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#9 A Lesson in Intimacy

Posted on Fri Jun 14th, 2024 @ 7:22pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Meji Sea, Danvers
Timeline: current


The Admiral's entourage departed the jetboat and began the arduous ascent to get up to the altitude and flat plain that the temple was being built upon. There was a temporary staircase to do so from the temporary pier, so it made things easier. But, still, Aaron Stone found himself huffing and puffing as he got about a third of the way up. Of course, his daughter and Lieutenant Kara ascended like they were light as air, showing no affects from exertion whatsoever. His two sentries, Craig Davenport and Rockmond Dunbar, stopped along with him as he caught his breath.

Dunbar spoke up. "You good, Sir?"

"Damn desk job," Stone responded with a chuckle. "It has kicked my ass, obviously.

Rockmond gave a chuckle of his own. "You need a fireman's carry up the steps, Sir?"

"I might," Stone laughed out, now finding the situation funnier than when he first stopped due to his officer's teasing.

Rockmond actually reached out and grasped his left bicep, as if he was actually going to do exactly what he said he would. It was another teasing moment, of course, because Dunbar knew what the Admiral would say. "I got you, Sir."

Aaron pulled his arm free in pseudo-anger, then did several slap-aways towards it, all while smiling and chuckling. "Don't you dare, Rocky. It may take me all day but I am damn determined to climb these steps myself."

Yep, thought Rocky, I should have bet money on that reaction. "Of course, Sir." He gave an amused grin in return.

Green and Kara had stopped and turned halfway to look back down. They shared an amused look between each other. Ro just had to be snarky so she called down. "Hey! You guys okay?" She tapped her wrist like she had a watch on. "Daylight's burning."

Stone, upon hearing that and seeing what Ro did, gave her a very pronounced Eagle-1. "Don't you people have a transporter out here?"

Green gave a cynical sigh, further teasing her old man. "Fine." Tapping the Meji badge on her chest Green ordered the cargo transporter to lock onto them all and beam them to the compound. Within moments they were all standing together inside a large courtyard still under construction. The cargo transporter had been set up in a safe area away from any large form construction projects and set up as a safe zone. As soon as they had materialized Kara stepped to the operator and asked for bottles of water. Having them handed over she then took them over and gave them to the Admiral and his escorts. "That should help, gentlemen."

"Much obliged, Lieutenant." Stone said, taking the bottle of water and opening it. He had been sweating quite a bit without realizing it. An often overlooked danger by many when in the tropics. Being covered with sweat in a humid environment meant that your body was purging water at a faster rate to try and stay cool, so one needed to constantly hydrate to maintain.

Marcus Resch, wearing the male version of the Meji gear (Ro's Bio Pics), came out of a small prefab building and began to walk towards them. As he did so Ainkara spoke up. "I need to go check on some things." She turned another direction, opposite Resch, and walked away at a decent clip.

Green noted the sudden anxiety in her Champion, putting it together that the moment Resch appeared then Ainkara disappeared. It was not anger, or any other negative emotion toward Marcus, but something else. Ainkara must have been using control to control herself because Green could not get a good read on what it was that had her flustered. She let it lie for now but she would find out what was going on.

As promised, Green gave Stone the grand tour, staying out of the areas where the massive permacrete blocks were being created and then moved by workbee and tractor beam to be placed where they were needed. A team of suited engineers applied the sealant to the place where each block would go, like using fire hoses, then they would back away and let the block get settled into place. Within minutes the sealant hardened into mortar and the block was set for as long as it would exist unless torn down or destroyed.

After the tour they ended up in a small area with prefab building being used for triage, and another as a form of mess hall. It was a replimat for those in a hurry, and also had cooks and preparers that would create simple meal requests if the people wanted something with a touch of organic influence. Green left the Admiral to speak with a table full of techs and engineers who were more than happy to explain things to the Admiral and speak at him with length. With her father now being seen to Ro found Kara and had her move outside with her, to a private little shaded spot where they could talk.

Green sipped from a bottle of water as she spoke to her friend. "Kara, I noticed there is reticence between you and Marcus. More from you than him. I can tell when someone is being avoided. Do you care to discuss it?"

Kara knew this would come. Ro was no fool, and knowing each other as well as they did, she would notice anything out of the ordinary in Kara's habits. "I..." She stopped, trying to find the right way to say it. "We...had a moment. I didn't know how to react to it or deal with it so I chose to avoid it altogether."

Ro heard what she said, noting that Kara kept avoiding looking her in the eye as she spoke, as if embarrassed. Green did not need the Core to tell her that. "Something you're ashamed of or, just embarrassing?"

