
  • 42 Mission Posts

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Tue Nov 12th, 2024 @ 3:30am

Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Name Alister McKeon

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11
Weight 180
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description If someone put a picture of an average human male Alister would fit right in. He keeps his hair short and is in good shape without bulking up or appearing super fit.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Howard McKeon
Mother Victoria McKeon
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Katherine (Katie) McKeon Stewart
Other Family Brad Stewart (Brother in law, deceased)
Kelly Stewart (Neice)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alister keeps his cards close to his chest keeping info close until it becomes necessary to share and then only to those in that need to know. He isn’t afraid to use back channels and always seems to have someone’s favorite drink or vice to open doors.
Strengths & Weaknesses Alister is an intelligence veteran and as seen active service in Intelligence operations team and has tangled with his counterparts from the Major Alpha and Beta powers. He has seen the sharp end and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. His nature to not sure info freely and his willingness to use back channels and seemingly endless connection to get his hands on things that thru people he would rather not name by name can put off more straight laced superiors.
Ambitions To make it up to command a sector for Starfleet Intelligence not the whole organization as he views that as being far too much in the public light and having to give out way too much information for his comfort level.
Hobbies & Interests Hiking, old Earth history, martial arts.

Personal History Alister was born on Earth to parents that owned a successful wood working business on the North American continent in what was Virginia. As a young boy Alister showed very little interest in the family business though he does have some skill with wood work on his own. An average student it wasn’t until he started high school when a chance meeting with some Starfleet cadets changed his outlook and what he wanted to do. He started to apply himself to school and managed to secure an appointment to Starfleet Academy at first being trained as a Security Officer before his ability to blend in to a crowd and skirt his way out of trouble before it could find him came to the attention of the Intelligence instructor who convinced him to switch tracks. The switch was an outstanding success and he fit into his new career path joining a Starfleet Intelligence operations team on the Klingon border. Alister’s career has been spent on Operations teams being deployed both offensively in espionage and raids along with defensively in counter intelligence work. Despite the work he has managed to cultivate contacts both in the Klingon and Romulan intelligence communities gaining a reputation as someone that can be used a back door channel for info that can never be ‘officially’ given. His assignment to USS Amandora comes after a short stint at Starfleet Academy where he taught Intelligence cadets before a run in with senior instructors about his willingness to not use a normal instructional setting and a few unfounded rumors about a certain Admiral’s daughter or two so him shipped out a couple of steps ahead of an issues.
Service Record Starfleet Academy Freshman year-Security Officer course
Starfleet Academy Sophomore-senior year: Intelligence Officer Course
Assignment Klingon border Operations Team 4.
Assignment Romulan border Operation Team 4. Promotion to LTJG
Assignment Cardassian border Operations Team 5.
Assignment Romulan border Operation Team 3. Promotion to LT
Assignment Starfleet Academy instructor.
Reassignment USS Amandora Chief Intelligence Officer.