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Building Bonds

Posted on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 11:08pm by Major David Hurd Senior

"You know", Hurd said to his log, "I used to think Fleeters were weak, lazy, and if im honest with myself, cowards". Taking a drink of water he continued, "I also myself had a really bad, really crappy attitude and did/ still do have a anger problem." "I ask all the time in my head what those two things have in common". And the answer to that, at least to me is simple, the way i used to think almost destroyed my career and those perceptions of Fleeters would have been the nails in the coffin, so to speak."

Taking a deep breath Hurd continued. " I have come to find that Fleeters are not weak, lazy, or cowardly, but quite the contrary" "The are some of the strongest, bravest, most inteliant people i have ever known, and among them all, the crew, no correction, my Family here aboard the Amandora are without a doubt the best of the best", Hurd said with a grin.

Taking a small sip of water once more, Hurd continued. "They have taught me so much". "They have shown me what it is to be a better Man, a better Marine, and a better Officer. " "And they can never know how much their friendship, and their patience means to me."

"So many times they have put up with my anger, my outbursts, and yet they still want me as a friend, not to mention they have helped me, and continue to do so, learn to control that anger, ways to deal with it, and ways to put it to use". Its these things, and so many more, that have forged a bond between me and the rest of tje crew, and for that i will be eternally grateful". Pausing to think for a moment and finding nothing to add, Hurd said, "Computer, end recording and file log entry".

Major David Hurd Sr.
Marine Commanding Officer/3rd Xo,
U.S.S. Amandora


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