
Are You Worthy?-2

Post Count: 27

The USS Amandora begins their journey into the Palai System. As they come across their first planet in the system, Commodore Song and her crew decide to investigate. Little is known but it appears uninhabited.

While the away team is on their mission, an unidentified ship appears a distance from the Amandora. Who are they? And what do they want?

Healing Touch-3

Post Count: 0

Mission Three - "The Healing Touch"

The USS Amandora continues it's exploration of the Palai system and heads to Solaria, a planet in the Palai system. Upon investigation, the away team discovers a primitive humanoid species known as the Solarians, who lack advanced technology. However, the Solraianss are suffering from a mysterious illness that is causing a significant number of deaths. The away team must find a way to help the Palaians without violating the Prime Directive.

Echoes Of The Past-4

Post Count: 0

While exploring the Palai system, the USS Amandora stumbles upon a seemingly barren planet. Initial scans indicate no signs of life or advanced technology. However, as the away team investigates further, they discover faint energy readings and strange anomalies that suggest there may be more to this planet than meets the eye.

As the crew delves deeper into their investigation, they uncover the remnants of an ancient civilization that once thrived on the planet. The team begins to unravel the planet's mysterious past, piecing together clues left behind by the extinct civilization.

They soon realize that the remnants of this ancient civilization hold valuable knowledge and technology that could benefit the Federation and the Palai system. However, they must tread carefully to avoid disturbing the delicate balance and history of the planet.

The away team faces ethical dilemmas as they navigate the fine line between exploration and preservation. They must find a way to extract the knowledge and technology while respecting the planet's legacy and ensuring that any interference does not disrupt the natural order of the Palai system.

Throughout the mission, the crew encounters unexpected challenges, including booby traps left by the ancient civilization to protect their secrets. They must use their ingenuity and problem-solving skills to overcome these obstacles and successfully retrieve the valuable artifacts and information.

In the end, the crew of the USS Amandora must decide how to handle the newfound knowledge and technology responsibly, ensuring that it benefits both the Palai system and the Federation without causing harm or violating the principles of the Prime Directive.

The Forbidden Waters-5

Post Count: 0

The USS Amandora crew encounters a mysterious ship unlike anything they have ever seen before. The enigmatic vessel observes the USS Amandora from a distance before vanishing without a trace. Intrigued by this encounter, Captain Song decides to continue their journey further north.

As the USS Amandora ventures deeper into uncharted territory, they come across a planet predominantly covered by vast bodies of water. Curiosity piqued, Captain Song orders an away team to explore the planet's surface and gather information about its unique ecosystem.

Meanwhile, as the away team embarks on their mission, Captain Song remains on the USS Amandora, monitoring the situation closely. Suddenly, another ship materializes before them, demanding their immediate departure. The captain of the mysterious vessel identifies himself as an Anosian, hailing from the planet Anos.

The Anosian captain sternly informs Captain Song and the crew that they are trespassing on their territory and are not welcome. He reveals that the planet they are exploring is within their jurisdiction and any intrusion is met with hostility. Despite attempts at diplomacy, the Anosian captain remains resolute in his demand for the USS Amandora's departure.

Caught in a delicate situation, Captain Song must navigate the complex dynamics between exploration and respect for the Anosians' beliefs. With tensions escalating, the crew of the USS Amandora faces a difficult decision: comply with the Anosians' demands and retreat or find a way to peacefully coexist and learn from each other.

Character Development

Post Count: 5

Following refit of the USS Amandora the brave crew join the trek to boldly go beyond the next star.

Reporting Aboard

Post Count: 15

We're getting ready to launch. Post your characters coming onto the ship.

Shake Down Cruise

Post Count: 48

Okay here we go!

This is our shake down cruise, we're a brand new ship so there are bound to be problems. Let's have fun. Posting reverts to 1.

The Restroffs (Space Spiders)

Post Count: 105

The Amandora while on the way to begin to explore the Sagittarius Sector encounter a large spider web that is woven between three planets that are miles apart.

