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Personal Log Entry 11-3

Posted on Thu Jul 23rd, 2020 @ 12:07pm by Lieutenant Damien Saunders

Assistant Chief Engineers Personal Log
Stardate: Supplementary

Yeah, well shit. It happened. I made a complete fool of myself. The first of many, I am sure. I was in the main engineering... Thank god there were only two Engineers around. I completed a combination stack of Bio-Gel Packs and Isolinear Chipsets... Only to have the casing topple to the side of the floor. I tripped over the set.

I didn't damage any. Everything was scanned, and I ran level 3 diagnostics. Just... I guess embarrassment is a human thing. The Vulcan didn't even flinch. He, however, did raise one brow only subtly at me. I think that is the equivalent of a Vulcan being surprised.

I am happy with Engineering. I am glad to be working again with the central core, rather than some Engineering encampment at Utopia Planitia Yards.

That's my log for now... Nothing too exciting in my life yet. I am getting ready to expand myself, my presence on the Amadora. There is a lot of opportunities here.

End Personal Log


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