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Post Number 33 Meeting Her Boss

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 6:18pm by Captain Virgil Ferguson & Commodore Cyndi Song & Captain Alesha Rivers
Edited on on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 4:26pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Cyndi after seeing there was a new group commander for the fighter wing, it was time to meet him and have him meet Alesha. Tapping her com-badge "Captains Ferguson and Rivers report to my ready room."

Alesha puzzled over the name Captain Ferguson acknowledged the order and headed for the commodore's ready room.

Virgil heard the call and acknowledge it, he has been all morning unpacking his stuff and decorating his quarters in order to make himself more at home, he checked his uniform in the mirror an said to himself, it is time to go and check on the new boss, and then the next step will be meeting his squadron leaders

Alesha arrived at the commodore's ready room, seeing a new officer "I'm Captain Rivers, I'm a fighter pilot." She pressed the door chime "I take it your meeting the commodore as well?"

Virgil looked at the MCAPT next to him and shook her hand once it was offered "Likewise I am Marine Captain Ferguson and I'm also a Fighter Pilot, Nice to meet you Rivers"

Cyndi hearing her door chime called out for permission to enter.

Alesha walked in with Captain Ferguson. "Captain Rivers reporting. I just met Captain Ferguson. What can we do for you?"

Vincent Came to attention and Said "Marine Captain Ferguson Reporting For Active duty Ma'am"

"At ease captain Ferguson, both of you have seats," Cyndi said "Captain Rivers has been with me several years. She came on as a officer exchange between her home planet of Amzock and Starfleet Marines at the request of Major General Narla Long and Alesha was assigned here. Alesha is a hell of a fighter pilot and one of the best in Starfleet. There's not many crafts she cannot fly but fighters are where she belongs. Alesha speaking of General Long, she's assigned Captain Ferguson to be the new group commander of the fighter wing with you remaining as wing commander."

Now that the proper introductions where made, he looked at COM Song and after she nodded he said "Nice to properly meet you MCAPT Rivers, as the Commodore said I'm your new boss, MGEN Long Speaks very highly of you, I hope we have a very good working relationship"

"Alesha this is not a reflection on you, or your abilities. You've done a hell of a job with the fighter wing," Cyndi assured her.

"I know commodore and like my mum told me there is always someone better. Captain Ferguson I know General Long. I look forward to working with you. What would you like to know about the fighters and the pilots?" Alesha asked "I do have my own personal fighter, Narla, I mean General Long has okayed it as has the commodore."

"That is okay with me, for now please send me the personnel roster and the fighter compliment", Ferguson Said "I would like to settle down and study both documents before my first tour of the hangar"

"I'll have it on your desk by the end of the day. Currently I can tell you there are six viper's, my personal fighter makes seven. There are six fighter pilots including me. And one fighter for you boss," Alesha said "I have them running simulations for a variety of combat exercise which will also be in my report."

"Thanks, I hope we get to know each other an form a great working relationship", he said as he stood "If that's all ma'am I'd like to go and settle in before we depart from dock"

Cyndi nodded "Permission granted captain, get settled and I know you and Rivers will get along well."

"The fighter wing will be ready for your inspection when your ready. As I said my craft is different but will be ready to inspect as well," Alesha said getting to her feet as well.

"Your both good to go," Cyndi said

"Thanks Ma'am", he said and then turned to Alesha and said "I'll See You in a cuple of hours Rivers"

After that they both stood up saluted and went on their separate ways, Vincent had a lot to work on before the inspection.



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