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Post Number 29 New Beginnings

Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2024 @ 11:08pm by Lieutenant William Wright III
Edited on on Sat Aug 24th, 2024 @ 5:08pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: New Ship
Timeline: Current


William Wright III sat aboard the Shuttle Pegasus in route to his new assignment; a brand new Vesta Class Star Ship.

While the hours rolled on by William, who was known to his friends as just Will, couldn't help but think how his father would react when he found out about his son's transfer. William Wright II held the rank of Commodore at Star Fleet Headquarters in San Fransisco on planet Earth and was of the opinion that his Son wasn't Star Fleet material let alone an Officer. This was something that had plagued Will ever since he went to the Academy and he was determined sooner or later he would make his father eat his words.

Suddenly Will was brought back to reality when the Pilot called out "Sir, we'll be arriving at your destination in about fifteen minutes."

"Thank you Lieutenant; it'll be good to start the next chapter in my career" Will replied a little nervous and a little anxious both at the same time. This would be his first assignment as Chief of Operations as well as his first time aboard this class of Ship.

Shortly the Pilot informed Will "Sir we're within transporter range of the Amandora anytime you're ready."

Will stood and grabbed his duffel "Thanks Lieutenant and thanks for the lift" as he made his way to the transporter pad "I'm as ready as I will ever be."

"Good luck with your new assignment Sir. Initiating transport in 3-2-1" and moments later William disappeared in a stream of white light.

Materializing on the Transporter pads, Will stepped off while grabbing his transfer orders and handed them to the Operator “Lieutenant William Wright III reporting for duty.”

Looking over the orders “Welcome aboard Sir, we’ve been expecting you. Give me a moment and I’ll check you in as a member of the Crew and give you your padd” he stated with a smile “Here you go Lieutenant” as he handed over the padd “Your Quarters assignment as well as your temporary security code is there; also included you’ll find a map of the Amandora to help you navigate the new Ship.”

Now things were about to get real as Will smiled “ Thank you Ensign, I’m sure this padd and I will become great friends over the next few weeks” he commented with a light chuckle “Well I guess I’d better get to it then” as Will exited the Transporter Room looking at the map of the Ship.

Being so engrossed in his padd, Will almost ran into a young female Ensign “Oh I’m sorry, I’m so focused on finding my Quarters I guess I didn’t see you; please excuse me. By the way I’m Lieutenant William Wright, but you can call me Will” he stated being somewhat embarrassed.

The Ensign grinned “That’s quite alright Lieutenant; we’ve all been there at one time or another. I’m Samantha Reynolds but my friends call me Sam” she replied.

“Nice to meet you Ensign Sam” he commented with a grin “Say you wouldn’t happen to know where the nearest lift is would you; I think I might be a little turned around.”

“No problem Lieutenant Will” returning his naming gesture “It’s just around the bend in the corridor about twenty more feet on your right; I assume your on deck two.”

“You would assume correctly Sam and thank you for your help; it was very kind of you” Will replied happy to have some interaction with someone from this crew.

“Anytime Will” then she paused for a moment “I’m sure we’ll run into each other again. This Ship isn’t that big after all” she stated not giving away the fact that her quarters were on deck two as well.

“I look forward to it” Will answered with a smile then proceeded on his way. A few minutes later he found the Lift just as Sam described. Entering “Deck 2 please” and a few minutes later Will was on deck 2 and found his Quarters with our any further delays.


Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Amandora


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