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Post Number 20 Meeting up

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 3:02pm by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Mission: Aftermath
Location: USS Cumberland
Timeline: Current

The beam of a transporter faded and Alister and Sibe stepped off the pad, both in uniform with Sibe still holding a sleeping Amber. “Long time no see, Ashley,” Alister said stepping off the pad and holding his arms open to the shorter blonde Captain standing off to the side.

A slight shake of her head and a chuckle before accepting the hug, “What have you roped me into this time Alister,” she replied to his greeting, “I just had to beg my Chief Engineer to agree to report that the liner had a comms malfunction. I think you owe me one.”

Alister chuckled pulling back from the hug, “Cover to the liner had to get the Captain to refuse any communication from the planet. You know I’m good for the favor. I trust the wine met your expectation?”

“It’s a start,” Captain Brooke responded, “We’re heading to collect the last of your people now, the Chief sent in the all clear message that everyone had made it off planet. We’ve got your Captain Rivers in guest quarters.” She mentioned with a nod of her head. “I’ll take you to her.” The four set off down a stretch of empty corridors before arriving at one of Cumberland’s guest quarters. She pressed the button and stepped inside, “Your guests have arrived Captain Rivers.”

Alesha seeing Amber asleep fought back the happy tears "She's okay?" she took her daughter and hugged the sleeping child before walking over and laying her on the couch.

“She’ll be out for another half hour before she starts to wake up,” Sibe said handing over Amber. “Figure it’s best if she wakes up naturally rather then give her something to wake her up.”

Alesha nodded "I agree, no doubt she'll be a bit scared when she does wake up. I'll get her checked out first chance I get."

“I’ll leave you three for the time being, if you need anything I’ll be on the bridge,” Captain Brooke said with a smile as she looked down at the sleeping child, “Alister if you’ll join me for dinner and fill me in on anything you can.”

Alister gave a nod of his head, as Brooke exited the room the door closing behind her. “We do have to have a slight conversation,” he said turning to Alesha, “Any idea on why your ex had a six person cartel hit team as a rapid response force? I would rather leave mysteries then a mess but there is six dead cartel hit men on your ex-husband’s front lawn.”

"I'm not sure unless it has to do with Amber or he's into something else since last I saw him," Alesha replied "He's not one to trust that's a given."

Alister sighed, “Something for Connor to look into,” he said, “The important thing is we got her out and my team is off planet all in one piece. Ashley’s going to want some answers but I’ll deal with that.”

Sibe snorted lightly, “Considering how you and Captain Brooke get along I’ll send the Chief by later to pour you into a rack to sleep it off.”

"It's highly possible he could be involved with the cartel that would explain the hit squad your team encountered," Alesha said after a few minutes "He could be the head of it, he was always interested in that kind of thing. I'm sorry I'm not more help."

“I would suggest you keep Amber out of the limelight until we can figure out what he is,” Alister said sharing a glance with Sibe. “The Cartel has a lot of reach and a lot less morals than my boys and girls. They would have simply gunned down the nanny and any nearby civilians to get her back, figuring some might be a bodyguard or two hidden.”

"That lieutenant won't be a problem, I'll take her home, for a bit before I head to the ship. No one will be able to get near her. On Amzock my mum is captain of the guards so she'll be safe there and I know on the ship I can protect her," Alesha replied

Alister gave a nod, “We’ll let you get settled with Amber,” he said looking over at the sleeping girl, “Myself and Sibe have been assigned the quarters to either side of you and the Chief will be across the hall once we pick him up. If you need anything don’t hesitant to ask. If we can’t help I’m sure Ashley will be able to come up with something.”

"Thank you so much," Alesha said glancing at her sleeping daughter then back to Alistar "No doubt she'll be afraid and full of questions. I should be okay but yes if I need anything I'll let you know. Do you have any idea where we're heading once we pick up the chief?"

“Heading back to the Amandora after Cumberland finishes this patrol leg,” Alister replied standing up, “Should only be a couple of days added to the trip but looks more routine then a ship diverting from an established patrol route.” He reached into a bag he had been carrying, “While staying in that overpriced resort saw this. A gift from myself and Sibe figure if she’s anything like my niece she’ll want to cuddle with something,” he said pulling out a stuff animal.

Alesha took the stuffed animal "Thank you so much, I'm sure she'll love it. I'll give it to her as soon as she wakes up."



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