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#7 Seamother's pup

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 4:57am by Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji}

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Meji Sea, Danvers
Timeline: current/somewhere in between

OOC: Post for the day after the BBQ


Sheyla had dove into the sea off the back of the boat Ro and Kara were using to give the Admiral his tour of the Meji Preserve. Once in the water she used the Core to listen for the whale song, and reached out to sense them. They were directly ahead of her, following the boat. With the youngest ones being with them Sheyla knew they would have to keep a casual pace to allow them to stay caught up. Getting to the surface to take a breath, Sheyla then dropped her face into the water and screamed beneath it. Lifting her face she breathed again and repeated. Finally, in the distance she could hear the whale song, and a few of them were calling out to her, to let her know they were coming. Bringing her head up out of the water once more, Sheyla could not help but smile. So, playing like a piece of flotsam, she remained floating and being rocked by the gentle waves. Feeling something rub against her right calf beneath the surface, grinning at the chance to see her friends again, Sheyla took in a good breath and looked beneath the waves. That was not a whale.

What had brushed her leg this time was not a fish, it was an octopus looking beast. It had been examining her through tactile curiosity, and seeming to have found her to be interesting, the long tentacle wrapped around her ankle and pulled her down. Instead of eight tentacles this beast had six, and again, Sheyla's brain went back to Puget Sound. The Octopi there were more or less friendly, and extremely curious about everything they were not familiar with. They did not attack but instead tried to maintain a safe distance even while they would check out divers and their gear by swimming in quick, touching them a few times and then inking and swimming away.

This particular animal had a large eye on the front of its domed head, and it moved about as it examined her as the tentacle held her in place with ease. Sheyla had controlled her fear and remained relaxed, not wanting to excite her body and therefore need air much quicker than normal. Another of its tentacles had been reaching into crevices on the coral reefs along the sea floor as if searching for something, and when it found what it was looking for by touch it pulled forth another sea creature, bringing it up to Sheyla's face so she could see it. A third tentacle joined in on the meeting. What Sheyla saw before her in its tentacle was what looked like a four legged starfish. It wriggled slowly as starfish do, but the octopus was not harming it, instead holding it up for Sheyla to see. The third tentacle that was empty moved in non-threatening even as the other let go of her leg. The octopus then touched her face around her mouth and nose, then used that tentacle to do the same to itself using charades. The starfish tentacle then moved forward, the belly and 'mouth' of the starfish facing Sheyla, moving in closer as if to cover her own mouth and nose with it.

Looking at the octopus again, seeing it continuing to show as if to be wiping its own face/mouth, it suddenly donned on Sheyla what it was trying to do. It did not point into its mouth, but showed that it would be covered. It suddenly dawned on Sheyla what it was saying. It wanted Sheyla to put the starfish over her nose and mouth, for whatever reason, and searching her feelings she found no animosity toward her from the octopus. It felt like ti was trying to be helpful, and was glad to do so. This planet was starting to show it was far more interesting than anyone knew. Still good using control for her lungs, Sheyla then reached out and grasped the starfish, the octopus letting go, and she placed it over her nose and mouth. The starfish latched on and suctioned to her flesh, a water tight seal, two of its legs running along her face beneath her eyes, the other two legs anchoring the starfish using the chin and jawline. The starfish undulated once and just like that all the water touching Sheyla's nose and mouth was gone, leaving what she could feel was an air pocket.

Sheyla could hear master Ro in her head as she remembered her training from last night; "use the Core for knowledge and defense."

Taking a leap of faith, Sheyla prepared herself for the worst without fear. And, then, she exhaled the stale air in her lungs, seeing no bubbles coming from the starfish on her face, yet able to purge the air. Then, with that in mind, Sheyla took in a long, deep breath. There was no water involved as she pulled in the breath, instead feeling the air passing through the starfish from the sea to her lungs. It was a gill system, of sorts. And, all natural. Now, freely breathing under water and not having to worry about heading up, Sheyla giggled to herself. Reaching out she grasped the tentacle and sent feelings of thanks down through it to the octopus which responded by bringing two more tentacles up to grasp her around the waist and legs in a non-threatening manner. It was as if it had a form of hugging of its own and was letting her know through that touch that he was glad to help. The empathy she could feel through the Core told her the beast was pleased it had aided her. This really was an amazing planet. Thankfully the Meji had arrived here when we did, she thought. It was obvious that the oceans had not been fully researched or explored, and now with the Preserve, creatures such as the whales and this octopus would have a protected area with which to grow and live.

Off in the distance the whale song was getting louder as they got closer. The octopus put forth a feeling of joy at the sound and pulled its tentacles back from Sheyla as it took off swimming in the direction of the song. Pulling her legs up Sheyla activated her fins and then began to swim after the creature. The starfish kept providing air, even though it tasted and smelled rather fishy as it passed from the starfish into her. It was air and she did not have to surface so a little discomfort she could deal with. Sheyla stayed near the floor of the sea, swimming along with ease as she did so. Coming over a rise of coral reef Sheyla's eyes were met with the sight of the whales and the octopus appearing to greet one another. The whales swam around the octopus, the babies being introduced. The octopus was sitting on the coral reef plucking clams the size of Sheyla's head off the reef, peeling them open with its powerful tentacles, and then offering the tasty contents within to the younglings. They were all excited and chattered about it.

Wanting to see if she could make it work, Sheyla gather the Core to herself and focued on controlling her body, especially her lungs, throat, and voicebox. It would probably strain her throat to do so, but with the Core aiding the effort, Sheyla began to try and mimick the whale song. Her first whale song try was a simple whining squeal of greeting. All the whales slowed way down in their swimming, as if they were now looking around for who had said that. The octopus had spun around and focused its eye on her after she had sung. So, swimming in amongst them all Sheyla began to whine, squeal and chitter to let them know that she could now try to communicate with them. Seamother swam in close, looking her over.

"You found the air providers," Seamother sang.

Sheyla decided to reach out and touch her for ease of conversation using telepathy. Whale song was going to take some practice. "I did not find them." She motioned to the octopus. "I was shown how to use them."

"I am pleased. You can now enjoy the sea and become one with it."

"That is my intention. However, due to my responsibilities above water, I will be gone for a long time between visits home." Sheyla explained. "I will return when duty allows."

"We will always be here. As you say; home."

Sheyla wrapped her arms around Seamother as best she could and gave as good a squeeze as she could. Easing back she explained. "Among us surface dwellers that is a show of affection called a hug."

"We are simpler." Seamother began to move and then made a loop and came in slowly. She exposed her belly to Sheyla while at the same time rubbing her body along the Andorian's. "We cannot hug so we simply touch."

"I see it as one and the same." Sheyla said. "Thank you for your trust and your friendship."

"You are now family. The pod has decided. The little ones were pleased with you and this made their mothers agreeable. You are now considered my pup."

"That makes me happy. I am honored." Sheyla responded. "Would the family be up for a little trip today?"

"Where do you want to go?"

Sheyla answered. "The largest island. My matriarch is there and awaiting me."

After some discussion with the pod Seamother said they would do it. The young ones needed to build their stamina up so the trip would do them good. Sheyla mounted Seamother as before and they began to move. This time, however, was far more enjoyable now that she did not need air three times more than the whales did. They could remain under at their leisure and keep right on swimming without too many breaks to surface.



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