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Post Number 34 Getting Acquainted

Posted on Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant William Wright III

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


As soon as William was finished meeting his Commanding Officer, he proceeded to the Bridge to get acquainted with the Operations Station. While the majority of Stations were setup about the same, there still may be some subtle differences that he wanted to be comfortable with before the Amandora got underway.

Walking to his Station, which was next to Helm located at the front and to the Starboard side of the Bridge, he noticed a attractive young female at Helm "Hi, I'm Lieutenant William Wright, the new Operations Chief" he commented purposely leaving off the 'third' just for simplicity's sake before taking his seat.

The young women turned with a smile after noticing the new Chief "Welcome aboard Lieutenant William Wright; I'm Lieutenant J.G. Erica Mc Neil, happy to meet you" she replied not minding the new Chief sitting beside her one little bit.

As he started looking over his panel "So I guess we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other in the coming days and weeks; duty wise that is" as he glanced her way with a smile.

"Most likely Lieutenant....although I'm just a Helmsman and not the Chief" Erica replied starting to feel a little self conscious at the moment while feeling her face starting to get warm.

Picking up on her vibe Will leaned over a little "Relax Lieutenant, I don't bite....not hard anyways" as he wanted to put her at ease since they would be sitting next to one another often.

Erica smiled "Promise" she replied starting to feel more at ease.

Will just grinned seeing her settle down and concentrated at the task at hand. Carefully studying the Screen Will did notice a couple of items were switched to different locations; he made a mental note of the changes but nothing too drastic.

Setting his Station to 'standby mode" he could safely explore the different functions without sending the Ship into a tizzy; or getting himself into trouble with Command. After about an hour William was satisfied with his learnings while the shakedown would give him some practical experience so he could operate at one hundred percent effectiveness sooner than later.

Noticing Erica was just about finished checking out the controls "So you all set to fly this thing" he inquired making small talk.

"I think so.....I hope so.....I guess we'll find out soon enough" she replied with a grin.

"Ah, you'll be fine I'm sure" then he paused "I have to ask, what's it like actually flying a Star Ship."

"It's fun, a little scary, and it really gets your heart pumping all at the same time; but there isn't any place else on a Ship that I'd rather be" Erica replied with a grin "And you, what's it like being Chief of Operations."

William just grinned "I'll have to let you know. This is my first posting as the Chief but I have an idea I may experience some of the same things as yourself being a pilot" he answered. Realizing the time "I should get going, I still have couple of things to take care of before my shift ends" as he stood "I'm sure we'll bump into one another again soon."

"I hope so" Erica replied with a smile as Will turned and left the Bridge.


Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief of Operations
USS Amandora


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