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Post Number 8 BBQ Cookout Party

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 2:31pm by Commodore Cyndi Song & Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Captain Alesha Rivers & Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson & Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant David Montgomery & Lieutenant Sabbath & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Marcus Resch {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Kalina Johnson & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji} & Piper Sanderson & Brent Sanderson

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Danvers Planet Surface
Timeline: Slight Back Post


Everything was set for the BBQ, Cyndi with the help of her family and some of the crew members had set up tables. A bonfire had been started and was going nicely. All that was needed now was for everyone to come and join the fun while they waited for new ship to arrive.

"it looks like we got back just in time for the party." David said to Kalina as they headed to where the others were gathered.

Kalina smiled as she looked around. She decided to do something a little unprecedented. She reached out and held David's hand. This was a bold step for her, a bold set for them both. She had a feeling Alesha and Tara would be there. She couldn't help that she started to get feelings for him, and they both had their chance with him. It's just they're so kind of chemistry between them, that he couldn't deny.

David was surprised when Kalina took his hand as well as happy. He squeezed hers gently and smiled. He didn't care who knew about them, but he knew this was a big move on Kalina's part.

"It feels good to be back." His eyes met Kalina's. "With you, among our friends. We should look and see if we can find them."

"Or you can just stay here, I wouldn't mind having my moment with you right now." Kalina said with a big grin on her face. Ever since they went to earth, they both did drawn pretty close to one another.

"I am more than fine with that." David said with an easy smile. "I enjoy every minute I have with you." He was tempted to lean in and kiss her. For a moment he paused and then he thought what he hell and kissed her.

Sabbath was not interested in a terran cookout but did arrive to mingle with his peers. Unlike some Vulcans Sabbath would socialize with his coworkers.

Kristian touched the fighter down just ahead of the shuttle carrying Tara, Alesha and Amber. Kristian climbed down and walked over to the shuttle just as the three of them emerged from it. "Looks like we made it in time," Kristian said.

"I'm glad as it was a long flight," Tara commented as she watched Amber and Alesha.

While still holding David's hand, using him as a clutch to get her through this social encounter, she looked over to Tara. "Long flight, where'd you come from?" Kalina asked.

"My home planet, Amzock, Kristian and I went home to visit our families and Alesha joined us with her daughter she got back" Tara replied "We caught up on things with family. We'd not been home in a while."

"Well the important thing is you got to go home for a little while. That must have been nice. I know I really enjoyed going back to earth, spending some time with this guy right here." Kalina said, as she continued holding his hand.

David grinned at the other two. "It was good to go home but Kallina is right. The best part of the trip was our time together."

Tara nodded "That we did and it was good, I got a chance to study a moon that is in early stages of development. All in all it was a great time."

Kristian walked over "Hi David and Kalina, I think everyone needed this break. I got the chance to see my brother who I've not seen in sometime. Even my parents were there."

"I couldn't agree more. It was nice to visit the family, but it was also nice to spend time with this guy." Kalina said with big lustful eyes, she wanted to kiss him but she didn't want to embarrass him in front of the others or put themselves in a potential fraternization situation. Even though this was an informal party she didn't want to risk it.

"Spending time with family and that special someone is always good. I got the chance to hang out with my brother who is a few years younger," Kristian commented. "I've never really had a boyfriend so I envy the two of you. Perhaps one day I'll meet someone."

"Starfleet is filled with beautiful people, with open and open personalities. It's actually a gold mine a treasure trove of men and women eager and willing today each other." Kalina said if she looked over. If that person was single it was by choice.

"It sure is and I hope to meet Mr. Right, I know he's out there I just have to find him." Kristian said smiling.

David didn’t know what to say, he wasn’t into all the Cupid and love matches. All he knew was that he and Kalina had something special.

"You will, but I discovered when you're not looking is when you find them." Kalina take it out to Kristian.

"My dad told me the same thing, when he met my mum it was purely by accident. He often commented how a Starfleet Officer and a Marine Officer would ever have anything i common but they hit it off and over twenty years and two kids later they're still deeply in love," Kristian replied. "Thing is, I'm really not looking."

