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Post Number 32 New Operations Officer

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 2:02pm by Commodore Cyndi Song & Lieutenant William Wright III

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


After reviewing the crew roster Cyndi noticed not only did she have a new group commander in the fighter wing but a new operations officer. Tapping her com-badge "Lieutenant Wright this is Commodore Song can you please report to my ready room."

Hearing the call he tapped his comm "On my way Commodore" Will replied as he grabbed his padd thinking "Damn, I better not get lost now, the boss wants to see me. Securing his quarters Will briskly made his way to the Bridge. Entering he had this uncanny sense all eyes were on this new guy. Walking up to the door Will palmed the chime and waited for recognition as he straightened his uniform.

"Come in," Cyndi called standing

Hearing the invitation Will walked in right up to within three feet of the C.O.'s desk and snapped to attention "Lieutenant William Wright III, reporting as requested Ma'am" as he waited for the Commodore to make the next move.

"At ease lieutenant," Cyndi said offering her hand "Please have a seat."

A little surprised to see her hand extended William gladly shook the Commodore's hand before accepting the offered seat.He sat with both feet flat on the floor, back straight, and his hands folded in his lap.

Cyndi resumed her seat, looked at her new officer and smiled "You can relax I don't bite. How are you doing getting around the ship? It's brand new, and I even got lost, I got off on the wrong deck trying to find my quarters."

Realizing his new C.O. wasn't what one would classify as a stiff shirt, Will relaxed somewhat but still remained professional "Pretty good, although I did get turned around when I first beamed aboard but a very nice Crew member helped me get my bearings" then he paused a moment "Let's just say my padd and I are becoming very good friends."

Cyndi couldn't help but laugh, "Trust me I understand. I came on via the air lock and not only did I get off on the wrong deck for my quarters but when I finally got on the right deck I even entered my door code wrong. You should have heard the alarms going off. The joys of a brand new ship. The ships computer can point you in the right direction too. All you need to do is ask and it will point the way."

Will grinned "Well, looks like I'm in good company in the getting lost department. That's a very impressive feature this ship has, I don't think I've ever been on a ship that can direct where you're going. I wonder what other surprises this ship has in store for us" he replied

"We'll find out once we get out of dock and get underway. Being brand new I'm sure it will have a lot of kinks to work out," Cyndi commented. "We'll take a couple weeks for a shakedown before we head into our new patrol sector."

Hearing the last part of her comment peaked his interest "A new patrol sector? So where will we be heading" Will inquired with looking forward to something new.

"It's called The Palai Universe. Not much is known about it; We'll be based out of Star Base Danvers which my husband Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson is going to be commanding. To my knowledge we'll be the first Federation Star Ship to head there," Cyndi said.

"Outstanding! To be able to explore an unknown area of space; now that's worth getting up in the morning for" Will replied trying to contain his enthusiasm.

"I know and I can't wait to get in there and see what is out three," Cyndi said the excitement clear in her voice "I'm a scientist too."

"Most C.O.'s I've served under came up through the ranks and had an area of expertise; nice to know your's is science" then he paused a moment "Not to change the subject but I do have a couple of questions. If we find ourselves under Red Alert, and being Operations Chief, do you want me to wait for a direct order before reallocating resources or go ahead and do so as I've been trained to do" Will inquired hoping the Commodore didn't mind him redirecting the conversation.

"Don't wait for the order, go ahead and do as your trained," Cyndi replied "The safety of the ship and crew is paramount. If we're in a fire fight the last thing the XO and I are going to have time to do is give orders for power relocation."

"Understood Ma'am. The only reason I inquired, on my first ship the C.O. was rather upset that I didn't wait for a direct order before" then he paused a moment "Doing my job. Also just for my own curiosity, after going over ship's schematics, and being that the Vesta Class has a much sleeker design, I assume the ship does not have separation capabilities" he commented.

"You are correct it does not separate. My last ship was a Galaxy Class and while it could separate that is one order I never gave. Trying to move families was too much," Cyndi said.

Hearing the Commodore's reply put a smile on his face "Good, that'll make my life a whole lot easier not having to be concerned about separation possibilities; from an operations stand point that is" Will replied liking this assignment more and more. "Is there anything you'd like to know about me that may not be in my file?"

Cyndi thought a minute. "Not that I can think of lieutenant."

"Let me just say how pleased I am to be here and I look forward serving under your command Commodore" Will commented anxious to explore the Operations Station on the Bridge.

"I think we're done here so by all means get used to your station, get used to the ship and if all goes according to plans we should be ready to pull out and begin our shake done in a couple of days," Cyndi commented.

Will stood "Thank you Ma'am. Yes that's next on my list, getting used to my station before we get underway" he replied then with a smile turned and headed to the Bridge.



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