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Post # 8 Duty Calls

Posted on Thu Jan 11th, 2024 @ 4:29pm by Ensign James Frazier

Mission: Hijacked
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


==Amandora Brig==

James Frazier sanitized all the cells and completed all of his duty logs to the Chief before making his rounds. Being the only live security officer left aboard the station made the ship eerie as pops and cracks filled the corridors.

Today was different as the computer interactions were limited.

A red light blinked on the chiefs desk as the security protocol warnings had disabled the active computer register.

" Damn it. Wouldn't you know this would happen when everyone is gone." James said aloud.

Having a limited authority James was unable to over ride the security protocols.


Using his basic codes James was able to have the computer run a level 1 diagnostic to make sure the ship was okay

Running a ships census James then learned that several new Star Fleet issued badges were on the main bridge.

" Probably techs." he said lowly. His next goal was to go to the bridge and check things out.



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