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Post Number 31 New XO and New Security Chief

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 12:28am by Commodore Cyndi Song & Commander Benjamin Parker & Lieutenant Commander Grace Parker
Edited on on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 12:29am

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


With the departure of Ro,and Alona Tal, Cyndi knew she was not only going to no need a new XO but a new security chief as well. Getting up from her desk, Cyndi walked over to a couple of the boxes that had been delivered to her office. Opening the first one she set out the pictures of Paul, Piper and Brent and placed them on the wall behind her desk.

Headquarters would send replacements for Green and Tal, until that happened the ship would remain in dock. That would give her crew a chance to get used to the new ship and send any supply requests they needed.

Benjamin walked over to the Commodore’s ready room. He was a little nervous about meeting a one star admiral. It was a little strange to him to have a one-star be a commanding officer of a Starship. He tapped on the intercom as he waited for Cyndi to respond.

Emma was right beside her husband. The children were being cared for while they met their new commanding officer.

Cyndi had finished unpacking her boxes when the door chime went off. Stacking the boxes behind her desk. Tapping the intercom button. “Come in,” she called as she pulled her hair into a ponytail, Cyndi turned to face her ready room door.

“Commander Benjamin Parker and Lieutenant Commander Emma Parker reporting is ordered.” Benjamin called out, as they both snapped in position retention right in front of her desk.

Emma stood next to her husband and stared straight ahead, waiting for the commodore to speak.

“At ease and please help yourselves to something to drink, that is if the replicator isn’t going to act up. New ships have quirks, please have seats once you’ve gotten something to drink if you like.” Cyndi said as she took a seat at her desk and logged into the computer.

“I'm good.” Benjamin said as he wanted to get on with the meeting. He was eager to meet and get to know his boss.

After checking the information Cyndi looked at the new new officers “I’m relieved to know that command has sent me a new XO and a new Security Chief. I only requested both two days ago. You two came in at just the right time. Welcome aboard,” Cyndi said smiling.

“Thank you, Commodore.” Emma said with a genuine smile. “I look forward to serving as your security chief.”

“And I look forward to serving as your new executive officer, I heard that I'm replacing a good XO.” Benjamin said with a smile on his face.

Cyndi nodded “Captain Green was a good XO, while I’ll miss her, she deserved a command of her own. I look forward to serving with both of you. I see that you have two children and that’s great. Our fighter wing commander has a five year old. It’s good to have kids aboard. Is there anything about me that you’d like to know?” Cyndi asked.

“Do you have any unusual expectations from either of us.” Emma asked her. “Some ship command officers had unique requirements.

Cyndi thought for a few minutes, “None that I can think of, I am not one of those commanding officers who won’t listen to reason if you feel or see me taking unnecessary chances, tell me. I’m not afraid should the need arise to get my hands dirty, I didn't get this far by sitting on my arse. Do either of you have any questions for me?”

“Unhappy to hear that, my first priority will always be to the crew and to the ship. But that doesn't mean we can't have a good working relationship.” Benjamin said with a big smile on his face.

Cyndi nodded “You are right commander. The safety of the ship and the crew are paramount. I'm positive we'll have a great working relationship. I'm looking forward to working with both of you.” Cyndi said smiling as well.

“It sounds like we all have the same goal in mind.” Emma murmured. “ The safety of the crew is my number one priority and will be that of my team. I run a tight department so that we are always ready for the unexpected.”

“I’ll do my best not to get us into too much trouble, we’re going to be doing a few weeks shakedown cruise to work out any kinks in a brand new ship. When you check in with your departments and your quarters if there is anything either of you need please order it. Emma, if you find you need more security personnel feel free to request as many as you need, I’m looking forward to working with both of you and if you want to call me Cyndi that is fine with me,” Cyndi said.

“Thank you, Commodore.” Emma replied. “When we are finished here I plan to go to my department and retrieve my codes.”

Cyndi nodded “I’m sure both of you have a lot to do. You're free to go,” she looked at her new XO “I am looking forward to working with you and your wife. I’m excited about this.”

“Yes Commodore.” Emma said and headed out the door. She wanted to stop by her department and check on their children getting settled in.

Cyndi watched Emma leave and turned to look at her new XO, “The two of you are going to be an asset to the ship. Unless you can think of anything else we need to discuss I’ll let you join your wife. Take a day to get used to the ship and if you’d like to meet the department heads I’ll let you make that call.”

“I like to get started right away Sir or should I call you, Commodore?” Benjamin said as he looked over to Cyndi.

“I've been called both and I've been called ma'am. What makes you comfortable is fine. You can even call me Cyndi if you like.”

“You have no preference?” Benjamin has a little confused. Most people had a preference.

“Perhaps Commodore or ma'am,” Cyndi replied. “I couldn't really get used to being called sir even though that is universal.”

“All right, ma'am.” Benjamin said with the big smile on his face. Thinking to himself I'd be a lot easier to say than her first name.

“I’m sure you want to get settled and get your kids settled so you're good to go. Once everyone reports aboard and the supply requests are in, we should be ready to pull out in a day or two,” Cyndi said, he was going to be an asset to her ship and couldn't wait to work with him and his wife.

“I appreciate the time Sir, but if you need me I'm ready to go right now.” Benjamin suggested to his commanding officer.

“I think I’m good, if I think of something that I’ll need you for I’ll contact you. Take the rest of the day to get used to the ship, get your family settled. I’d like to pull out in the morning for our shakedown cruise and see if there are any kinks in the ship to work out before we head into our new patrol sector,” Cyndi said.

“I'll be ready to go on the bridge first thing in the morning.” Benjamin said with a smile on his face. It was great but he had a long time to prepare his quarters.

“I’ll see you on the bridge in the morning,” Cyndi said getting to her feet. “Again welcome aboard.”

“Thank you sir, have a good night.” Benjamin said as it reached out to shake her hand, as the scene starts to fade away.



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