Character Development

Post Count: 38

Character Development

Star Base Mercury

Post Count: 210

The Crew of the Amandora are sent out with Admiral Hank Snow to get Star base Mercury up and running. Every department will have a hand in things.

Character Developent

Post Count: 20

Time to have some fun.

Planet Savai

Post Count: 203

The Amandora is sent to Plant Savai. The planet has requested admittance to the Federation.

Character Development and A Mystery

Post Count: 46

With the mission to Savai over it's time to flesh out your characters more.

Mission Guardian Shield

Post Count: 137

the Amandora responding to a distress call from a Federation embassy on a Federation world that has suddenly descended into a brutal civil war. The Federation ambassador and his assistant along with the planets ruler and the bulk of the government where killed in a bombing followed by part of the planetary defense force rising up in rebellion resulting in heavy fighting in the capital has both sides move to secure the government building to give themselves further legitimacy. For the different departments: Marines secure and hold the embassy keeping Federation personal safe. Diplomatic Corps step in and try to negotiate a ceasefire which neither side seems to be interested in. Medical help with casualties being inflicted. Intelligence dig into what has happened and try to fill in the holes. For the main shipman figure Science while scanning will start picking up traces of a possible cloaked ship in orbit as things on the planet go from bad to worse. The world located close to the Romulan Federation border had a Romulan trained deep undercover cell that has gone rogue and started a revolution. The embassy intelligence chief of station stumbled across information and was killed sparking a hasty bombing and an armed coup attempt. I figure Alister and his team could be force to go dark once coming across the info being forced to flee and try to go to ground only to be rescued by a Romulan Tal Shir team trying to put a lid and regain control of the rogue cell. It is a Romulan ship that is cloaked playing cat and mouse with Amandora to keep in support range of their ground team. I figure toward the end the Marines could have to repel an attack on the embassy with the Romulan ship decloaking forcing the Amandora away as they try to figure out if they’re suppose to support the attack or not. With Romulan interference lifting the Prime Directive Alister and the Tal Shir team launch a beheading operation taking out the coups leadership replacing them with lower ranked officers who start excepting the ceasefire accords and additional Federation peacekeeping efforts to land and start to rebuild the planet and civilization.

Repairs, Upgrades And Shore Leave

Post Count: 44

The Amandora after a successful mission heads to Mars Station for some minor repairs, upgrades and shore leave.

The Forgotten Children

Post Count: 73

Along the Cardassion neutral zone a concentration camp has been discovered where several sects of JemHadar are still holding hostages. Now its grown ups who were Cardassian children who do not know the war is over.

The Concentration Camp is on a planet called Raject, harsh living conditions.

Character Developmemt

Post Count: 5

It's the Christmas Holiday so we're going into Character Development for the holiday.


Post Count: 93

Commodore Song is taken from the Amandora. She's taken to a waiting ship, she finds she's not alone. Who else is with her and what do they want? It's up to you to locate the commodore and free her/

Shore Leave on Klavor

Post Count: 54

After Cyndi is rescued and accusations from Usher regarding unfair practices of a long dead Old Republican Guard. Not only is Cyndi going to her home planet Klavor to rest but also to aide the Federation in proving the claims false. Currently Klavor's Membership to the Federation has been temporarily suspended. Pending the outcome of the investigation. In the end the accusations will prove false.

Weapon Investigating

Post Count: 128

Starfleet Intelligence learns that the planet Quagmire is working a new weapon that is capable of instead of creating a planet, from a dead one or a moon it instead destroys the planet from the inside out. It makes no difference if the planet is inhabited or not. The weapon is in development but is close to production and testing so the clock is ticking. The Amandora to investigate and neutralize the project if needed.

