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Post Number 28 Amandora

Posted on Tue Jul 30th, 2024 @ 5:21pm by Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Lieutenant Sabbath

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: New ship
Timeline: Concurrent


Walking aboard a ship was far better than beaming aboard Sabbath concluded. Unfortunately all of his travel items had been destroyed on the previous ship so boarding was not an issue.

Everything felt new and unknown as it was a new time. A new ship and in some cases a new crew would no doubt be something to look forward to.

One constant was his co- partner in science Lt Tara Herculoid .

Touring the lab was the first act and then he went to the bridge to look at the science station there. Still undecided if he would remain aboard given the recent scientific discovery he had been apart of Sabbath entered with great enthusiasm.

Tara had not yet made her way to the science labs, but rather to the bridge. A Vesta Class Star Ship was massive after being on the Galaxy Class. Standing on the bridge she just stared at everything, The ship was new and smelled new. Hearing the lift doors open she tuned to see who had come on the bridge and smiled when she saw her boss Sabbath. "I'm a little out of uniform so please don't rat me out," she teased

" All of my clothing was destroyed in the explosion. I had to replicate this uniform this morning. Does it meet with your approval CO -Chief Herculoid?" Sabbath asked .

Tara nodded "You look fine, we all lost something when that ship blew. The commodore most of all. I had a lot of projects I wanted to start that were gone once the ship exploded. But yes you look fine. I suppose I'll have to get in a uniform too at some point."

" Speaking of projects. I uploaded one of yours the last time I was in the lab. It was a means to an end I wanted to save some of your work before it exploded. I put it on this disc." Sabbath said handing her the disc.

Tara took the offered disk "Thank you, I can't wait to see which of my projects you managed to save for me. This means a lot, good thing is the moon from Amzock is stored in my shuttle so that research is safe as well. I'm in your debt."

" It was but I had an alterior motive as well. We have a kindred nature in that we study science. It would be illogical to have allowed such work to be destroyed."

Tara nodded "I think we should have back up files for our research and files. There is no way to ever know how much was lost when the ship blew. Not just us but everyone. I've not looked at the moon since we left Amzock, when I do check it I'll let you know that way you can see things too."

" That would be nice. I too have a project that will avail me my Doctorate. Have you ever heard of the Preservers?" Sabbath asked.

"Can't say I have," Tara commented "Tell me more."

" The Preservers are an ancient race (or group of races), known for transplanting humanoid people-groups from their indigenous planet to remote locations to prevent "cultural extinction.

They placed several tribes of Native Americans on the world Amerind (Epsilon Aurigae IV), who were discovered by the USS Enterprise in 2269. The Preservers, known as the "Wise Ones" to the transplanted tribes, also left behind an obelisk, which emitted a tractor beam, deflecting asteroids from the planet.

The name "Preservers" was coined by the Vulcan Science Academy." Sabbath replied.

"You defiantly have my interest peeked that's for sure. I'd love to see some of your work," Tara replied. "This obelisk that can defect an asteroid sounds like something that a lot of worlds could benefit from."

" The one on Amerind can do that. But the other one we found also has an Iconian type Stargate. My colleague is checking it out as we speak. It could be how the Preserves moved groups of people so quickly." Sabbath replied. " I may take a leave from Starfleet and go there."

Tara did her best to hide her disappointment at his comment about taking a leave from Starfleet. "If you take a leave how long would you be gone? It seems I no sooner get a new boss in science they leave. I have to wonder if I'm too hard to work with."

" To be honest you should be my boss Tara. Whom ever makes these decisions does not use logic so I must assume you have an enemy in command. Still it is just a consideration. " Sabbath replied.

"I stepped aside as our last science chief was far more qualified than I am. A family friend told me something once and she's right. No matter how good you are at something remember there is always someone better. I double as the chief diplomatic officer too. I may hold a PhD but that does not mean that your not better than me," Tara said "I'm content to be your assistant and if I can help you get your doctorate degree I'm more than willing. The commodore also holds a PhD in science as well. I hope you don't leave, at least not for some time. Research can often be completed while on the ship. I have a microscope that your welcome to use anytime."

" This new vessel has a lot of new devices and scanners. We must be going on a large first mission." Sabbath replied.

"I've not heard if she has any orders yet. I suspect we'll probably head out on a break in cruise but I'm not even sure of that. You are right this is one big ship and everything is state of the art. I know of three science labs. My quarters are bigger than I expected," Tara commented "I can't wait to dig into research and check in on my moon."

" I am also following up on my research with my colleagues. To think 200 years ago nothing was known of these connections. All it takes is a trek to an unknown place at the perfect time. I am curious if perhaps the Preservers might have played a role on your moon? To preserve a people ?" Sabbath replied.

"I suppose anything is possible, those beings developed over time and as a little girl the first time I went to that moon it was just jungle, insects, water and the like. These beings came into being when I was about eight and they were ape like," Tara commented. "I'll send word home and see if I can get someone to get a DNA sample for me. I'll know more then."

