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Post Number 29 An Offer

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 4:35pm by Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Lieutenant Sabbath

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Planet Amzock/Forbidden Moon
Timeline: Current


< Preface>

Sabbath had spent several days with a duo on Starbase Danvers assorting isolinear chips and cataloguing numerous mundane support devices. When that work was completed Sabbath returned to his quarters and considered his future.

< Amzock >

Tara thought about the moon, it was highly protected but she figured Sabbath would like to see it. Taking a seat at the communications console in the control room Tara placed a call to Sabbath inviting him to her home planet that that there was something she'd like to show him.

< Danvers >

Sabbath received Tara's call and immediately returned it.
" This is Sabbath. Your request sounds intriguing Ms Herculoid. I will secure passage to your world as soon as possible." the Vulcan replied.

"Please do so, I have a moon that I think will peek your interest. I'll explain more when you get here." Tara said.

Securing the passage was somewhat tricky but a day later Sabbath found himself aboard a medical ship rendering aide to a Ferengi ship near Amzock.

From there he arrived via shuttle at a very early hour in the morning in the area Tara called home. Looking upward Sabbath spied the a moon and wandered if it was the very moon she had mentioned.

" Sabbath to Tara Herculoid. I have arrived to Amzock." he said into his Comm badge.

"I'll meet you, give me a few minutes," Tara responded walking from the Palace Tara made her way to the landing platform where Sabbath was waiting for her. "I'm glad you could come Would you like to have a bite to eat or something to drink? I'll fill you in on my moon, it's heavly guarded and off limists to only a few people."

" I am surprisingly parched. Water is sufficient. Why all of a sudden are observers being allowed to study this culture? My understanding was Amzock had placed the moon under a protectorate. " Sabbath replied.

Tara led the way to the Palace kitchen where she handed Sabbath a cold glass of water "That moon is still highly guarded. I only permit my parents, my cousin Kristian, her mum and dad and Alesha's mum and dad. Anyone else caught heading there will be ordered away and if they refuse to obey then they are fired on. The moon is under my control. Amzock has three moons and that moon is a medium sized one,"

" I am now more intrigued. Is there sentient life on that planet?" Sabbath then asked.

Tara nodded "There is and I recently discovered a second spcies there. I have a blind set up that they cannot see and I go in and land cloaked. I land behind the blind and keep the shuttle cloaked while I'm there."

" When do we leave?" Sabbath asked.

"Now," Tara said "Follow me out to my shuttle and we'll leave."
Tara after leaving word with her parents that she was heading to the moon walked to her shuttle, keyed in her access codes and boarded it. Tara took a seat in the pilots seat and waited for Sabbath to join her.

Sabbath opened the hatch and joined Tara and immediately strapped in. " All strapped in and awaiting lift off." Sabbath replied.

Tara closed the hatch ran the flight check, fired the engines, brought the cloak online and lifted off. She angled toward the moon, the fighters knowing it was the Princess's shuttle held position. Tara engaged the cloak as she entered the gravity well of the moon "I'll do a flyover so you can see things. They're in the early stages of development they just discovered fire." Keeping things high Tara switched on the sensors, set them to read standard and scanned things "Take a look at sensors."

Sabbath scanned and was highly intrigued by the Planetary readings. " We're these beings seeded here? I also scan a second cluster of activity south of here. Is that the secondary species?"

Tara nodded as she angled her shuttle around and laded behind her blind. "I discovered the first species a number of years ago. Told my parents about it and mum came with me and we watched they didn't know we were here. It was her order that made this moon off limits, The second species I only found a week ago. They've been here as well too of that I'm sure." Tara as shut down the engines, a quick scan to see no one was hear "Let's go into the blind, the shuttle stays cloaked." Tara got up opened the hatch and led the way into the blind.

" Lead the way . " Sabbath replied. His intrigue matched his stoic persona but inside he subdued his excitement.

Tara walked to what looked to be a rock wall, slid back the cover revealing a look down at the village "We're about twenty five feet up and ten feet away. They can't see us," she checked the sensors that were running full time. "This shows what this village has been doing. I can access it from anywhere. Mum, dad and I are talking about building a second blind to keep an eye on the other species. There are listening devices placed around the village that they don't see. They're in some rock faces too. So what do you think?"

" Impressive. On earth the AWA were not aware of the Vulcans for many years. The use of bird shaped Drones availed us footage. Do they appear to have a rudimentary language yet? " Sabbath asked.

"Some, it's a lot of grunts, there is some indication of a language but not much. A few words have been formed but only 'me, or mine' that's the extent." Tara said.

" Is there flora and fauna? Lower life forms like animals or insects?" Sabbath then asked.

"There are," Tara said "They've used certain plants to make mats to sleep on, they've fashioned spears to hunt with and have discovered fire. There are animals here and yes a variety of insects, birds, reptiles you name it." she handed him a PADD with her study on it.

