unique preferences. She found solace and contentment in the simplicity of a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, paired with comfortable sneakers. This combination not only allowed her to move freely but also captured her authentic self.

Emma's interests and passions were not confined to just one aspect of her identity. She discovered a love for fishing, finding solace and tranquility in the serene waters and the thrill of reeling in a catch. At the same time, she also developed a passion for dancing, where she could express herself through movement and rhythm.

Throughout her middle school years, Emma embraced the best of both worlds. She effortlessly blended her feminine side with her love for outdoor activities and her unique sense of style. Emma's journey of self-discovery taught her the importance of being true to herself, regardless of societal expectations.

Emma's journey began as she entered high school with a clear goal in mind - to attend the Academy. While unsure of which field to pursue, Emma conducted thorough research and ultimately chose the field of security. Thankfully, her brothers and father were incredibly supportive of her decision and wasted no time in helping her kickstart her physical training to get ahead.

During her junior year, Emma found herself falling head over heels for Edward Douglas, her first crush. They spent a significant amount of time together, and unfortunately, Emma's grades began to suffer as a result. However, Emma's father had always emphasized the importance of giving one's best in school, and this was something Emma couldn't ignore.

Realizing that her academic performance was jeopardizing her chances of getting into the Academy, Emma decided to prioritize her studies. She made the difficult decision to limit her dating and social life, much to Edward's dismay. Despite his protests, Emma remained firm in her commitment to her future and education. In a heated discussion, Edward presented her with an ultimatum - to choose between him or being serious about school.

Recognizing that they had different aspirations in life, Emma understood that it was necessary to part ways with Edward. She broke up with him as best she could, knowing that she needed to put all her focus into achieving her goals. Emma made a promise to herself not to date or get involved in serious relationships until she had accomplished what she set out to achieve. With unwavering determination, Emma set out on her path to success, ready to overcome any challenges that came her way.

At the end of her senior year, Emma graduated and scored high enough to be accepted at the Academy. She was excited to head there and receive her training. She had watched as her four brothers each left home for their own career and was anxious to start her own.

Service Record
Starfleet Academy

Freshman Academy: 2382 - 2483

Emma Miller, a young and ambitious individual, felt a mix of excitement and nervousness when she received an offer to attend the prestigious academy on Betazed. The opportunity to embark on a new adventure and contribute to the rebuilding efforts after the devastating Dominion War filled her with a sense of purpose. Though she had heard numerous stories about Betazed throughout her life, the war had never directly impacted her existence until now.

Determined to make the most of her time at the academy, Emma dove headfirst into her classes. She approached her studies with unwavering dedication, channeling all her energy into achieving top grades. Emma's strong work ethic and laser focus became her trademark as she strived to excel in every subject.

During her freshman year, Emma crossed paths with Benjamin Parker, a fellow student who was pursuing a career as a flight control officer. Emma was immediately drawn to Benjamin's studious nature and admired his commitment to his academic pursuits. They quickly formed a close friendship, spending countless hours together, studying and supporting each other along the way.

Initially, Emma considered Benjamin as nothing more than a safe and reliable friend. However, as they spent more time together, she couldn't ignore the growing feelings of attraction she had developed for him. Emma found herself torn between her desire to explore a romantic relationship and her promise to focus solely on her career. Ultimately, she made the decision to suppress her romantic inclinations, cherishing their deep friendship instead.

Emma put her focus into her school work and trained with Benjamin. She looked forward to their studying as well. It kept her mind on her studies where she needed them to be. Emma did struggle at times, her thoughts would wander, wondering what would happen if they ever dared but she would push it away, knowing their careers were important to both of them.

Sophomore Year: (2383-2384)

Emma had always been a studious and ambitious student. She spent the summer between her freshman and sophomore year engrossed in books, seeking solace and security among the Betazed people. It was during this time that she met Benjamin, a kind and intelligent young man who shared her passion for knowledge.

Recognizing the undeniable connection between them, Emma decided to set boundaries in order to keep their relationship strictly platonic. She believed it was important to prioritize their friendship above all else. They agreed to limit their interactions to once a week, but it wasn't long before they found themselves talking every other day.

