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Post Number 18 Who Did This

Posted on Wed Jan 24th, 2024 @ 1:32am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Space
Timeline: Current


Kristian closed up the cabin she and Tara had rented, walked over to her shuttle, keyed in the access code to disarm the alarm on it. Tara was already at the fighter flight checking it. Both had gotten the order from the commodore to return to Star Base Danvers on the double that there was trouble.

“What do you think is going on up there?” Tara asked

“I don’t know, I did see some odd flashes in the sky last night. Looked like it could have been phaser fire,” Kristian commented “Let’s get to the base, meet the commodore and Commander Green. But why cloaked?”

“We’ll find out when we get there,” Tara said climbing onto the fighter, donned the helmet, fired the engines and waited until Kristian boarded the shuttle and fired the engines. Once that was done they lifted off and per orders engaged the cloaks on both crafts and headed for the base.

It took only a matter of minutes until they broke through and into the blackness of space and headed for the star base. The debris field lay ahead, nearly all the docking rings were destroyed. Kristain stopped her shuttle and tapped her comms “Tara what do you make of this?”

“I don’t know, who attacked the star base and where the hell is the ship?” Tara responded as she fired the thrusters and headed closer to the star base, and ran several scans “I’m going to circle you go on in and find the commodore.”

Kristian still cloaked headed into the star base to the landing pads and touched down next to the commodore’s shuttle. Tappinng the comms “Commodore this is Long I’m on the landing pad next to your shuttle I’m cloaked, Herculoid is scanning the surrounding space where do you need me and Tara when she gets here?”

“Find auxiliary control and meet me there,” came Cyndi’s response

Meanwhile Tara banked the and swung the fighter around where she could get some readings on what could have done the damage to the base. What she found was like a punch in the gut, sensors indicated that the Amandora had fired on the base causing massive damage. There were some hull breaches and by the looks of the scans emergency force fields were in place. The base was going to need a lot of extensive repairs. There were several warp trails that led away from the base in about twenty different directions. Including a faint trail left by the Amandora that was fading rapidly so rapidly that she was not sure if following it would lead her to the ship. Swearing Tara headed into the base and landed next to Kristian’s shuttle. Shutting down the engines on the fighter Tara removed her helmet, raised the canopy and climbed out to find her cousin waiting for her. “It’s bad,”

The commodore is waiting for us in aux control you can fill her in,” Kristian said as she headed for aux control keeping an eye out for who or what had attacked the base.



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