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Wed Jun 26th, 2024 @ 8:54pm

Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji}

Name Jackson "JJ" Joseph Barnes {Meji}

Position Marine Executive Officer

Second Position Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 191lbs.
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description As expected of a lifelong marine, JJ is in top physical form, going for endurance training and power lifting during his routine. Too often he will be seen jogging the corridors of whatever ship or facility he is on, shouting "make a hole" so he doesn't bowl over anyone bunched up ahead of him while chatting in the halls.


Father Jack Barnes, Col., SFMC {Ret.}
Mother Nancy

Personality & Traits

General Overview JJ Barnes is an adventurer at heart. The fact that he behaves heroically under certain circumstances is a part of his nature but it is not a descriptor of his character. Jackson is fallible. He makes mistakes and gets hurt, and that is what most people like about him. He's a real guy with his own real problems. He does get hurt and does express his pain and gets his 'mad out', and takes pratfalls and, at times, is the butt of his own jokes. His imperfections are what makes him the man, and soldier, he is. People around often note that with a little more exercise and a little more courage they can be just like him.
Strengths & Weaknesses JJ Barnes is both a romantic and a cynic; though he does have the traits of a lone wolf; a man on a quest; a noble warrior, a hardboiled detective; and a patriot. Though a man seemingly made hard-heartedly cynical by his traumatic combat experiences, Jackson consistently maintains a steadfast sense of honor and compassion learned through his father, a career marine officer. Complementing his compassionate character is an unshaking sense of integrity and respect for knowledge, believing that culture is something to be shared and preserved for future generations.

Jackson has type O blood. Despite his adept physique and strength, JJ has low tolerance for alcohol. While he possess some martial arts abilities, Jackson favors his fists in hand-to-hand, including a technique where he hits an opponent with the back of one hand before following up with a hook from the other, and he is not above fighting dirty when the need arises.

CERTIFIED SQUAD LEADER: Squad leaders ensure their Marines receive serviceable gear, good living conditions, physical conditioning, and proper training and supervision. Of their many responsibilities though, a squad leaders’ greatest task comes under a hail of gunfire. During combat, squad leaders are responsible for the very lives of their Marines, directing them through every step of the battle. During their time as rifleman, Marines are observed for a special blend of infantry skills, experience, toughness, intelligence, selflessness and communication skills.

Barnes knows his job is to guide and direct his Marines, make tactical decisions for the squad and enforce the rules. Their lives depend on his decisions and how well he handles himself under pressure.