"I have done nothing to cause shame, Master." Kara said. "As for embarrassment, well, it depends on your point of view."

It was starting to make sense now. As a people watcher Green was pretty good at distinguishing body language and what she was seeing here, if her perceptions were correct, was an interest in Marcus. Ro could see that what Kara was trying to say was that she found Resch attractive, but because of who she was, did not know quite how to say it. "Kara, it's not against the rules of the Meji to form relationships. Obsessive attachment is frowned upon but not love, marriage, and all that."

Kara gave a few nods as Ro spoke, then her gaze met Green's. "I can control my fear for everything else, Ro. But, when it comes to intimacy I can't. The thought makes me anxious and I am working on it through meditation."

"Kara," Green said. "There's nothing to be anxious about." She gave a smile. It was like talking to a teenager about the birds and the bees. "I'm sure Marcus wouldn't do anything to offend you or harm you." Green lifted her bottle and began to take a few swigs.

"Ro, you don't understand." Ainkara said. "I have never had sex."

That bit of information caused Ro to sputter into the bottle, and then cough and hack as she had taken some water down the wrong pipe on hearing that. Her choking had caused the water to spritz out of the top and Green had to swipe drops of water from her chin and face. Once back under control she looked to Kara. "Really? I never suspected. A two hundred year old virgin. That's gotta be a record."

Kara tilted her head in an irritated stance, even though her eyes did have mirth in them at what Green had said. "It's not funny, Ro."

"Sure it is," Ro said with a smile. "It's a natural act and once you get started you will find that instinct often leads you through it. I, too, was nervous my first time. That's why it is amusing. There is nothing to fear, Kara, except your own embarrassment because you think that your lack of performance may reflect on you. Here, let me try something." She set her bottle of water aside and stepped in closer; intimately close. They were now belly to belly, faces mere inches apart.

Not knowing what Ro was doing Kara simply stood still as her Master got in extremely close. It was disconcerting while at the same time stimulating. She had always found Ro to be attractive, beautiful, and exotic. She was unlike anyone else she had ever met. To have that beauty, that body, this close to her began to cause something to stir in her belly. A feeling she had felt only a few times before. And, the last time she had felt that swirling warmth in her belly she had been talking to Marcus. "Master, what are you doing?" She began to feel nervous all over again.

"Sshh." Ro responded, her right hand coming up to stroke along Kara's jawline with the back of her fingers gently, intimately, seeing how Kara would react. She could sense the rise of desire within Kara, now feeling what it was like to be touched in a way that announced sexual desire. "You are still anxious, Kara." Green said this with a low, husky tone, denoting her own sexual desire. Her hand moved around slowly to the back of Kara's neck and once it was in place Ro gently pulled her face forward and kissed her. It was meant to only be a simple, lingering peck, to get Kara used to intimate moments with whoever she chose to be with. Green controlled herself as this was a lesson, not really trying to make Kara fall for her or desire her. The Core told her otherwise. It seemed that Kara had been harboring some attraction to her for some time now.

As Kara was pulled forward and her lips met those of Green, they pecked at each other's lips without much vigor. But, as the warmth and desire from her own body began to swell at this intimate contact Kara committed fully to the kiss. It became languid, and each contact of the lips lasted that much longer until she felt Ro open her lips and their tongues met as their mouths went wider to accommodate each other. For ten long seconds they wrapped their arms around each other and maintained a deep, passionate kissing. Then, suddenly, that contact was broken even as she still had her arms around Ro's waist.

Having given in to Kara's want for a deeper kiss, Green had allowed it to happen, and even enjoyed the kiss. Kissing was one of Green's favorite intimate acts and she had shown that by accepting the deep kiss from Kara. But, control had allowed her to break the kiss and pull her face back while gently holding Kara's face as she smiled at the Voran. She patted Kara's face lovingly, looking her directly in the eye. "That's enough. I think you get the idea. Now you know it's just a matter of instinct and following along, feeling how they react and the sounds they make guiding you as to what they find appealing." Green got herself free of Kara's grasp and stepped back. "I know, you are now sexually excited. That's what Control is for, Champion." All that was said on purpose, to tease Kara by acting like nothing happened and that it was all a lesson in life. "I'll go check on the Admiral." With that she turned on her heel and walked away, using her own control to push down her lust. Kara had said she was attracted to Marcus, and as a friend to both, Green would not take that opportunity away from either of them.

Kara watched Ro walk away; watched all of her. Not only was she attracted to Marcus, but now she had a spot in her heart for Master Green. It left her considering that since she was not spoken for or in a relationship, that perhaps, she could entertain time with both. Ugh! This intimacy stuff was so confusing. Time to go meditate, she thought.



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