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Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 8:12pm

Lieutenant JG Tabatha O'Neil

Name Tabatha L. O'Neil

Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill / Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tabatha is fairly tall, very fit and has a well toned body along with long auburn hair, brown eyes, and Trill markings going down both sides of her body.


Spouse None
Father Harrison O’Neil
Mother Samantha Bon-O’Neil
Sister(s) Stephanie O’Neil

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tabatha is fairly easy going; leaning more into her Trill side than the Irish human side. She likes to be around people and goes out of her way to make others comfortable. She also likes to have some fun to help maintain some balance in her life.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Tabatha takes her duties very seriously, is well organized, and has a photographic memory. Not shy about helping others; especially if someone asks for help. She also appears to be very intelligent due to her memory; but she doesn’t let it define her.

W:Comes off as a flirt sometimes due to her appearance, toned body, auburn hair, and general good looks; although she doesn't intend for that to happen but she does like the attention.
Ambitions To rise in rank as time progresses, without it defining who she is, and be proficient in her duties.
Hobbies & Interests H: Likes an assortment of outdoor activities be it planet side or in the Holo Deck to keep herself physically fit.

I: Anything that has to do with computers and also loves 20th century Earth music.

Personal History Tabatha was born in 2370 just outside of San Fransisco, California on planet Earth to Harrison and Samantha O’Neil. Her father taught at Star Fleet Academy in the Computer Sciences while her mother taught Linguistics to eager young Cadets.

Two years later another daughter was born into the O’Neil family; another girl who they named Stephanie after Harrison’s grandmother. This daughter would be the total opposite of her older sister.

While receiving a primary education, her parents realized there was something special about Tabatha since her grades were exemplary and they didn’t see her studying more than normal. Having her tested they soon realized she had a photographic memory; which would serve her well into the future.

By the time she was ten, Tabatha was very aware of her parent’s roles at the Academy and started to take a real interest in her father’s academia. Seeing this her father invited Tabatha into his workshop which previously was off limits to both her and her sister. Harrison started explaining computers to this wide eyed young girl while showing her just what a computer was capable of. Suddenly Tabatha was hooked and would be so for life.

As the years rolled on by Tabatha continued to excel in her primary education as well as spending as much time as possible using and leaning these incredible machines called computers.

When she reached her eighteenth birthday it was a foregone conclusion Tabatha would apply at Star Fleet Academy studying Computer Sciences as well as basic Engineering; Tabatha didn’t disappoint either herself or her parents.
Service Record 2388 - 2392: Attended Star Fleet Academy; graduated with honors.

2392 - 2397: USS Hermes, Nova Class, Ensign; C.S.P.

2397 - 2400: USS Endeavor, Sovereign Class, Lt. J.G.; C.S.P.

2400- Present: USS Amandora, Vesta Class, Lt. J.G.; C.S.P.