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Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 3:38am
Lieutenant JG Troy Grainger
Name Troy L Grainger
Position Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 45 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5-11 | |
Weight | 200 | |
Hair Color | Blond /Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Grainger Is in great shape. His travel around the world and hiking keeps him that way. He is a good-looking guy and in his San Fransico California home he has to keep dodging the ladies. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None |
Father | Nolan Grainger - Passed Away | |
Mother | Katie Grainger | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Sister(s) | None | |
Other Family | N/A |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Grainger is a Happy go Lucky kind of guy. He Loves his home at San Fransico California, He goes out on a lot of dates but doesn’t have a current girlfriend. His real passion is going on trips around the World and sometimes to other planets looking for rare rocks, minerals, and crystals. He gets excited showing off his most recent samples | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Grainger is a go to guy if you need something done. He would be through and done in time if not sooner. He tends to be distracted easily at times unless he is on a serious project. He is loyal to a fault and someone who you would want to be on your team | |
Ambitions | Someday Grainger wants to make the discovery of the century. Call it a treasure hunt for the best-looking crystal sample in the World or even the Federation. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Safe to say his hobbies and ambitions are the same thing. |
Personal History | Grainger still lives at his mother’s house in the San Fransisco Bay, California area. He has everything he wants just a short distance away. Mountains, Pacific Ocean, Desert, and beautiful Forests. As a kid Grainger was everywhere exploring which made his parents upset because they never knew where he was. His mother is doing fine but his Father died early in life due to cancer. After joining Starfleet, he still wanted to explore and look for some of the best rock, mineral, and crystals samples around. He is a good-looking guy which meant that first girls and then women were all over him. Even with all that attention he doesn’t have a current girlfriend. He took a liking to right away when he met Smithers. Their science skills went together well. When Smithers married Cathline Grainger was his best man. As time went on their bond grew and it was hard to find one without the other. When both left Starfleet for a much-needed break Grainger was amazed as to how much Smithers kids had grown up. Smithers’ son Lewis was a Shuttle refit and repair person. He helped restore the Runabout USS Marquette which Smithers bought a while ago. Smithers’ other child was like Grainger himself an explorer. The difference is that Jennifer went to college to get a Science degree in Botany. With a working shuttlecraft Grainger tagged along or asked to go on adventures. Most of the time Jennifer came with them. She affectionately called Grainger Uncle Grainer. |
Service Record | Starfleet Academy USS Aurora (NCC-72414 - Nova class starship) – Chief Petty Officer – Transporter Chief USS Prometheus (NCC-71201 - Nebula-class starship) - Promoted to Ensign - Science Officer USS Amandora (NCC-73174 - Vesta class starship) - Promoted to Lieutenant JG – Assistant Chief Science Officer Rejoined the USS Amandora where he now serves as a Science Officer |