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Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 3:27pm

Lieutenant William Wright

Name William Wright III

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, physically fit, well groomed, and clean shaven at all times. Also sports a Star Fleet insignia tattooed on his right forearm.


Spouse None
Children None he'll admit to.
Father William Wright II: Head of Operations; Star Fleet Command.
Mother Elizabeth Micheals-Wright
Brother(s) Elias Wright: First Officer; USS Cordelia.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gets along well with others and respects those he works along side; be it in Operations or another department. Treats everyone equally regardless of their rank. Doesn’t take himself too seriously and likes to have fun.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Great followthrough and sees jobs through to completion. Never too busy to listen to a fellow shipmate and isn’t overly concerned about his rank.

W: Tries to live up to his Father’s expectations, or what he perceives them to be, putting more stress on himself than necessary.
Ambitions To shed the shadow of his Father and become his own man while becoming the best version of himself.
Hobbies & Interests H: Outdoor physical activities be it planet side or in a Holodeck.

I: Music of all kinds and romantic dinners with beautiful women.

Personal History Born in 2361 to Commodore William Wright II and Elizabeth Micheals-Wright in San Diego California, planet Earth. William, or Will as he’s known to his friends, was the second child born to the couple with Elias being the first two years prior.

Will grew up mainly under his Mother’s influence since his Father was away at Star Fleet Headquarters in San Fransisco carving out a career for himself. When he was home most of his attention was focused on his older brother and not on Will, which he questioned his mother about from time to time.

By the time Will was in his teen years he possessed the knack of organizing different events at school able to work with just about anyone who was willing.

He excelled in school to earn his father’s favor but to no avail. By the time he was seventeen he had decided a career in Star Fleet was where he wanted to be. With his skillset Will decided on a career in Operations since it required working with multiple departments, which he felt he was well suited for. Informing his parents, his mother supported him in his decision but his father was clearly opposed siting that William, in his opinion, wasn’t man enough to make a good Officer. Will was determined to to prove his father wrong no matter what it took.
Service Record 2379 - 2383: Attended Star Fleet Academy majored in Operations.

2383 - 2389: Assigned to the USS Nemitz in Operations; Ensign.

2389 - 2396: Transferred; USS Saratoga as ACO; Lieutenant J.G.

2396 - 2400: Transferred; USS Amandora; Chief of Operations.