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#47 Mister Glass Pays a Visit

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 8:52pm by Lieutenant JG Marcus Resch {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


Once Resch had used the sonic shower to clean himself completely of any glass debris on his person due to the wonders of sonic showers, he stepped out. The beauty of sonic showers was the fact that you could use them fully clothed, because not only did they clean your funky self, they also cleaned your funky clothes in the process. So, feeling that much better, the Lieutenant stepped to the mirror, seeing his wounds now freshly seeping blood as the coagulated, scabbing blood had been removed by the sonic shower. "You look like hell, boy." He said to his reflection. Going to a medkit on the wall he took out some gauze pads and began to clean and wipe some of the wounds. Yeah, there was glass beneath his flesh in certain areas, and as he swiped over them he hissed in pain. He found that fascinating since he had felt nothing as his brain had gone into psycho mode.

Realizing it was a lost cause until he got proper medical treatment, Resch took up a hypo and injected an antibiotic followed by an anti-inflammatory and a mild analgesic. Feeling a bit better after the meds, and cleaning the implements once done, he put them back in the kit and placed it back on the wall. Going back out to the Security area he saw Crow waiting while she was tapping away at a console. She looked up as he entered the cell holding area once more.

"Feeling better?" Bella asked.

"I am," Marcus replied. "But, I do need some medical. I'm heading there, now. I'll be careful. You got this?"

"Wait," Crow said incredulously. "You want me to stay here? No back up? You're just gonna wander around like you don't have a care in the world?"

"Something like that, yeah." Resch said. "I didn't demand you stay here, I was asking."

"Then, no. I'm coming with you." Bella was really starting to worry about him. Something had snapped. A switch had been flipped, something. He was not the guy she had met a few days ago. But, as she had been trained to recognize, everyone dealt with PTSD differently. Perhaps his mode of dealing was to cause as much pain, carnage, and death to those who had wronged him. She needed to keep an eye on him. "Rifles, or not?"

Resch gave a cynical shrug. "I don't see why. Whatever we need we can take from their corpses." He then casually lifted his cut up, glass infused right arm, moving it this way and that as he examined it. The rivulets of blood had been running again as they slowly made their way down his arm, beginning to coagulate.

Crow watched him looking at his arm in what appeared to be absolute fascination. Even as she gazed at him he appeared not to notice, nor care. Holding his right arm out he then used his left hand to swipe a finger along one of the wounds, the tip of his finger coming away with a glob of blood on it. For no less than three seconds he stared at it before suddenly lifting it to his mouth and sucking the blood off of it. Like a wine connoisseur he moved his tongue around inside his mouth, making sure his tongue and taste buds got a good dose. Once he had done that and his mouth stopped working it around, he looked up at her.

"Hmm." Marcus said. "Not too shabby. I taste pretty good." He gave a chuckle, seeing her face. "Gotcha!" He then laughed.

In pseudo-anger she growled. "Grrr. You are such a dick." Then she joined him in laughter. "You had me really worried, Marcus. That shit isn't funny on days like this, okay?"

Resch immediately saw the relief on her face when he busted a gut at his own antics. Now, with her in on the joke, he gave his old grin and bearing. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself after the few times you looked at me like I was Frankenstein's monster." Another chuckle.

"The jury is still out, bubba." She came around the Security station and hugged him, following that with a quick but meaningful kiss. "I can lock down Security now that I am here, and the only officer available to enact the anti-boarding procedures. I'm going to launch the log buoy. That will get Starfleet here that much quicker."

So, after getting all that done, the two officers left Security and locked it down behind them. Within an hour of sneaking through the base they arrived at Sickbay and walked inside since they did not see any bad guys anywhere near the medical area. Again, Resch had to ask himself; how the hell did this all happen with so little effort? But, being who they were, Crow and Resch entered in a shooter's stance, weapons held in a two handed grip. Upon entry, seeing who was there, they aimed their weapons. Their arms were straight, their aim true, and anyone looking at them would know that making a stupid move would get them shot. That was up until Marcus recognized Doctor Long and Paul.

"We're good, Bell." He dropped his arms and holstered his weapon with Crow matching his actions. "These are ship mates. Doctor Long, and that is Paul." He pointed them out.

