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Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 10:31am

Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson

Name Paul Edward Sanderson

Position Family Member

Rank Rear Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6-4
Weight 220
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Paul has a rugged handsomeness about him. He has a tattoo if a heart on his left shoulder with Cyndi's name in the middle. On his Right forearm he has a tattoo of a dragon.


Spouse Cyndi Song
Children Son Brent age 3-currently on Cyndi's home-world of Klavor.
Father Edward Sanderson
Mother Edna Sanderson
Brother(s) Micheal and Brian
Sister(s) N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Paul is generally easy to get along with but he feels once an order is given it's final. He will listen to reason and will admit if he's made a mistake.
Strengths & Weaknesses Paul's strengths are his years as a Star Fleet Admiral.

His weakness are the saftey of his wife and three year old son
Ambitions Paul's only ambition currently is to enjoy retirnment
Hobbies & Interests Paul enjoys, hunting, fishing and spending time with his wife when her busy schedule permit it'

Personal History Paul was captivate by Cyndi's looks the first time he laid eyes on her and vowed he was going to marry her one day. Cyndi had other ideas and while she found Paul highly attractive marriage was not in the plans for her. Paul persisted and finally Cyndi gave in. Paul soon learned what it meant to be married to a Princess. They were married in a full Royal Ceremony on Cyndi's home Planet of Klavor.

Paul joined Star Fleet at eighteen and with his interest and natural ability he majored in engineering with a minor in operations
Service Record Srar Fleet Academy-graduated in the top five percent in his class. Assigned to the USS Montague as an engineering officer, he served there for four years and was promoted to full lieutenant and was transferred to the USS Robinson Lake as assistant chief engineer. He held that position for two years. Captain Marks saw the up coming lieutenant and requested him for his ship the USS Windsor as chief engineer. Paul and Captain Marks hit it off well.

Paul was promoted to second officer on the Windsor where he served in that capacity for another two years before being offered the position of Executive Officer on the USS Rogers and a promotion to Commander. Paul readily accepted. It was on the Rogers where he caught the eye of Admiral Katrina Wilson who felt he was being wasted and offered him a command of a Sovereign Class ship the USS Victory. Paul proved time and time again he had what it took to be a captain. Admiral Wilson promoted him several more times and at the rank of Commodore asked him to be her personal assistant where he served until her retirement. At that point he was promoted again to the rank of rear admiral. A rank he had when he and Cyndi were married. Paul was assigned to command the Star Base Gibraltar until he was injured on a diplomatic assignment and took an early retirement.