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POST Number 30 " Shake,Rattle and Roll "

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 4:50pm by Commander Will Raymond

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Utopia Planetia
Timeline: Concurrent



There is no Final Frontier for an optimistic mind and Commander Will Raymomd knew this the moment he boarded the refitted Vesta class ship. As lead engineer for this project Will took special privilege to install a very special chair for Commodore Song.

Lime a school boy he couldn't wait to give the ship and the chair to his old Captain

" Clear all moorings. Release all umbilical and gravitational supports. Helm plot course to Starbase Danvers." Will ordered.

" Course plotted and laid in." Helm replied.

" Shake rattle and roll." Will then ordered.

Clearing the docking collar to free space the Vesta ship paused before the light speed stream absorbed it and warped it out of the Sol system.

Minutes into the wave Will Raymond could feel the shifts in the plates and knew that the intermix stream needed tweeking

" Engineering adjust the matter- antimatter flow we are getting some buckling up here."

[ Yes sir but that is a hull integrity issue I have a team preparing that fix but we will have to drop out of warp.]the on duty chief replied.

" Fine drop us out of warp. Are we near any ports of call?" Will asked the Helm.
" Negative Commander. There is a Tellarite station at impulse. 2 days journey. "

" Damn, set a new course for that Tellarite station."
" Aye Sir. Adjusting course."

Engineering's EVA team went outside and made the adjustments but the repairs took longer than expected leaving then now less than a day from an automated Tellarite Engineering platform.

" Commander those things are still out there and cost a pretty penny. The last one I saw cost 3 bars of gold pressed latinum for a standard diagnostic."

" The Chief assures me we are ship shape so re-engage the warp. Resume our course back to Starbase Danvers." Will replied.

" You gonna say it? You know your phrase?" the helmsman.asked.

" Haha very funny. Helm Shake,eattle and roll." Will complied.

Once again underway the future Amandora -A streaked across the heavens.



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