Kristian pocked the phaser she held same with Paul. "I'm Doctor Long the CMO on the Amandora and the EMH and Commodore Song have placed me in command of sick bay, this is Paul Sanderson he's Commodore Song's husband." Seeing Marcus's bloody arm just pointed to a bio bed "Take a seat and tell me what the hell happened." Kristian grabbed a tri-coder and scanned him. "How the hell did you get so much glass in you?"

"Doctor," Paul said "I'm going back to Aux Control, Tara should be there soon."

"Be careful," Kristian said "Use the Jefferies Tubes,"

Though he had been offered a biobed to sit on, Resch went and stood next to it and let his arm relax and dangle so the Doc could administer her treatment. "To give a short synopsis we were trapped in Lieutenant Crow's quarters when the attack happened and the lockdown came. We escaped, and not knowing what the situation was, we left the others locked up until we could determine if it was safe to release them. Bella--I mean Lieutenant Crow--led us to the Security office, where we spotted a group of bad guys holding it down. As we observed we were come upon by the biggest damn Orion I have ever seen. And, being who we are we didn't just give up, especially when the guy picked me up and tossed me into a wall face first."

Crow could see that Resch was starting to get worked up again, his eyes hardening. So, to be cool and not bring attention to it she spoke up. "Lieutenant Resch," she said. "Stay on point. We're among friends."

Marcus cleared his throat and blew out a breath quickly. "You're right. You're right. Facts over story time." He went back to his story. "Anyway, we ended up fighting this big guy, which took both of us, and in so doing the moron decided to enter a curio shop with me on his back trying to stab him to death. I became his battering ram as he slammed through case after case trying to get me to let go. Crow then came in behind him when he began to weaken from loss of blood and sliced the tendons in his right knee. He tipped over and crashed to the floor, me still on his back and my arm trapped under him and pressed into the glass particles and shards." He looked at Long and gave a pleasant grin. "Now you know what happened, and why all the glass, Doctor."

Crow decided to give her some more information that Resch seemed to have forgotten. Or, perhaps he felt it was not worth mentioning. "We then took on the six holding down Security, Doctor. Mister Resch was directly responsible for freeing that department, and we have locked it down manually. The bad guys can't get back in unless they cut through walls."

"And I missed all the fun," Kristian teased as she worked on Resch's arm carefully removing all the glass fragments from it. Once done she grabbed a durmo-regenator and set to work repairing the wounds. Long continued to scan for more glass shards. After finding some more removed them as well. Picking up a hypo-spray she loaded it with a strong pain killer and another dose of an anitibotic and injected him with it. "I got it all, and I've given you a pain killer. You'll be fine but I want you to rest that arm for a few hours." She then looked to Crow "Are you hurt?"

"A few bumps and bruises, but nothing like he suffered. He seemed determined to keep himself between me and the enemy. I'm fine, Doctor, thank you."

When she finished speaking Marcus spoke up. "I'll keep it relaxed, Doc. Far as I can tell our part of this story is over for now. We'll help hold down Sickbay."

"I welcome the help. I've had to do some killing of thugs and I have an added issue. I found a young boy whose parents had been killed. He's in the CMO's office, Admiral Snow is with him so any help is appreciated big time. You also just missed the commodore, Major Barnes, Shannon and a surprise helper in Alona Tal," Kristian said as she walked over and secured the door.

"Glad we can help, Doctor." Resch said. "Plus, if I'm here then you can nag me when I push my arm too hard, too soon." He gave her a grin.

"You have no worries there, I can be a real nag if the need arises," Kristian said grinning at him.

Seeing the two shipmates come to an agreement, and now knowing where she was needed, Lieutenant Crow stepped out into the corridor outside Sickbay. Finding one of the hidden caches of weapons she opened it and took out two rifles. Closing it up she then went back into Sickbay and tossed one to Marcus. "Time to guard the nest."

"Damn skippy," said Resch, checking the rifle's power and settings, adjusting them for his own use. "Alright, Doc. Mind if we take shifts and use a biobed for some shut-eye?"

"Shut eye is just what is needed, Resch you get some sleep so you can rest that arm, Miss Crow when did you sleep last?" Kristian asked as she checked the charge on her weapon.

"We've both been awake since the attack began, Doctor." Crow responded. "If you feel secure enough then we can both nap for a couple of hours."

"Get some sleep, sick bay is secured, I have charting I need to do," Kristian said "I'll be fine and you two look dead on your feet."

Crow and Resch gave her a nod each to that, then mounted a biobed each, next to one another, and began to fall into sleep. Both of them had their rifles cradled in their arms as they did so.



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