
  • 11 Mission Posts

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Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 1:50pm

Lieutenant David Montgomery

Name David James Montgomery

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Second Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Well muscled. His hair is short on the sides, a little longer on top and tends to leave him with bangs on his forehead.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Abram
Mother Cecelia
Brother(s) Marcus
Sister(s) Tessa
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview David is friendly and outgoing. He has warm, engaging eyes and comes across as a charmer.
Strengths & Weaknesses Hard working, serious about operations. He takes pride in doing his job and is punctual.

David can be stubborn at times. He doesn't take criticism well, tending to be too hard on himself. He is a bit messy when it comes to making his bed etc.
Ambitions To raise through the ranks.
Hobbies & Interests David loves camping, hiking, most sports. He played soccer and was on the swim team while on school.

He loves games of all kinds as well socializing but can also be happy at home reading a book or watching an old movie.

Personal History David grew up on Earth in San Diego. His parents owned a vineyard where he helped out as well, along side of hi brother and younger sister.

He attended school in public education, balancing his after school sports alongside of his work in the vineyard. As he got older and went into high school he found it hard to balance both, feeling a responsibility to both. David quit the swim team but remained in soccer where he went on to play in the Olympics where his team won a gold medal.

attended school in public education, balancing his after school sports alongside of his work in the vineyard. As he got older and went into high school he found it hard to balance both, feeling a responsibility to both. David quit the swim team but remained in soccer where he went on to play in the Olympics where his team won a gold medal.

While in high school, David found a love for computer technology and during a career week, met up with some recruitment officers for Starfleet and after a lot of thought decided on a career in operations. He focused heavily on his studies and helped his parents integrate their accounts to more modern technology.

David had no real time for dating while in school but his best friend was Delilah Sanderson. When they first met they had tried dating but they soon realized they didn't have that spark that it took to be a couple and were much better as friends. David tried dating but he found girls demanding of his time and between the vineyard, school and his sports that was something he didn't have a lot of time for.

After high school they went to the academy together, sharing a room together. It made dating a little difficult but David dated several girls off and on but he wasn't really interested in anything serious. He wanted to get his career established first. Delilah met and fell in love with a fellow student. David couldn't he happier and stood up for her at their wedding. He was a bit envious of her happiness but knew the time wasn't right for him.

After graduation, David was assigned to the USS Bridgeton for his two year and transfered to the USS Amandora.
Service Record 2400 - Present
USS Amandora

USS Bridgeton

Starfleet Academy