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Wed Jun 7th, 2023 @ 9:28pm

Lieutenant JG Kalina Johnson

Name Kalina Molly Johnson

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5 ft
Weight 110 Ibs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Physically, Kalina is in good shape. She is average-height with pale skin, mouse hair and brown eyes.


Spouse Single
Children NA
Father Douglas Johnson (Deceased)
Mother Monica Johnson (Deceased)
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA
Other Family Grand Mother: Margret Johnson
Grand Father: Harrold Johnson
Uncle: Tobias Johnson

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kalina Molly Johnson is a 22-year-old former senior politician who enjoys Rubix cube, cooking and podcasting. She is entertaining and creative, but can also be very stingy and a bit selfish.

She is Finnish who defines herself as straight. She has a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Strengths & Weaknesses Despite being stingy and a little selfish Kalina is well known for being in a very entertaining type of personality. He keeps most people at arm's length and has a very competitive streak in her but she also can make her seem a bit selfish at times. She hates sharing the spotlight, mainly because all the boys in her class were always trying to fight for top of the class and who was the best pilot.

Karina can be very competitive, and she can be very vocal about it when she needs to be. She does have tend to have a chip on her shoulder, and reminds people all the time of it.

Karina is trying to work on being more compassionate, deep down she does care about people despite the fact that she never lets anybody in. She hopes that someday somebody will treat her with decency.
Ambitions To become a Starship Captain
Hobbies & Interests Kalina loves to play games, and be around other folks. She is a big fan of the classics. She loves to play cards, especially Uno. It's one of her favorite games to play.

Kalina loves the great outdoors, and has a passion for white water sports. She loves to go white water kayaking whenever she can.

Personal History The Early Years:

Kalina’s parents were both victims of the Dominion war, which took a lot out of federation and her family personally.

Kalina was raised by her grandparents on Earth, from young age though she knew she wanted to serve and Starfleet like her parents did. Their grandparents did their best to be supportive despite their ill feelings towards war and the Federation as a whole.

At the age of the Federation at place the band on synthetics. Which affected her grandparents' ability to raise her.

Kalina was sent to live with her uncle on the USS Vancouver, which only further strengthen her believe that she wanted to join Starfleet.

Her uncle did his best to raise her she remained on the Vancouver, until she joined in Starfleet.

Kalina attended public education system aboard the USS Vancouver, where she received a standardized diploma and started applying herself to get accepted into Starfleet.

The parliment class starship cruisers so there wasn't very many children on the board her graduating class only had seven kids in it. She was told that when she was accepted to Starfleet that would be a cultural shock for her.

Starfleet Academy:

Kalinawith you adhere to the warning that her educational director aboard the USS Vancouver had advised her. She was not prepared for the many voices at the academy grounds.

Being top of the class when there's only six other kids in your class was one thing but she knew she would have to fight if she was going to be top of her class at the Academy.

Another thing that she had not anticipated was the amount of flirtation boys are being at the Academy, she felt like he was constantly having to fight them off so she could focus on her studies.

Kalina found the boys to be distracting, especially since she was trying to become a pilot when they weren't trying to flirt with her they were trying to outperform her.

Kalina specialized in small craft and on starships. He was hoping to be assigned to a small escort vessel, but she had a feeling that she be placed on a cruiser.

During her senior year at the Academy she decided to start dating in a gentleman named Clyde to in order to get the other pilots off her back about relationships. That relationship was very superficial Carter felt bad that she was using Clyde in order to keep the other boys away.

They want me to feel really bad was when Clyde died of a sudden stroke, with very strange because he was young and in good shape despite being a chef. He took any of his bath pretty hard mainly because he still considered my friend even if he wasn't romantically interested in him.
Service Record 2400 - Present
USS Amandora, Control Flight Officer

Starfleet Academy, Pilot Academy