Sabbath studied the PADD for several minutes and then had another series of questions. " What is their natural predator? "

"Several both large and small," Tara said "Some that attack from above, from below as well as some that resemble bears, cougars that type of thing. I've seen them attacked and I can't do much. There is plenty of game for them to kill and eat."

" To do so would be in violation of the Federation Prime Directive. Does Amzock follow that same guide line?" Sabbath asked.

"That's a fine line there, yes my planet does honor the Prime Directive, however this moon is protected and is off limits to everyone without permission of the Amazon Government. Being it's in the early stages of development we won't permit anyone to set foot on this moon without permission from our government," Tara said "Your here as my guest and I'll share things with you as I get them."

" I totally understand. As a Starfleet Officer I am obligated to follow the prime directive. Will we be spending the evening?" Sabbath asked.

"As am I lieutenant, this moon doesn't count," Tara replied "In response to us spending the night. The answer is no, the lights from the blind will be seen even with the panel closed, we'll leave soon. What do you think of my moon?"

Sabbath paused as he was very intrigued but also reminded of the effects an outside world might have on a primitive species.

" After the Vulcan first contact of Earth several groups observed native Terran species. My family was assigned the task to study the AWA people 20 years ago. They are very efficient hunters and healers but having us among them made them feel self conscious. Never meeting others if these people ever meet you or another off worlder it will scare them more than you can imagine. I thank you for allowing me to witness this culture." Sabbath replied.

"My pleasure and as I said I can get the reports anywhere so if you like I can share them with you. Once I leave and return to Starfleet the captain of the guards is going to erect a defense shield around this moon and will only give it to me, and my parents. No one will be permitted here without my permission or the King and Queens," Tara said .

" That is a shame. Until my reassignment I would relish to study such a prolific anthropology. The evolution of a simplified people is so rare ." Sabbath replied.

"But as you said to let them see anything would scare them, My equipment will continue to run and as I collect the data I'll be more than happy to share it with you, but this moon has to remain protected and as long as it's this primitive it will be," Tara said "I am going to have more sensors and camera's set up here and then the second species I've discovered."

" I would be honored to help you study these peoples Tara. " Sabbath replied.

"Then I'll make sure I share my data with you," Tara said looking out the blind at the village she'd been watching "It's starting to get dark here, we probably should go," she got to her feet, closed and secured the blind, silenced the computers and instruments so they'd not make any sounds "Thank you for coming with me. We can talk more on the shuttle,"

Sabbath followed suit and exited backwards. A trick he had learned on Earth was to walk backwards and brush his steps so as not to show a foot print. Picking up a limb with leaves he did that here until returning to the shuttle. " My ability to find a cloaked vessel with my eyes has not been established yet." Sabbath sort of joked.

They boarded the shuttle, Tara ran the flight check, fired the engines and lifted off. Staying cloaked she flew over the moon and soon spotted the second village "There it is, It's a number of miles from the first one. I'll have to get a blind set up here too. But that will be another time as there is no cliff for this one." Baking the shuttle she headed for space just as the sun was setting on the moon. "So what do you think?"

" As an Observer this is very profound. What is your government's position on finding these beings? Ecologically were these beings created here or were they brought here? There are numerous anthropological questions?" Sabbath asked.

"When I found the life on the moon they were already here. I've scanned it thoroughly and there is no indication these beings were brought here," Tara replied "Speaking for my planet's government we've taken every precaution and deep scans on the moon. These beings developed here. I'm going to find a way without being seen to get DNA samples from both beings that are here. As I've said this moon is under my control and my parents. The captain of the guards has her orders from me and my parents."

" A transporter trace would avail you that option. It scans the object down to the molecular level beams it and returns it back to its original origin." Sabbath suggested.

"That it can, but my shuttle is not equipped for that type of thing. It will require a star ship and that;s easy. I can have Captain Rivers do the scan along with Kristian. Thank you for the suggestion," Tara said as she set course back to Amzock.

" I have enjoyed this day. Thank you for including me Tara." Sabbath replied.

"It's been my pleasure," Tara said as she dropped the cloak. Amzock came into view few minutes later. "Since it's been a long day for you my mum and dad have had guest rooms prepared for you. We'd be honored if you'd be our guest."

" I will graciously accept the offer. It was a long trip from Danvers. Perhaps we can confer over the mental notes I have taken on this survey?" Sabbath replied.

Tara after getting permission to land, not that she'd be denied permission to land headed for the landing platform. Once the shuttle was on the ground Tara shut down the engines "I'd like that. Let me show you to your rooms for the night."

Sabbath was very pleased to follow. He was also very intrigued by this whole ordeal. Ironically he was also very keen on Tara as a scientist. Her role on the Amandora was legendary despite her appearance of being so young.

Tara led the way to the guest rooms in the Palace. Stopping at a door, she opened it and stepped inside. "The window has a balcony and it over looks a lake. The bathroom is over to your right. There is both a shower and if your into it, there is garden tub with jets to sooth your muscles and to relax. There is a replicator or if you would like we'll have dinner in the gardens."

