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#27 Remain Steadfast

Posted on Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 11:04pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


The Orion marauders were scared out of their minds. Within the amphitheater, where they thought they held sway and could negotiate for resources over hostages, they were met by two glowing, thrumming blades that they had never seen before. One cloud blue, the other emerald green, with the two wielders showing their melee and swordplay skills. What had them most enthralled, and in fear, was how these two seemed to effortlessly deflect bolts and beams fired their way. When they stopped to hold position against the beams either of them would wave a hand and objects would fly across the chamber and smash into the heads and bodies of their comrades. What had started out as 25 well-armed thugs, had been cut down to 14, with both the women shouting for the civilians to run. The Orions wanted to stop them, but if they gave up their positions to pursue then that would leave them in the open. Several had already tried, and these two witches would deflect shots their way and cut down those trying to stop the mob of people running for their lives.

Soon enough these two wenches were joined by an Andorian woman, one who seemed to know her way around battlefield tactics. She took up position behind heavy cover, moving short distances as the seat backs were blasted away that protected her. The haze of smoke in the air was now making it hard for the Orions to distinguish their targets, so even the slightest movement of a shadow drew fire that way.

Kara and Ro had hunkered down behind a retainer wall for an exit, the Core within them at a premium. They could feel the fear and the confusion, but also where all their enemies were within the confines of this amphitheater.

"Any bright ideas, Master?"

Ro returned the grin. "They seem to be cowering, but still too stupid to surrender. What say you to a frontal assault, Knight Kara?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Master." They both smiled at each other before they went back to being more serious. "The civilians from outside are rescued, but there are still others within this building being held."

"I sense that, as well." Green said. "Though, they aren't being directly threatened. Seems our ruckus has caused their captors attention to be elsewhere."

Kara nodded. "Then we shouldn't disappoint."

"Agreed." Ro said, preparing for the next attack. "Let's gather Sheyla before we head upstairs to the admin level. Her firearms will be a great distraction..." Ro felt a heaviness at the core of her being, and she clutched her chest over top of her leather Meji gear. Closing her eyes she focused on that feeling and located the source of the sudden hole in her spirit. Nira! Ro could feel the Puazi woman's life force slipping from her body, and her daughter. Both had been critically wounded by something and were now fading from life. "It's Nira and Sera! They're down! I need to go to them..."

Kara reached out and clasped Ro's forearm over her bracer, getting her to hold fast. "Master! The needs of the many! You yourself told me many times that if we go to aid them then we could destroy all for which they have fought and suffered. These people first, Master! That will free us to aid Nira without hindrance."

Ro breathed in and out several times, focusing her Core on the trait Control, to get herself under control and to move on despite what she was feeling. Her companion and fellow Knight was correct. These people needed help first. It bereaved her to do so but she was here, now, and had to finish what she had started. Back under control she looked to Kara, gave her a weak nod as she patted the hand on her left forearm, meeting her gaze. "Let us finish this."

The two Meji began to move, remaining as stealthy as they moved through the haze and smoke.



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