Green came from the jungle, with Ainkara by her side as they both wore their Meji gear. Along with them were Resch, Alona, Barnes and a few others from the ship who had taken 'the plunge' in swearing an oath to the Meji way of life as much as to Starfleet and the Federation since none of them were too far from the other in original beliefs. Along with those officers there was quite a crowd of Meji aligned personnel from the nature preserve and small towns springing up on several of the islands. Green and the officers made their way over to where the main Alpha officers seemed to be loosely gathering.

Alesha walked over to where Ro was "Commander I want to thank you for allowing me leave so I could get my little girl back. I'd like you to meet my daughter Amber."

Sabbath listened to Tara speak from a far and hoped to ask her some questions.

Cyndi watched as Paul got the grill going. The time spent with him and her two kids had been just the break she'd needed. Time to unwind and relax. She'd chosen to wear a pair of short, tank top and a pair of sandals.

Paul put his arm around Cyndi's waist. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek as the grill started to fire up. "So who's hungry?" He openly asked, knowing everyone was.

"I for one am, you are the grill master," Cyndi said wrapping her arm around him. "Your the best."

"I'm hungry mommy," Amber said looking at Alesha.

"Then let's go get you something to eat. I want you to meet my commanding officer and her husband," Alesha said taking Amber;s hand as they walked over to where Paul and Cyndi were. "Commodore, admiral this is my daughter Amber."

Cyndi knelt in front of Amber "Your mommy talked so much about you I feel like I know you."

"Do you want a hot dog or hamburg?"Alesha asked her daughter.

"What is hot dog?" Amber asked.

"Well it's time you found out," Cyndi said standing up "Paul honey will you get this little one her first hot dog?"

"Make it two please," Alesha said.

"Two hot dogs coming right up." Paul said with them warm smile, as he reached over to grab the hot dog buns and then the tongs. Before issuing the hot dogs heat rotating them all. He didn't reached with his tongues and pulled two dogs into two separate buns on two separate plates. He handed his wife's play first and then he handed one too Aleasha.

"Thank you honey," Cyndi said as she fixed her hot dog and plate, "Why don't you join me?"

"Thank you admiral," Alesha said "Come on Amber and you can have your first hot dog and some macaroni salad and corn on the cob." Alesha walked over to a nearby table, put ketsup on Amber's hot dog, a spoonful of macaroni salad and she broke a ear of corn in half, buttered it and put it on Amber's plate as they took a seat. "Try everything."

As Alesha had introduced her daughter Ro had hesitated. The deaths of her own two children were fairly fresh, and something one just does not get over quickly. So, to see this darling little girl did cause Green to mentally pause to collect herself. By the time it had passed Alesha had turned away from the Captain to address others as she made her rounds.

"Are you alright?" Came from Ainkara, to Green's right.

"Me?" Ro asked, blinking a few times to come out of her momentary stupor. "Yeah...yes, I'm fine. Just had a moment of recollection and had to allow it to pass."

Tara had seen Ro's reaction to Alesha introducing Amber to to the first officer excused herself and walked over to where Ro and Ainkara were standing "Captain, Alesha doesn't know what happened to your family. I neglected to tell her when she arrived on Amzock. I'll tell her and please accept my condolences."

Green gave a nod and grin. "It's understandable. We have all had a bit going on, lately. No need to bring up my family, she will know soon enough once we get back aboard and all the rumors begin to circulate. The fastest way to get information relayed is 'tell-a-crew', when it used to be telecomm." She giggled.

Tara nodded, "I do understand and yes your right. Once we're all back aboard things will all come out. If there is anything I can do please call on me." she looked over to where Paul, Cyndi, their two kids and some others who had started to gather then back to Ro. Captain I don't know about you, but it's been a long flight from Amzock and I'm starved. Will you join me for lunch? The admiral has a good BBQ going."

"That's why I'm here," Ro gave a smile as she said that. "A little soiree with the crew, then something for the beach goers this evening. The Meji are becoming a thing and people are used to us now. So, we'll be mingling as a society with the locals because we're all the same." Ro caught herself and gave a light cackle, lightly grasping Tara's arm in a friendly manner. "I'm sorry. Now isn't the time." Another giggle and then she cleared her throat and put on a pseudo-serious face. "To the meats!"

