
  • 23 Mission Posts

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Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 7:10pm

Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Name Shannon Elizabeth Money {Meji}

Position Fighter Pilot

Second Position Marine

Rank Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 137lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color brown


Personality & Traits

General Overview Shannon Money has a well-deserved reputation for being tough-minded and by the book. Her clear-headed pragmatism is a valued source of reason during critical situations. During basic training her skills and determination got her noticed by the instructors, so at the tail end of her stint at Basic they pulled her from her class and added her to a covert operation behind enemy lines to rescue hostages and eliminate a slaver operation hidden deep within Nyberrite territory. The Op. was a success and is now listed as Classified, with Money being sent back to Basic to finish out her tenure, looking like every other graduate. For her involvement in the operation with Marine Recon she was given the rank of Lance Corporal and a mock-up personnel notation was inserted into her file, touting her outstanding example as a marine during basic training.

Money is shown to be extremely loyal to the Marines, Starfleet, and the UFP as a whole. Though very professional when on the job, Shannon jokes with her colleagues and is lighthearted during times of levity. The one operation she had been involved in, even before graduating Basic on the books, has taught her to never let her guard down and to always remain frosty. This includes downtime where she may share drinks with her peers and colleagues in a relaxed environment. Money has trained herself to be constantly perceptive and to keep up her situational awareness at all times.

{Her involvement in the classified operation was due to Section 31's involvement, which she does not know. They keep an eye on her in case she may show them that she would be a valued recruit}
Strengths & Weaknesses Being a woman raised on a family owned freighter, Money is no stranger to the helm/flight control systems, and has become quite the pilot. As her family bounced from world to world Shannon took up small craft piloting and learned basic engineering to keep the private craft and ship in good order. This is part of the reason she graduated Basic as a Lance Corporal, and was chosen for the special operation. Her piloting skills are top-notch and that is recognized by Starfleet.