" Ape like? Fascinating to think such life is on a moon of a civilized society. Most intriguing." Sabbath replied.

"I do have access to the data when the moon was first discovered. Every time I go there I see and discover something new. That's why I have the blind set up. I'll get the early data and get it to you. The Ape Beings had big horns on their heads and extremely long claws on each hand," Tara said.

" And what is their state now? " Sabbath quickly inquired.

"You've seen them, well the one species. The claws and horns are gone from them. I've not seen the other species yet," Tara said.

" That is intriguing based on the evolutionary theory. That should take a thousand generations. And if there is another species ? You have a real mystery Tara."

"That I do," Tara agreed "That's why the blind is set up and I can access it at anytime. I find something I'll send someone in I know I ca trust.

Sabbath then changed subjects as they talked.
" I am in need of a beverage. Will you join me in the mess hall?"

"I'd like that," Tara replied

Sabbath smiled and led her into the lift to go and get their first beverage together.

When the lift stopped Tara and Sabbath walked into the mess hall. "This looks so inviting, where should we sit?"

" I prefer a window." Sabbath motioned as he found a table. Pulling out the chair for Tara as a gentleman would.

" We could also sit at the bar?"

"This is fine," Tara said thanking him as she took a seat. "We may still be in dock but I never tire of looking at the stars."

" No true scientist would, unless of course you find yourself in a vortex." Sabbath chided. " Lots of staff changes. No doubt it will be quite awkward once we begin our shake down. Do you prefer the lab or bridge duty?"

Tara thought for a few minutes "Actually I like both. Being on the bridge gives me a chance to see space and the stars and what ever is out there and being in the lab gives me a chance to work on research and projects."

The drinks arrived and Sabbath swallowed down his as if he was parched. Motioning for a second before Tara had touched hers.

" I am thirsty it would seem."

"I understand, we've spent weeks on planets breathing air and now we're back on a ship where the air is different from fresh air. It's normal to be dry for a few days until we get used to it again," Tara said.

The drink arrived but this time Sabbath sipped his second.

Do you prefer a 3 shift rotation or a four? A four shift rotation is good with an adequate staffing ratio." Sabbath asked.

"If it were up to me, I'd go with a four shift rotation. But the commodore has the final say," Tara replied.

" I can only hope the new XO is open to that option. As we had on the previous Amandora."

"As will I," Tara agreed "Captain Green is gone and so is Alona Tal our Romulan security chief. I guess we'll see"

" Tara...I suppose I have monopolized your time. I will see you in the lab in the morning." Sabbath said as he stood up.

Tara got to her feet as well "You've not taken up any of my time, I've enjoyed our talk, I do have some unpacking to do, that is once I find my new quarters." Tara responded

" I think yours is beside mine. I will follow you." Sabbath replied. Leading the way out of the canteen and over to the nearest turbo lift.

They stepped into the lift, Tara gave the command for the deck that their quarters were on, "I'm glad you know where we're going," Tara teased.

" I made a point to learn the ships deck plans." Sabbath replied just as the lift opened. A series of wall lights pointed them down the hall way. " We are across from one another. How convenient...should you ever wish to play chess or something." Sabbath stated.

"It's been a long time since I've played chess, my dad always beat me so I just stopped playing," Tara said "I'm game for a game anytime. I'd ask you in but my quarters are full of boxes to unpack."

" Perhaps my room then. All of my items were destroyed on the Amandora." Sabbath replied. " We could continue our evening?"

"That sounds great," Tara said "My things too were destroyed when the ship blew, my parents sent out cargo ships with things for myself, Alesha and Kristian. Kristian and Alesha flew my shuttle out with things on it and I flew out Alesha's fighter."

Sabbath entered first and found his room dimly lit with a few traditional Vulcanesque items adorning the walls.

" It would seem the architecture is personally inspired. I have not played a lyrette in years. " Sabbath said pointing to one places in the corner.

"I play the Lute, it's still packed away as well," Tara said as she looked around his quarters "When did you find the time to unpack and decorate? It's stunning."

" I did not. This was done by someone else. Were it a used vessel I would say perhaps it belonged to another Vulcan. But as it is new someone must have addressed my preferences from my file. I wanted to ask you a personal question Tara. I spoke with your father and as you are not mated would you consider ...perhaps a more intimate relationship?" Sabbath replied.

"My father is correct I'm not seeing anyone. I would be open to a relationship," Tara said .

" Then accept this as a token of my respect." Sabbath said as he raised Tara's left hand and kissed her third knuckle. " As we are equal in rank there should be no issue of impropriety. "

"Agreed," Tara said "The only issue might be we both work in the same department. But I don't see any issues."

" Nor do I. With respect I will not avail any more of your time Tara. I will see you on the bridge tomorrow then." Sabbath added.

"Your not taking up my time, but I do have boxes to unpack, quarters to decorate. So yes I'll see you on the bridge in the morning," Tara replied


Lt Sabbath
Chief Science Officer


Lt Tara Herculoid PhD
Asst Chief Science Officer


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