Ainkara watched Green and her antics. She had really found balance for once in her life and the effects were quite obvious. Kara was very happy for Master Ro and all she had accomplished with the goal of the Meji becoming a reality, and now, here they were. Her eyes scanned the crowd and she could spot Barnes, Sheyla, Alona, Resch, and many citizens who were members of the Order as infrastructure. How she could tell were the small metal pins each of them now wore. An alloy triangle roughly the size of a combadge, with a blue field. Over the field, in the center of the triangle was a silver ring which did not touch any of the walls, with good space from each. There were three silver chains, one coming from each corner that were anchored to the ring, with all three pulling equally to hold the ring in the center. Even she wore one, as did Ro.

Tara, Ro and the rest of them made their way over to were Paul, Cyndi, their kids and some of the crew and officers who had gathered for some food. Tara selected a hamburg, corn on the cob, potato salad and a large lemonade. "Commodore, admiral this smells so wonderful, thank you,"

"No thanks needed," Cyndi said "It's my way of saying thank you to everyone while we wait for the new ship. I hope everyone brought swimsuits."

"I did," Kristian said as she joined the rest of them.


Alona had walked through the small crowd, seeing them all enjoying comradeship and friendship, among other emotions. But, being the only Romulan, she walked over to stand alone and observe the crowd and the surroundings.

Sabbath planned to leave but then saw a new face and thus went over to meet her.

" Greetings I am Sabbath. Are you a member of the crew?" he introduces himself.

Having seen the Vulcan approaching, albeit keeping a polite distance, Alona's eyes had shifted to him. "Jolan Tru. I am Centurion Alona." She stepped in closer to him, maintaining politeness but also showing she was not offended by his presence. "As for your query, the answer is yes. I am being reassigned to Amandora by the Romulan Republic High Command. I served here some time ago and found it...stimulating." Alona kept her face as neutral as his was.

" It is good our perspective governments continue to broker peace. I have heard Ambassador Spock has worked hard to make that happen. Welcome to the Amandora." Sabbath replied.

"Agreed," Alona responded, stepping one pace closer so they could speak in normal voices and not need to raise their volume to be heard over the others all around them. "I left the Star Empire and joined those in the Republic. I, too, tire of the constant Tal Shiar interference and fear tactics, and living free is much more appealing than constant observation."

Sabbath knew of these groups but was also taught to always give a person a chance..
" Aboard the Amandora what will be your duties?

"I will be granted my old position, from when I served with the Commodore previously." Alona responded. "Security-slash-Tactical Chief will be my domain. Being able to watch everyone else for signs of treachery is second nature to Romulans, as you well know." She gave the slightest hint of a cynical grin as she continued to meet his gaze with her own.

Sabbath heard the words but then replied " I hope old prejudices do not prevent you from your service. I look forward to serving with you."

Alona gave a slow nod. "Tis true. My Imperial brethren tend to hold grudges. My grudges are held close to the chest for those who have wronged me personally." A moment of contemplation crossed her visage and then her eyes refocused on Sabbath, her head tilted ever-so-slightly in curiosity and realization. "I forget just how subtle Vulcans can be. You approached me, asked my business, but offered nothing of yourself. Reciprocate, or go away."


Barnes, Shannon Money, Resch and Sheyla all stood in a loose circle, saying hello to those walking around, even chatting for a few moments here and there. Finally, when the Major saw the herd headed for the BBQ area he pointed with a finger from the bottle of lager he had in his hand. "Food's gettin' near done, I take it. Pardon me, y'all, but this jarhead's gotta eat." He sauntered off that way.

Sheyla had been smelling the aromas of cooking food for some time now, and even better it was on open flame. So, also feeling her own tummy growling she set off behind Jackson.

Resch and Money looked at each other and gave cynical grins to one another in regards to their companions. "The blueberry has an itch." Said Money, with a flirty grin.

"Do you blame her," asked Resch jest. "That is one badass soldier, and he has a brain. A bonus for a warrior of her caliber. She is a warrior simply by race, and a medical doctor through hard work, discipline, and intellect. Stands to reason she would be interested in someone like the Jack." He got the two of them moving towards the BBQ/picnic area.

