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Post # 20 - Training

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2022 @ 4:01pm by Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD

Mission: Weapon Investigating
Location: Amandora
Timeline: Current


Nix arrived at Holo Deck 3 a little before zero seven hundred and waited outside for Lieutenant Herculoid to begin their training/meeting. It had been a long time since the Lieutenant JG had worked with a partner.

At exactly zero seven hundred Nix looked up and saw a tall, blonde haired, and very toned women walking towards her.

Tara had pulled her waist length hair up into a tight bun, dressed in her workout attire and headed for the holo deck. Spotting a young woman at the holo deck Tara headed in her direction, she recognized Nix from the briefing. "Good morning," Tara greeted Please call me Tara."

"Tara, so very nice to meet you....and you can call me Nix since we'll be working together for the next few days" she said with a smile "I remember were at the Briefing with James and Heather."

Tara nodded "James is my boss, Nix."

"Shall we get started" then Nix turned to the Holo Terminal "Computer initiate Dunjen ten level three" came the request. "Initiating Dunjen ten level three" the Computer announced as the doors slid open. The two stepped inside then the doors closed behind them.

Turning to Tara "Since our lives may depend on what we do...I need to see how you can handle yourself in a hand to hand combat situation for the next several minutes. I'll be standing over there observing. Ready Tara.....bring the warrior....initiate!"

"Bring it on," Tara said as the program started. The computer generated combatants learned quickly and soon became a good challenge. Tara went into fighting mode. Spinning she easily dropped kicked one over another, diving to the ground she swept another legs out from under him. Jumping to her feet Tara landed a solid punch to a sneak attack's jaw followed by a jab to his mid section. Pulling out her staff she extended it to several meters and jabbed and tossed several more, swinging around Tara followed with another sweep and knocked another off it's feet.

After several minutes the last combatant was down, collapsing her staff Tara walked over to where Nix stood.

Nix stood watching Tara defeat her opponents with ease "Well...that was impressive....I guess you did bring the warrior" she stated being very happy with what she saw. She could hear Dunjen "Where you been keeping this one....I like her warrior spirit." "And just so your comfortable with my skills......Computer initiate Dunjen zero eight level 2."

Soon the program was loaded as Nix prepared herself. Six men surrounded Nix...she glanced down noticing a pouch attached to her waist.....she grabbed a throwing star in each hand and turned her head picking her first two victims. First one star flew then the second both hitting their intended targets in the neck. The remaining four came closer.....she heard Dunjen "Behind" then Nix whipped around and gave the target a knuckle punch to the throat....she jumped up whipped back around landing a round house kick against the side of his head...two more down. Nix once again reached into the pouch and placed a sleeping dart one in each charged then the other as Nix hit the first in the neck then grabbed the last by the arm....whipped him around and placed the dart in his neck as well. After a very few minutes all six men were neutralized.

Nix walked up to Tara "I guess I can keep up with you" she commented with a grin.

"On my planet we're required to join the military at thirteen, Alesha Rivers mum is captain of the guards and one who does not take the word I can't. She does not believe in it," Tara said "Alesha, Kristian and I often spar with each other. By the looks of you, I think I can keep up with you too."

Now that was out of the way it was time for Nix to go over some things with Tara "Computer two chairs please" came the request which was fulfilled seconds later.

"Tara please have a seat, I need to bring you up to speed on our Mission" Nix stated as the two warriors sat.

"We'll be going in undercover....I will be a Coridan Project Analyst and you will be my Body Guard. The natives are rather short tempered and can be ruthless so that would make a good cover being in that role it would be good to have any weapons noticeable" Nix explained while reaching for Tara's documents "Here are your credentials and backstory which you'll want to commit to memory.

"Any questions so far" Nix asked with a smile.

Tara read her cover and nodded "I can handle this and I do have weapons in my quarters that are not Federation issue. I think it's a good idea to use them and not Federation."

"I agree.....most of my weapons, minus the Tech.....are definitely not Federation issue which I always use so they can't be traced back to me" Nix replied.

"There are a few Infiltration Tactics to remember: first only speak to others when spoken to....keep your answers short and to the don't want to give too much information that may trip you up. Secondly....follow my lead at all times and you are cleared to go everywhere that I go as my Bodyguard. Thirdly don't plan on getting much sleep.....we'll be out and about after hours to collect any Intel that we can't get during the day" Nix explained noticing a very focused Tara.

"We will have to see Dr. Long to get facial reconstruction to look like the typical Coridan just before we leave. You'll be outfitted with a emergency beam out patch place under your arm in case things get too dicey; also here is a vest to wear under your clothes that will help protect you from phasers stuns....although It'll still hurt like hell" Nix commented then handing Tara a picture "Here is what a Body Guard would wear on duty.....replicate this exactly in your size along with black military style boots."

"I've covered a lot of different things....any questions Tara" Nix asked "We'll leave as soon as we establish an orbit around Quagmire and the Mission should take about three days...maybe a little less" Nix stated finally having covered everything that she needed to.

"I'm good, my planet was once occupied by the Romulans so I'm well used to saying as little as possible. Phasers do hurt when hit," Tara said reading over the information "If you'd like to see my weapons stop by my quarters later and I'll show them to you. Also Doctor Long does have one of our planet's phasers in sick bay in case she needs it. I'll not let you down don't worry."

Nix smiled "That's good to know about the Romulans....that was a good learning tool for you. I trust your judgement so I won't need to see your weapons and I know you won't let me down....if there was any doubt whatsoever, then I would be going solo on this Mission" she replied wanting to be totally honest.

"I think that's it for now....I'll let you know when we need to go to Sickbay and get ready for the Mission" Nix replied "Get some rest in the meantime."



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