The Planet Quagmire is home to a species of dog like beings who walk on two legs most of the time but for hunting and speed drop to all fours. Their top speed is roughly forty miles per hour. The dog like beings call themselves Dogroons, they are fierce and short tempered when provoked

Rescue On Romulus

Post Count: 97

The Amandora is sent to Romulus to retrieve four undercover operatives whose cover has been compromised. To aid us into crossing into the Neutral Zone two Romulan Delegates are going to meet the Amandora. The Delegates do not know about the rescue mission and it's to remain that way.

A Patrol and Supply mission

Post Count: 65

The Amandora is delivering supplies to a colony out near the unknown regions, led by a man named Lucas Jones (Idris Elba). The planet has not been fully explored because the colonists told the UFP it was their home and they would explore as needed. A chance for feet on turf and aiding folks with colonial maintenance.

McKinley Outpost

Post Count: 35

The Amandora is sent to The McKinley Outpost to open trade relations. This outpost has a lot to offer for trade, from textiles, agriculture, linens, and much, much more. That is on the surface, but below things are not so good. Things are shady, think of the old shanghais of old where not so good captains found ways to get crew and some were never seen again. People are lured below and forced to sign up.

It will be our job to not only open trade relations but once we find out about what is going on below the outpost to stop it and bring those involved to justice. This mission should be a little agnsty.

Don’t solve this too fast; this should give everyone something to post to and about. Let’s have some fun.

Shore Leave On Starbase Mercury

Post Count: 20

The Amandora has gone to Starbase Mercury to begin shore leave and pick up supplies

Zaris Three

Post Count: 58

The Amandora is sent to the Planet Zaris Three, they’ve requested Federation admittance. It’s our job to see if they are ready to join the Federation. The planet seems almost too good to be true, plenty of grass, temperate climate, various rainforests, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, oceans, and various mountain ranges that offer skiing, to rock climbing and more. Is it as good as it seems or is there something hidden on this seemingly perfect planet?

Zaris Three is the fourth planet in the solar system called Zaris, Zaris Three has two moons, one is nothing more than a large hunk of rock, nothing more. The other moon, the larger of the two seems from all scans appears to be in the early stages of development. It has various creatures on it. There is a blind built so the creatures and people who live on the moon can be seen and observed without them knowing they are being watched

Back on Zaris Three they have both phasers and guns, the guns are used to hunt the wildlife for food.

Major Hurd has been ordered to assist Major Winston in helping liberate a compound from enemy and tyranny hold.

Shore Leave Planet Caldwell

Post Count: 20

Description Planet Caldwell
Planet Caldwell is mostly a jungle planet. It has pristine beaches, white sand, luxury hotels, huts and if you’re rustic tents are there for camping. Temperatures range in the 70’s to 80’s, some rain. Water is warm around 75. There are several small cities where various shops, eateries, restaurants are there for your shopping and dining experiences. There are various sights to see, waterfalls, mountains and wildlife. Most wildlife are native only to this planet. This will include, birds, reptiles, plenty of fish for catching and eating. Many unusual animals roam the planet. The planet has four rings and give off spectacular sunsets and sunrises. And of course there are insects ranging from small to large.


Post Count: 260

The Amandora finds a large freighter adrift, after scanning it we find the engines are offline, coms are down and there is eveidence of an attack. Repair crews, medical and a few marines are sent over to assist the freighter crew getting things back online. The freighter is a large one and is Federation registered, it’s a private frighter. We find life forms aboard, the repair crews return to the Amandora just as Syndicate ships show up to lay claim to the vessel. They fly in squads of three. Two come in and attack Amandora, causing the ship to have to move away to maneuver and fight back. The third buccaneer grabs the freighter in a tractor beam and whisks it away, with the other two breaking off and warping out as soon as the freighter is gone.

