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Post Number 30 Settling In

Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 10:52pm by Lieutenant William Wright III
Edited on on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 11:01pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: New Ship
Timeline: Current


Keying in his temporary security code the doors swished open to his new home. Since he was now a Senior Officer, Will was located on the same deck as the rest of the Senior Staff; with the exception of the Commodore who was located elsewhere on the Ship. The first order of business was to change his security code "Computer this is Lieutenant, Wright, William, III change security code this date and time forward to Alpha, Tango, 73, Bravo" came the request.

"Security Code for Lieutenant, Wright, William, III has been changed to Alpha, Tango, 73, Bravo this time and date forward" the Computer replied.

Now that was out of the way Will walked to the bedroom and placed his duffel on the bed. This room was large, as was the rest of his quarters, with a large bed, two dressers, a nightstand on each side of the bed, and a rather large closet which was certainly bigger than he really needed. Also on the bathroom wall was a clothes refresher.

Walking into the bathroom Will noticed all the amenities one would expect including a sonic shower that was big enough to hold a small party.

After putting everything away from his duffel Will walked out into the living area noticing a couch with a table in front, a chair flanking both ends of the couch with end tables per each. On the side wall was a nicely sized bookcase along with a desk with a Terminal for computer access.

The last area left was a good sized Kitchenette with a replicator, reclaimer along with a table with two chairs. There were also hookups for a plasma stove and a cooling unit; but Will doubted either one would be needed.

Grabbing a cold water from the replicator, Will walked back out into the living area and sat on the couch to catch his breathe seeing the crate he needed to empty out into their respective locations.

After resting for several minutes Will looked at the crate "Well I guess that isn't going to empty itself" he thought as he stood and proceeded to get to work.

Grabbing all of his uniforms Will placed them in the closet along with what little civilian attire he owned. Next were a couple of holo-photos, mostly of his mother and brother which were placed on the nightstands, and his toiletries bag for the bathroom.

Walking back into the living area Will helped himself to another swig of water before grabbing a few more holo-photos, a few momentous, and lastly some operations books that he would refer to from time to time and placed them on the bookcase and side tables.

Looking around his rather large quarters he thought "Looks a little stark in here. I guess I'll need to do some shopping when I get the chance; maybe a few pictures for the walls for starters." He would add a few more things slowly over time.

Now that the crate was empty Will closed it back up and shoved it out into the corridor. Re-entering his quarters he tapped his comm "Cargo Chief, this is Lieutenant William Wright, I've emptied out my crate and it's awaiting for pickup in the corridor if you'd be so kind."

"Welcome Lieutenant and yes I'll have it beamed back to the cargo hold immediately" came the reply.

Will sat and finished off his water looking around while thinking "These quarters should work out pretty well." Tomorrow he would go meet the Commanding Officer, or the XO, whoever was free.


Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Amandora


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