Emma discovered that Benjamin's conversations had a profound impact on her. He had a way of understanding her thoughts and emotions in ways she couldn't explain. His words provided her with a sense of comfort and clarity that she had never experienced before.

As they returned for their sophomore year, Emma found herself conflicted by her own feelings. She couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards Benjamin, but she wasn't ready to take a chance on him. The memories of a failed relationship in high school lingered in her mind, making her both scared and wary of starting something new.

Despite her reservations, Emma and Benjamin continued to support each other throughout their sophomore year. Benjamin's guidance and assistance in her studies proved to be invaluable, and Emma was pleased to receive high marks in her tests. Their friendship strengthened as they worked together towards their academic goals.

As the year progressed, Emma began to realize that her fears were holding her back from happiness. She saw how Benjamin's presence in her life brought joy and stability. Their shared experiences and moments of laughter made her realize that she didn't want to let fear dictate her choices anymore.

With newfound courage, Emma decided to
take a chance on Benjamin. She opened up to him about her feelings, and to her delight, he reciprocated. Their bond deepened, and they navigated the complexities of a romantic relationship while still valuing their friendship.

Both Emma and Benjamin successfully completed their sophomore year, not only academically but also emotionally. They learned the importance of setting boundaries, taking risks, and trusting in the power of their connection. As they looked towards the future, they were excited to continue supporting each other's dreams and aspirations, knowing that they had found something truly special in their friendship-turned-romance.

Junior Year (2384-2385)

Write Emma’s junior year at Starfleet Academy. She spent the summer on the USS Avenza with Benjamin. Almost right away his parents encouraged them to date. Emma felt like everyone around them thought they belonged together. The summer worked out out well for them as his parents made certain they were scheduled together. Emma really enjoyed this time away from their studies at the academy, in a different setting. A sliver of hope.

The along came Cindy Baker, who was interested in Benjamin. Emma wasn’t quite certain how Benjamin felt but she knew there and then that she didn’t want him with anyone else. After a heart or heart discussion, they agreed to go on a date, to see what was between them. Emma would never forget that first date, while on holiday, they visited Risa on the holodeck. From the first kiss, Emma knew Benjamin was someone important to her and the two of them started dating at the beginning of their junior year.

As their junior year progressed, Emma’s fears all went away. She realized that Benjamin was nothing like her former boyfriend, he supported and believed in her career. They had become exclusive and still, both of them were doing very well. Even when they took a break from their studies to spend some time together as a couple.

Emma was surprised at how many of their friends commented on what a good couple they made and how surprised they were in took so long for them to end up together. Emma felt like they had it all things were going perfectly. They finished off their year and headed to their senior year.

Senior Year: (2385-2386)

Emma's senior year was filled with both excitement and unexpected challenges. She had envisioned a year filled with shared experiences and adventures with Benjamin on the USS Avenza. However, fate had a different plan, and Benjamin was reassigned to the USS Tokyo at the last moment.

Despite the sudden change, Emma remained resilient. She turned her focus towards her academic pursuits, determined to excel in her studies. She knew that in Starfleet, unexpected separations were a possibility, and she had mentally prepared herself for such situations.

While working hard to finish her year, Emma made sure to keep in touch with Benjamin. Their calls became a lifeline, a way to bridge the physical distance between them. She cherished every moment they had together, even if it was through a screen. Their conversations were filled with love, support, and encouragement, reminding each other of their shared goals and dreams.

Emma's love for Benjamin only grew stronger during this challenging time. She knew that their dedication to their fields and to each other would propel them forward. They found solace in their shared determination, using it as fuel to progress rapidly in their respective roles within Starfleet.

As Emma navigated her senior year, she learned valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the power of love. She understood that life doesn't always go according to plan, but with unwavering commitment, she was confident that she and Benjamin would find a way to overcome any obstacle that stood in their path.

