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Post # 16 And You Are?

Posted on Tue Jan 23rd, 2024 @ 2:37am by Commodore Cyndi Song & Ensign James Frazier

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: Concurrent


== Starbase Danvers==

Fear gripped the upper levels as word reached base security of a mercenary take over. For Ltjg Virginia Dallas that was less than good.

Virginia was a marines daughter and raised to protect herself and the weaker people around her. On the play ground she was known as the crossing guard but as she got older her nickname became Sheep Dog, as sheep dogs protect the sheep from the wolf.

" Marines Command to Station Security come in ?" Virginia yelled into her com badge. The so called starfleet security were always falling short on their duties resulting in the need for additional support from the professionals, the Marines.

Ross and O' Doyle were good lads and followed their Lieutenant to the weapons cache. From there they proceeded up the catwalks of the base rather than use the turbo lifts.

" Spread out and no radio contact. Ops is not responding." The butter bar Lieutenant ordered.

"Who the hell is yelling?" Cyndi asked herself as she tapped her com-badge "This is Commodore Song, who is yelling? You want the mercenaries to hear you?"

=^= I don't know of any Commodore's aboard this station but if you are here to harm anyone under my watch you will wish you were dead, Commodore Song.=^= Virginia replied.

"That's easy enough to confirm, I'm in auxiliary control," Cyndi responded "Report to me there and no more yelling."
Virginia set her Rifle to kill and motioned for her party to follow. Climbing the walk to Auxiliary Control they opened the door with Ross and O'Doyle pointing red beads at the figure inside.

" Drop your weapons ." Virginia ordered.

"I'm not armed," Cyndi said, she had her phaser concealed, picking up a PADD she handed it to the marine "This will verify I am indeed a star fleet commodore. I'm not the only flag officer on the base. There is a retired rear admiral aboard as well. Now lower your weapons."

Virginia read the PADD and then looked to Ross and O'Doyle.

" What the hell is going on Commodore? Says here you command a starship. Where's your ship?" Virginia asked.

"I wish I knew where my ship was. We're here for resupply and some down time. Admiral Snow sent over a skeleton crew to man my ship so everyone could get off. My husband and I were on a planet. We came here after we saw some unusual things in space to find my ship gone. I can only assume the mercenaries disguised themselves as star fleet officers and took my ship. When I find them they'll beg for mercy," Cyndi said her tone leaving no doubt she was serious. "Ensign Walters is with my husband and she told me that about forth mercenaries invaded the base and the admiral is hurt. I'm waiting on my CMO to get here before I go look for the admiral."

" All right Commodore for now you have my allegiance. These are my finest snipers. Guys guard this position. Commodore we can use the internal systems from here. In fact we can even over ride the primary operations position if Admiral Snow become unconscious or is killed. Where is your Husband, he is an Admiral right? Two flag officers can over ride our security protocols. " Dallas added.

"My husband went with Ensign Walters to her quarters so she could change into civilian attire. Being in uniform is bound to draw attention and that's the last thing we need at this time," Cyndi said "Yes my husband is an admiral, a retired rear admiral so I highly doubt he has any command access any longer."

Virginia turned to Ross. " He is probably having a trist with this Ensign. We need to go to gamma alert. Take O'Doyle and scout this corridor." she whispered.

"I advise extreme caution. there are two of you and forty mercenaries and we don't have any idea where they are. And I am armed but I didn't reveal it to you until we both were certain of who we said we are," Cyndi said as she turned to one of the consoles and studied it. "I can lock out bridge functions for a short time. But I do that it won't take them long to find this."

Virginia paced the room and then looked at Cyndi. " We're screwed Commodore. Who ever these folks are knew just where to hit us. That had to be done from a high position. Admiral Snow and down . I am XO of this Base's marine depot. My CO decided to take a leave last week. Very suspicious. "

"I've known Admiral Snow for years, he's a by the book man. He's the reason I have a command and he's the one who saw to it I became a commodore. You'd not find a better man than him. I can vouch personally for him. He and I have worked very closely together for fifteen years. Now as soon as some more of my people get here, I'll go see the admiral and find out who it is that attacked the base and who has my ship," Cyndi said "And find out what they want. Who is the Marine CO?"

" Major Greg Blast." Dallas replied.

"What can you tell me about him?" Cyndi asked .

" Fairly new to this sector. Transferred over from the USS Centinal after Captain Cruz was killed. I'm only a Second Lieutenant so I wasn't offered the Post. Sometimes me and politics don't play well. Me and Blast got along fine though. He just up and took leave. Ironic huh?" Dallas replied.

Cyndi nodded "Does General Long know about this? She'd have to approve things."

" Ma'am I just work here. This base has been understaffed for a year. " Virginia answered.

"I'll get with the general as her daughter is my CMO. Once this is sorted out. Until then on my authority as a Star Feet Commodore take charge and report directly to me," Cyndi said

" Yes Ma'am. Ross look for her crew, O'Doyle cover the right egress."

"Keep me posted." Cyndi said



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