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Wed Jul 1st, 2020 @ 10:05am

Captain Henry Redex

Name Henry Nathaniel Redex

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Second Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5"9ยด
Weight 80 KG
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description He is an average guy, normal complexion and no scars on his body. He has a tatoo on his left arm with a skull and a snake that was made from the first unit he served with


Spouse single
Children none that he knows of
Father Charles Redex
Mother Pamela Jones
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Andrea Redex
Other Family Brother in law: Torin Ontarius
Niece: Patricia Ontarius

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a normal guy, average until he puts on his uniform, then you can see his true potential. He is the son of Charles Redex and Grandson of Admiral (Ret) Andrew Jones II and a part of Jones Family
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Self-motivated, has a commanding presence and leads by example.
Weakness: He is shy and sometimes he leans on others instead of making thing happen
Ambitions he wants to command his own division and be a general like his grandfather, he is also an outstanding pilot
Hobbies & Interests he is into fencing and tai chi,

Personal History Previous Academy

Henry always knew he wanted to be a marine since his grandfather took him to his first parade, he lived his entire life and all the desitions to enter the academy. He did it.

Marine Academy

He excelled in his studies during his years at the academy and during his tenure on the school, he studied things like intelligence command and got his pilot license.

On a personal way, he is always checking on his sister and niece who he considers her as his own child.
Service Record Marine Academy

Freshman Year: Orientation courses
Sophomore year: Minor in intelligence and first pilot courses
Junior Year: Minor Command and continuity in piloting courses
Senior Year: Major in Intelligence and Command, getting his combat pilot license.

Graduated with the rank of 2nd LT

Service Record

Uss Omargosa: Squad Leader
Uss Paris: Platoon Leader
USS New Heaven: Marine XO
USS Amandora: Marine CO