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  • 1 Personal Logs

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Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 5:21pm

Captain Virgil Ferguson

Name Virgil Antoine Ferguson

Position Group Commander

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 1,78 Cm
Weight 120 KG
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description He is fit, has a scar on the left cheek from the dominion wars where he served as a wing commander onboard the USS Tirpitz.


Spouse Elaine Ferguson (KIA)
Children Sarah Ferguson (KIA)
Virgil Ferguson Jr. (Being Raced by His Parents on Earth)
Father Obadiah Ferguson
Mother Drusilla Ferguson
Brother(s) Malachi Ferguson (42 yo)
Adonijah Ferguson (17 yo)
Sister(s) Iscah Burton (35 yo)

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is steady in combat and in a normal fight, he has been given de baptism of fire douring the dominion wars, he loves to be a marine and to pilot a fighter.
Strengths & Weaknesses His strengths and weaknesses are prety much the same his reliability and his stubbornness in the field
Ambitions Atain Flag Level
Hobbies & Interests He loves to Fence, he even got a gold medal in the olimpics where he competed once.
He aso likes to construct wooden small crafts and to sail them in a lake near his family home in Lake Tahoe

Personal History He is the third son of Obadiah and Drusilla Ferguson, a couple of preachers in what used to be the state of nevada in the old US.

He is a quiet child and has been almost on his own all his life.

He has been distinguished on many times, and as he was offered the position of Group Commander in the amandora. He accepted with enthusiasm, he belives that a new sip brings a lot of new options.

He loves being embarked and to train his Air Group to keep their instincts at the top level.
Service Record Ill do it later.