"He's sexy, no doubt. Got that rugged handsome thing going for him." Shannon said. "But, as far as being with him in that regard, nah. Friends with bennies would definitely be on the table." As the two of them got in close to their close-knit circle, Ro saw them all and greeted each in turn, clasping hands as a gesture of greeting and nothing but smiles on her face.


"Surprised nobody's talking about the elephant in the room?" Kalina said privately to David, as they picked a corner of the picnic area and sat down and talked. It was just a two of them for the moment.

“Avoiding it is what seems to be the way.” David said in reply. “Maybe you should mention it and get people talking.”

"Oh no not me, you're the big strong brave and good looking man. You got this big guy." Kalina said trying to feed into his ego a little bit to try to get convince him.

“I think the captain should be the one.” David said with a grin. “I’m not one for public speaking.” He looked over at Green.
“I feel like I should say something to her, I unwittingly insulted the loss of her family before we left for Earth,”

Green, in her own subtle way and despite the smiles and grins on her face, had the Core open to receive anything it might bring to her attention. She could Sense the joy, and the sorrow, from all around the soiree. A group of her Meji personnel were over setting up a small stage for a song she was going to sing in honor of the fallen, and those who were still alive. But, as she let her eyes stare off into space she could feel a bit of confusion, Curiosity, a bit of cynicism, and some irritation. Focusing her Sense she found the source of the emotions and mental mish-mash. It was Miss Johnson and Mister Montgomery. Dropping her Sense from them and returning to her actively happy self, Captain Rogue Green was curious as to what it was that had them feeling that way. Ro figured that when they were ready they would address whatever it was that was bothering them.


Warrant Money was in the group of Meji techs setting up the stage and sound system. After 'the talk' they had all had two months ago, where Master Ro spoke to them about midi-chlorians that she had learned about in the Pallean galaxy. She had sat them all down, explaining that the Milky Way also had midi-chlorians within it, and after hiring private explorer after private explorer they had discovered the organisms. With Ro's medical knowledge she had then created a serum from the midi-chlorians she had, after she had kept them hidden and safe so they could multiply. When Ro pulled out the hypo capsules filled with the serum she said she was not forcing anyone to take it. It had to be voluntary, and these samples were the only ones available as she had hidden away the thousands of other serum capsules on a planet no one would think to look for them.

Master Ro had given them all the rundown. Midi-chlorians were microscopic, intelligent life forms that originated from the foundation of life in the center of the galaxy and ultimately resided within the cells of all living organisms, thereby forming a symbiotic relationship with their hosts. The Core spoke through the midi-chlorians, allowing certain beings to use the Core if they were sensitive enough to its powers. In order to gauge an individual's potential in the Core, blood tests were used to estimate the number of midi-chlorians within the subject's cells. The Pallean galaxy was far older than the Milky Way, and therefore the midi-chlorians had spread without hinderance before anyone finally figured out that they actually existed since they were so microscopic as to almost exist on the quantum level.

After Ro had spoken on the history of the midi-chlorians, she then offered each of them a serum capsule. Barnes, Alona, Sheyla, Money, Resch, and a few others. Shannon, without hesitation, plugged the capsule into a hypo and injected it without hesitation. The reason for this was that she had often experienced deja vu about things, or had dreams that came to pass and allowed her to correct herself to fulfill what the dreams had shown her. She had spoken to Master Green about this on several occasions, with Ro grinning and explaining that it was her body's natural inclination to take up something it knew it was missing. It was possible that she already had some within her, and since Starfleet medical had no idea what to look for, they would easily miss any midi-chlorians already existing in certain individuals.

So, here and now, Shannon Money was flush with midi-chlorians and over the past few weeks had began to feel...different. Her body was now healthier and there was a pep in her step she had not had for years now, as if the midi-chlorians and the Core were performing maintenance. Her mental acuity and perception were better, as were her dexterity and reaction times. It seemed all that Master Ro had said about the midi-chlorians was true, and they were now reinforcing her body, their new home.

The others had watched Money shrug, pop the capsule in a hypo, and then inject it without fear or hesitation. So, not to be outdone, they all did the same. Shannon had noted over the past couple of months that all of them had more energy and stamina. They were more awake mentally.

