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Post Number 11 Enjoying A Bon Fire

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 4:46am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Captain Alesha Rivers

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Danvers Planet Surface
Timeline: Current


As the BBQ quieted down, several of her crew had gone off in their own direction, it had been a long day for a three year old as Alesha carried a very tired little girl onto Tara’s shuttle and put Amber onto one of the bunks, covered her with a blanket, dimmed the lights. Alesha stepped off and raised the ramp just enough so she could hear if Amber needed her.

“How is she?” Kristian asked walking up.

“She’s good, sleepy, it’s been a good day for her and he got to experience things she’d never seen, had or done before,” Alesha replied.

“Once we’re back on the ship I’ll have to follow regs and check her over,” Kristian said. “Bur enough shop talk, the new ship is not here yet, why don’t we build a fire and just sit back and relax.”

“That sounds great,” Tara said walking over, seeing the partically closed hatch. “I take it little Fera’s sleeping?”

Alesha nodded “She is, she had so much fun running around, swimming and just being a three year old. She fell asleep so I carried her on your shuttle and put her down on one of the bunks.”

“I am so glad you got her back, she’s such a cutie,” Tara commented as she headed off to get a fire pit, wood, things for kindling to get the fire started.

Kristian and Alesha pitched in and soon had a nice fire going, pulling out several lawn chairs.

“I’m glad I got her back too,” Alesha said taking a seat “While I’m looking forward to getting back in space I am going to miss being on solid ground.”

“I think we all will.” Tara agreed.

“Hey how is your moon doing?” Krisitan asked

“Wonderfully, I found a second species there and have the moon under tighter hold, the military is going to make sure no one sets foot on it without my permission or my parents,” Tara said “I did invite my boss to join me and he’s just as fascinated with it as I am. Kristian if I send you some of the readings can you in your spare time take a look at the being that live there?”

“Of course, I’ll do it off duty,” Kristian responded “I would love to get a look at them next time we go home.”

“That won’t be a problem, I only wish there was a way to get a DNA reading,” Tara commented.

“I’d like to as well,” Alesha spoke up.

“Of course,” Tara agreed “Right now I just want to enjoy the fire and hopefully others will join is, it’s so peaceful here.”


Tags to anyone who would like to join the bon fire.


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