Service History

USS Bellerophon-A (2386-2390)

Emma's joy knew no bounds when she discovered that she and Benjamin were both assigned to the USS Bellerophon A. Their careers flourished side by side, and their love for each other grew deeper with each passing day. As the year drew to a close, Benjamin surprised Emma on December 15, 2386, with a beautiful engagement ring. It symbolized the strength of their relationship and the closeness they shared.

The following year, in 2387, Emma and Benjamin exchanged vows in a heartfelt ceremony surrounded by their loved ones. Emma was grateful that their families got along so well, despite her lively and sometimes overbearing four brothers. She eagerly anticipated the life they would build together. Benjamin further surprised her with a honeymoon on the exotic planet of Risa, creating cherished memories as they celebrated their new union.

Returning to their duties on the ship, Emma dedicated herself to her role in security. However, in 2389, she received the wonderful news that she was expecting their first child. Emma and Benjamin had numerous discussions about their future, and they both agreed that they wanted Emma to take two years off to care for their precious baby while Benjamin continued to advance his career.

On July 2nd, 2390, Marcus Benjamin Parker came into the world, bringing immense joy to Emma and Benjamin's lives. Emma understood that not everyone would comprehend her decision to take a leave of absence, but she was grateful for the opportunity to be present for every milestone and experience in Marcus's early years. These were precious moments that she knew she could never get back, and she was determined to savor every second of motherhood.

Emma proudly watched as her husbands career flourished. He was quickly making a name for himself and the missions he went on showed what a good officer he was. Instead of being jealous or feeling like she was missing out, she was happy for him and knew that as much as she wanted a career her time with Marcus was worth more.

USS Bataan (2392-2495)

With Benjamin’s transfer to the USS Bataan, Emma returned to security. She found it difficult at first, but it was like riding a bike and she was soon acclimated back into things. Emma worked hard at security and doing the best job she could. It was an adjustment being away from Marcus but she hadn’t realized how much she missed being a part of the ships crew until now. She would always treasure those years and would do it over again but she was also glad to be serving once more.

Emma continued to support Benjamin as his career was on the move. She knew that choosing to take their years off and had sacrificed her ability to promote up within security but her focus was more on Benjamin’s and keeping their family together. It was the one thing that was important to them.

When Benjamin went on away missions, they made certain to find ways to keep in contact so that Marcus knew his father was there.

In 2395, Emma gave birth to Ivy May Parker. Once again, she took time off to spend with her newborn daughter. It was more of a juggle this time with Benjamin’s career flourishing but they provided a nurturing and loving environment for both Ivy and Marcus.

USS Red Hawk (2497-2399)

Emma's excitement grew as they boarded the USS Red Hawk, where Benjamin had been promoted to second officer. She couldn't help but feel immensely proud of his accomplishments. Emma, still on a leave of absence, spent the first year on board, enjoying her time with their two-year-old daughter Ivy. However, when a position opened up in the security department in 2397, Emma eagerly accepted the opportunity to return to work.

Balancing her work and home life came naturally to Emma. She was determined to further her career and proved her qualifications through hard work and dedication. Although she didn't hold high hopes for advancement, knowing that the chief of security and his assistant were well-established, Emma persevered without any regrets. She understood that her previous leaves of absence might have affected her career progression, but she remained focused on doing her best.

In 2399, when Benjamin was selected to attend the XO Academy, Emma made the decision to remain on the USS Red Hawk. She had just been promoted to Assistant Security Chief and had attained the rank of Lieutenant. Benjamin served as a source of inspiration for her, as he successfully balanced his role as a full-time partner and his commitment to Starfleet. Despite the distance, they kept in close touch during Benjamin's time at the academy, with their children eagerly looking forward to their father's calls.

When Benjamin completed his training and returned, it felt as if he had never left. Both Emma and Benjamin's careers continued to progress, and in 2400, Benjamin accepted the position of first officer on the USS Amandora. To Emma's surprise and delight, she was promoted and transferred to the Amandora as the chief security officer. It was a testament to her skills and dedication that she was entrusted with such a significant role. Emma embraced the new challenge and looked forward to the next chapter of their lives together aboard the USS Amandora.