And, now, here they all were together. Master Ro had told them that their saber crystals were being created, with each of them picking a color they found appealing. Ro forbade any of them from choosing crimson. All other colors that they could create were fine, but red was to be avoided. Also, they had all been fit for their own combat armor (Mandalorian Armor) that they would use when walking in robes was out of the question and there was a battlefield to contend with. Cosmo was now, at this time, finishing the suits up even as they were all here at the soiree. Seeing that all was set-up and ready, Money smiled and laughed along with the techs as they felt good at the completion of their task.

Lieutenant Kara, along with Sheyla and Barnes, walked a short distance away from the rest of the crowd. It had grown, the BBQ party, to include quite a few personnel from the Danvers planetary installation. No one seemed to mind since they had lost people too. Jack, Sheyla and Kara all carried small plates of food. A couple burgers each as they stood over closer to the shoreline, enjoying the sound of the surf and lapping waves while they enjoyed their morsels. "So," Sheyla inquired. "How does that thing work?"

Barnes and Kara both stopped chewing for a moment as they gave each other a look of 'is she talking to you or me'. So, chewing the last bite each and swallowing it down, Jack with another beer, Barnes looked to the Doctor. "It depends on what thing you're talking about, and who you're asking." He smiled.

"Apologies," Sheyla said. "I was asking Kara." She chinned towards Kara's right hip. "That weapon of yours is what I am talking about. I mean, can it really cut through anything?"

"So far, yes." Kara answered. "It's called a lightsaber. Tech from another galaxy that we reverse engineered and made work in this galaxy. With a little help from a patron of Master Ro's. Let's finish eating and then I'll give you a quick lesson in understanding."

Barnes was interested, too. But, Sheyla had asked so he casually ate his burgers, threw the refuse in the bin as he downed his beer and then grabbed another out of the cooler he had brought. Sheyla and Kara both followed suit, taking up a beer each and popping the tops. After a few swigs they set their respective drinks on a nearby picnic table and Kara stepped away from them about a meter and a half, unhooking the saber hilt from her equipment belt. Standing in a slight ready stance she brought the hilt up and ignited the blade. The emerald plasma blade sprang forth with the traditional snap-hiss, and after ignition, continued to thrum as she held it at the ready. "This is a lightsaber. Not as clumsy or random as particle weapons. Although it is an energy blade made of pure plasma, while standing still and not moving it, it is light. However, once you begin to swing it around the plasma causes drag and the weapon becomes weighty simply due to centrifugal force. If you are not prepared for it it can throw you off balance and cause serious injury to oneself."

As the blade was ignited everyone in the area looked over as they saw the bright green blade and heard it activate and then continue to thrum. Even Ro, not expecting a saber to ignite, stood up from her own table with the others to look over and see what was happening. The last thing they needed was another attack while everyone was relaxed.

Green glanced around at the others as she sat back down with a look of relief. "Apologies, folks. I'm a bit defensive these days. The last thing we need is another attack." She grinned and went back to the BBQ ribs that Paul had cooked up. They were delish. She just wondered what animal the meat came from, but with as good as they tasted, it really did not matter. She looked around at Cyndi, Tara, Paul, and Montgomery and Johnson even though they sat a couple meters away.

After mingling with everyone for a while, Ro got up and walked around, saying hello to many in the vicinity. She was getting the right mindset to sing her tribute song to the deceased, and those who had fought and survived. So, after making her rounds Green mounted the small stage and got the mic in hand. The people noted she was on stage and they all began to quiet down. "Thank you, everyone, for being here. To say we all went through the ringer would be an understatement. We lost many, but we saved many more. As our Vulcan brothers and sisters say; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. So, with that in mind, I am going to sing in honor of those we lost, and also to honor those who are still with us and fought to save this facility. Please, bare with me."

Money activated the music and was playing DJ/music tech, and as the music began Ro gripped the mic in both hands as she readied herself to sing with a deep emotional content.