Unknown to us at the time our repair crews return to the ship they are not alone. They beam back with microscopic 'bugs' are carried back with us on our clothing. The transporter can't detect them with its anti-contagion scan, so the little nanite-sized buggers end up falling to the carpet as we move around our own ship. Infection has begun. They can't be seen easily with the naked eye when they are alone and exploring, or only a few. But, when they gather together for 'work' they are like ants. They swarm and then you can see the pile of them like a powder that colorshifts from black to dark purple to dark orange. However the light hits their shells it refracts and swirls with color changes. It will give everyone a chance to come up with ideas for how to detect them with scans and how to destroy them if we can't capture them. It's all internal aboard ship, so anyone can get involved, even civilian characters. We’ll end up getting bitten by the bugs leaving marks that resemble mosquito bites and they itch.

The bugs are non aggressive unless provoked as they perceive it. If we try to harm them violently and aggressively they will respond in kind, just like ants. They breed by breaking down resources (everything the ship is made of) and building more of their kind. There are Leaders among them but no central BIG one. The hive Leaders communicate with each other and mitigate which resources they are after. They are semi-intelligent but can learn more. We can say they even look like the Egyptian scarab beetle when seen under a microscope.

How do we get rid of them and find the freighter?


Post Count: 138

We leave MidoraIII and return to our normal patrol sector. We receive orders to head to Star Base 154, they’ve stopped reporting in and three star ships that were sent to see why each of them have not reported in. Our job is to see what happened to the star base and the three ships. All ships and the star base are intact and undamaged. There is no one aboard, escape pods are all accounted for. So what happened to everyone? There is a five planet solar system near the star base. Did the crews go to the solar system? We need answers.

Character Development

Post Count: 20

Have fun for a few days while the new mission is being worked on. I hope to have it up in a few days.

Wedding Blues And Trouble

Post Count: 118

we find a drifting sleeper ship and upon investigation we find that the sleeper pods are failing and we'll need to wake up the sleepers as the pods are failing and no way to repair them in space. The sleeper ship has been on auto pilot for a few months as the planet taking the bride to be married does not have warp drive. The the bride is royalty and under orders from her planets government to marry the delegate who is not royalty. The bride is clearly not happy over this coming marriage and does not care who knows it. As she's going to be married to a commoner who in her eyes is beneath her. But It’s hoped that the wedding will put a to stop a war between the two races, species to be determined. We take people from the sleeper ship aboard and take them to the planet for the upcoming wedding. The sleeper ship has between five to ten delegates on it. Two of the delegates aboard the sleeper ship are from the Grooms planet. But we'll find that there are factions who don't want this wedding to take place and will try to stop it. We’ll find that a couple of the people from the sleeper ship that we take aboard are against it and plan to stop it. Not to mention the planet we’re going to is not in favor of the coming wedding. We’ll have a murder or two possibly more to investigate aboard ship and no one is above suspicion? The murders will be found after both sides are invited aboard the Amandora for a State Dinner.

Character Development

Post Count: 5

The crew of the USS Amandora, having completed their mission of diplomacy have gone on shore leave at Starbase Danvers. There are four planets close to the Starbase where you may use your creativity.

Alesha and Alistar will head out to find and bring back Alesha's daughter


Post Count: 83

The crew of the USS Amandora are trapped on Star Base Danvers while on Shoreleave. The skeleton crew assigned to service the ship while we were gone has been hijacked and replaced with mercenaries who have stolen the ship and taken off. The rest of the mercenaries have taken over the station. It is up to the crew of the Amandora to retake the base while those left on the ship (Kalina, David and Sabbath) find a way to take back the Amandora. Assume your characters are not in a place on the station or the ship to easily take it back. Please use your imaginations and work as a team to solve the mission. It will take some time for those on the ship to find out why the ship is stolen and by whom as well as the station.


Post Count: 49

The Crew of the Amandora deal with the destruction of the ship, the loss of many lives of family, friends and the mercenaries who stole the ship and attacked Star Base Danvers.

Everyone is dealing with it in his and her own way. The star base is under repairs and the crew awaits the arrival of the new ship. While we await the new ship everyone can deal with things and take some badly needed down time.

Shakedown II

Post Count: 94

The crew of the Amandora return to a BBQ and then head out for their Shakedown Cruise