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Post # 12 " Under Arrest "

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:59pm by Lieutenant Sabbath & Ensign James Frazier

Mission: Hijacked
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


== Brig ==

Ensign James Frazier was lucky to be alive as he had encountered the mercenaries and fought them down to 2. But the last two wielded blades as a last resort.

Now he sat in his own brig awaiting what ever death or fate to come .

== Sabbath's Quarters==

Capture of Sabbath came as a surprise as three mercenaries entered and immediately studded him.

Awakened by Frazier the Vulcan sat up, nodded to Frazier and then stood.

" We have them now sir." joked Frazier.

" Hardly a time for levity. This is clearly a bad situation we are in? Are their others?"

" Of them? I think so somebody called Thinman?" Frazier replied.

" Curious. All are wearing black, clearly they are organized." Sabbath replied.

" So how do we escape?" Frazier asked.

" We may be out numbered. " Sabbath replied.



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