Legends Never Die

{OA} Against The Current

Legends never die when the world is callin' you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Relentless you survive

[Verse 1]
They never lose hope
When everything's cold and the fighting's near
It's deep in their bones
They'll run into smoke when the fire is fierce

Oh, pick yourself up 'cause

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

They're written down in eternity
But you'll never see the price it costs
The scars collected all of their lives

[Verse 2]
When everything's lost
They pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
Before it all starts
They suffer through harm just to touch a dream

Oh, pick yourself up 'cause

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

When the world is callin' out your name
Begging you to fight

Pick yourself up once more
Pick yourself up 'cause

Legends never die when the world is calling you
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never die, they become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

Oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh


The crowd stood and applauded the choice of song and the effort put into it. There was no mistaking Green's dedication to those who fought and suffered to bring about the good for all. Barnes had stood and listened to the song, his own emotions finally coming forth as he was caught up in the lyrics.

After singing, Green made her way into the crowd again. Like a bee hunting for flowers she made her way around to various tables, both crew and local personnel, talking and laughing as they carried on. At one point she stood on the outer edge of the circle of picnic tables, back to the buildings for the planetary installation for Starbase Danvers. As she spoke to those she was chatting with she could see their eyes all go from her, looking passed her, to something behind her. The Core noted their sudden anxiety, but not anxiety brought on by fear or danger, it was something else. Just before she went to turn around and see for herself what had caught their attention, a male voice came from right behind her.

"Excuse me, Miss, may I get around you?"

The Core landed on the being behind that voice and her eyes went wide with both surprise and joy. Green spun around and her eyes met the face of her dad, flanked on each shoulder by two Security personnel. Vice Admiral Aaron Stone stood before her, his face a beautiful sight even as the smile he wore added to it. He was not her biological father, but he was the man who saved her from her existence on Rigo IV at the young age of 8. Lieutenant Stone had rescued her along with his away team, and after getting to know her and hearing her story as to how things went down on Rigo, he then adopted her. It had been a childhood filled with love, patience, understanding, and virtue. Aaron Stone made sure that Rogue Green knew she was loved and protected. The life lessons he taught as Ro grew up molded her into the person she was today on an emotional and mental level. It had carved her into a person with a sterling character that drove her to be the best engineer she could be in Starfleet, and in that quest. She was even in the Starfleet engineering manuals as someone who had aided in creating new tech for starships.

"Dad!" Green said even as she stepped in and wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace.

Stone, once his beloved daughter was in his arms, wrapped her up in a protective, loving hug. As he hugged her he felt her begin to shake so he rubbed her back and just kept squeezing lovingly, knowing from all the reports how much his daughter had lost over the past few months. He then felt her bury her face in his collar, letting the sobs begin. The people around them watched, some getting misty themselves at the sight of a flag officer being a caring father, and one who obviously had a great amount of love for his child. He let her cry it out for a couple of minutes, feeling his collar becoming damp with not only tears but a bit of the saliva that always accompanied heavy sobs. Easing her back, hands lovingly placed on her shoulders, Aaron looked his daughter in the eye, seeing them red, swollen, and puffy from her sobs. She was still trying to get them totally under control.

"I...I'm sorry...Nira is...the children...Dwight..." Green tried to form cohesive thoughts, not using the Core to bury her feelings but instead choosing to let them have free reign while her dad was here.

Gently squeezing her shoulders, Stone spoke. "I know, dear. I know." He then pulled her into another hug as she turned her head sideways and lay it upon his chest.

Rogue Green now felt as if she had found the safest place in the universe as her father held her in his arms. He had always been a strong man, both physically and mentally. All that strength had been passed on to Ro as she grew up, seeing how he dealt with death, violence, discord, and chaos. "I love you, dad. I miss them all terribly. It will forever be an empty hole in my being." She lifted her head and looked him in the face, still clutching one another. "I'm not as strong as you."

"No," Aaron said with a knowing grin and giving her a little shake of the body to make his point. "You're stronger. Always have been, baby girl. You spent years surviving on your own as a child. A child! When you pursue something you don't quit. You drive forward, going and going, until you achieve the goal you have set."

Ro gave a half-hearted grin. "I learned that from you, my stubborn old man."

"As if," Stone said with a chuckle, the two of them releasing each other and finding a small table they could catch up at, within the area of the Amandora crew's BBQ soiree. Once seated, and Ro having snagged two of Jack's beers, they popped the tops and sipped while they gathered their wits for the next round of conversation. As they went, Green angled her father towards the landing pad where the USS Euphrates was parked. He would need a place to sleep and be comfortable.



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