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Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 3:38am

Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long

Name Kristian Elaine Long

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Amazon/Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5-8
Weight 130
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Kristian has long read hair that reaches to just above her waist. She wears it in a pony tail when on duty. Her right ear has several piercings in it a trait of all Amazon women. Each one means something special to her life.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Richard Long
Mother Narla Long
Brother(s) Raffie Long
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Kristian is the niece of the King and Queen of Amzock. Zelcore and Rayna Herculoid. Her cousin Tara Herculoid is the Princess of the planet.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kristian is general easy to get along with, being a doctor she's not one to leave anyone to die even if it would mean her own life. Kristian while a doctor and has taken an oath to save lives will kill if she has to.
Strengths & Weaknesses Her strengths are that she'll go the extra mile to do what is necessary to save a life. Kristian while it's not well known is able to pilot a shuttle and a fighter should the need for it arise.

weaknesses are that being half Amazon she needs to remember that she is not as strong as full Amazons. When Kristian was fourteen she was involved in a shuttle crash that shattered her right ankle, while it's been repaired it does hurt her at times.
Ambitions To live up to the expectations that Starfleet has placed in her. Kristian currently is content being a CMO. While a command is not out of the question. She's not wanting to leave medicine for a command at this time. Kristian loves being a doctor.
Hobbies & Interests Running, ridding horses, playing the lute

Personal History Kristian grew up on her home planet of Amzock and even at an early age her parents knew she was interested in medicine as she could always seen trying to help anything that was injured.

When she turned thirteen she joined the Amazon Military which is the normal age and is required of all Amazon's,

At eighteen she left her home planet and headed to Earth and enrolled in Starfleet Academy and was quickly accepted. Upon graduation Kristian did her internship on Risa. From Risa Kristian headed to Denobla and did her residency there.

Her parents each hoped she'd follow in one of their footsteps. Her dad Richard climbed through the ranks to become a star ship captain and her mother Narla wanted her to go into the marines where Narla did and made her way up to the rank of Major General. But Kristian's eyes were medicine and she followed her heart and became a doctor. Both of her parents are highly proud of her

She is allergic to Inaprovline in Amazons it can kill them.
Service Record Starfleet Academy

Risa for internship and her first years. Promoted to Ensign

Denobla for her residency and attending Promoted to Lieutenant jg

USS Montague where she served as a medical officer promoted after two years to the rank of lieutenant

Transferred to the USS Amandora as ACMO.

Upon the departure of the CMO Kristian was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and the position of CMO where she currently serves.