Sabbath usually ate alone but found himself replying " I would not be opposed to a dinner Tara."

"Great, we'll have dinner in about two hours," Tara said "I'll leave you to rest."

But there was no rest as all the possibilities fished through his mind. Finding a new species was enough but also the events of the last few days and now resting his head on Amzock silk made for a most intriguing time with Tara.

Tara left the guest room where Sabbath was staying at her guest, walking into the courtyard her mother greeted her

"How did your guest like the moon?" Rayna asked

"He liked it and is full of questions," Tara replied "We'll talk at dinner.

Refreshing himself from a mild nap Sabbath left his state room and began exploring the estate. Figurines and paintings he had never seen adorned the halls and shelves.

"Your father and I both agree the moon is under your command whatever you say goes," Rayna said

I've already told Marlaina to get a defense shield around it and no one lands or goes near it that is not on my permission," Tara replied

Tara's father Zelcore walked into the courtyard "I'm looking forward to meeting your shipmate. Dinner is nearly ready."

A stickler for timing Sabbath made his walk towards the dining hall.

Tara and her parents walked into the dining room just as Sabbath entered "Mum, dad this is my boss and shipmate Sabbath, Sabbath my parents, Rayna and Zelcore."

"Our daughter speaks highly of you, welcome to our planet and our home," Zelcore said

" It is agreeable to meet you. And the feeling is mutual " Sabbath answered.

"Please have a seat," Tara said "Mum made stroganoff, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles and homemade bread. Help yourself. I hope you like it."

"Tara told us she was taking you to her moon, what are your thoughts on her discoveries?" Zelcore asked.

" I am understandably curious. A discovery of this find is unique. How long has Amzock been inhabited sir?" Sabbath replied.

"The planet has been inhabited for centuries," Zelcroe replied

"There is an ancient city Tara likes to go to and explore. But right now the moon has her interest," Rayna said.

" I am hesitant but also willing to ask. Would you allow me to explore these old ruins? " Sabbath asked.

"On one condition, explore only. The old city has not been lived in for over a hundred years. There is an old Palace there that is a favorite of Tara's. It's an old Palace that looks as if it were very well built," Rayna said

"The surprising thing is, it's still nearly fully intact, some of the houses and buildings are the same way," Tara replied

"You'll go with an armed escort as it's partially in the jungle and only way to get there is on horseback," Zelcore said .

" I am very efficient with equestrian sports. Are the horses native to this planet or brought here by means of trade?" Sabbath replied with each question opening up several more.

"Some of the horses are native here, some were brought here as gifts. The stable hands know what horses are open for anyone. There are Gypsy Vaner Horses that are reserved for the Royal Family," Tara said.

"There are about twenty horses that guests ride, ranging from Quarter Horses, to Morgans, to Tennessee Walkers. You may pick any of them. Some are spirited some are in between and some are very gentle," Rayna commented

"Shall eat?" Zelcore asked

Sabbath nodded as he also was hungry. But the talk of the horses fascinated him so.

Tara and her mother walked into the kitchen and returned with the stroganoff, mashed potatoes, and noodles and set them on the table. "Please help your self, mum cooks for an army when she cooks, this is all hand made."

Enjoying the meal Sabbath even had seconds before retiring to the study with Zelcore.

" I know I have just met you sir but I would like to call upon Tara again with your permission?" Sabbath declared.

"What would you like from my daughter?"Zelcore asked "Call on her how and for what?"

Sabbath paused as he realized his words had meanings and now his intentions were being questioned.

" Logically we are in similar fields of study. We will be serving aboard the same starship. I wished only your permission to call upon her should we have more similarities . Among most civilized humanoid cultures such an act is appropriate. " Sabbath replied.

Zelcore caught the meaning of what Sabbath was asking and nodded. "You have my permission."

Sabbath accepted the emotion of joy as Zelcore replied positively. " It us agreeable to meet you sir. I will bid good evening going to Tara now."

"Good evening to you as well," Zelcore said "My daughter is in the garden, it's one of her favorite places when she's home."

Sabbath nodded and walked out of the home and into the garden area. " Tara are you nearby?" Sabbath called out.

"I'm by the pond, just follow the path and you'll find me," Tara called out.

Sabbath complied and spied a newt jumping into the pond. Seeing Tara's blond hair he quickly joined her.

" I am about to retire for the evening. Thank you for hosting me Tara. I look forward to serving with you on the new ship." Sabbath replied.

Tara turned to face him "As do I and I'm glad you were able to come and see the moon with me. I'll see you in the morning, breakfast is informal, it's usually just a buffet style. Pleasant dreams."

Sabbath about replied * Vulcan's do not dream, but that was not true. " And also to you." he did reply.

"Thank you," Tara said

Sabbath turned to exit the garden and to return to his room for the night. Tomorrow was probably going to be a very busy day as well. But he paused and admired this almost human environment with all the smells.and feels of Earth.

He then left the garden and went to his guest room and fell directly to sleep.



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