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Post Number 28 You Done You Hurt My Kids

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 4:34pm by Commodore Cyndi Song

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Planet Klavor-Reginalds Office
Timeline: Current


Cyndi after spending several days with Paul and the kids headed for the Palace. It was time to have it out with Reginald over what Piper and Brent had told her and the bruise on her daughter’s arm. Walking in Cyndi headed for Reginald’s office, the door was closed and she didn’t bother to knock. Opening the door she stepped inside and placed her hands on her hips.

Reginald seeing Cyndi walk in stood and gave her a bow “Your Highness what brings you to my office without knocking” he asked

“Don’t Your Highness me,” Cyyndi fumed “Sit your ass down as you have some explaining to do.”

Reginald did as ordered and gave Cyndi a puzzled look as she took a seat, “What are you talking about?” he asked.

“For starters, who in the hell gave you any right to lie to MY Children, put your hands on them!”

“Princess I don’t know what your talking about,” Reginald responded.
“The hell you don’t, Piper told me that my mother wanted you to begin to train her to be a Princess, I spoke with the Queen, She NEVER wanted you to train my daughter for anything. Paul and I are her parents. When the time comes, Paul and I will teach her NOT you!” Cyndi shouted.

“Calm down,” Reginald said “You're overreacting.”

“Overreacting? My daughter has a bruise on her arm from where you grabbed her. She’s told me everything you made her do. On whose authority did you do any of that, what right did you have to put your hands on MY daughter? I could have you shot for this!” Cyndi shouted “My kids are afraid of you and don’t want to see you again and I assured them they don’t have to. I want you to pack your things and vacate this office. You're done here.”

Reginald stook, placed his hands on his desk and leaned over his desk “You don't have that authority.”

“You forget who you're dealing with. I’m the Throne Princess of this planet and future Queen. That gives me the authority. Now sit your ass back down and tell me why you put your hands on MY daughter, told her my mother wanted you to train her and what the hell have you said or done to MY son? Both of my kids told me your mean.”

Reginald walked from behind his desk, grabbed Cyndi’s arm in an attempt to pull her from the chair. “Stand up when I’m speaking to you!” he shouted

Cyndi got to her feet, grabbed Reginald’s arm, spun him around pinning his arm behind him and shoved him into the wall and kept the pressure on his arm. “That was your last mistake.”

Tasha, hearing the shouting, walked into Reginald’s office just in time to see Cyndi grab him and shove the man into a wall. “Cyndi Lin Song- Sanderson what are you doing? Let him go!” Tasha ordered.

Cyndi spun the man around and pushed him into the chair she’d just vacated and looked at her mother “Ask him and what he’s said and done to my children,” Cyndi said

“Cyndi does not get this mad easily so I suggest you tell me what brought this on.” Tasha ordered “And don’t leave anything out.”

Reginald looked from the Queen to Cyndi, “I took it upon myself to begin to train Princess Piper, we all know one day she’ll follow in Princess Cyndi’s shoes as ruler of this world.”

“You did what?”Tasha demanded “You had no right to do anything with my granddaughter or my grandson.”

“Tell her the rest or so help me I will and if won’t be pretty,” Cyndi warned “Tell her what you did to my children.”

“I told Princess Piper and Prince Brent you wanted me to train them.,” Reginald responded, not sure who he was more afraid of Tasha or Cyndi. “I guess I got carried away. I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

“He’s not telling you everything,” Cyndi remarked “He grabbed Piper’s arm and left a nasty bruise on her, Brent said he’s mean is does not want to ever see him again. He told my kids that you wanted him to train them. That's why they’ve been distant where your concerned mum.”

“Cyndi’s right, your finished here, you hurt my grandkids and that is unforgivable. You were hard on my daughter. Where Piper and Brent are concerned you let Cyndi and Paul worry about things with them. Piper won;t become Queen for at least fifty years and who knows if there will be a monarchy by then. That will be up to Cyndi. Now Reginald you have ten minutes to clear things out and leave the Palace and I don’t want to see you here again. IF I do, you're going to jail. Cyndi I’ll take it from here and you let my grandkids know he’s gong and won;t bother them again. Tell them how sorry I am that he hurt them.”

Cyndi glared at Reginald “Mum I’ll send in the guards to make sure he leaves. I don’t want him trying to talk his way out of this.”

“He won’t honey, I’ll handle this, you go back to Paul and the Kids,” Tasha said as two heavily armed guards entered the room.

Cyndi nodded and left the Palace while the guards helped Reginald pack and escorted him to a waiting shuttle that would take him out of their lives for good.



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