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Post Number 35 Inspection time

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 3:56pm by Captain Alesha Rivers & Captain Virgil Ferguson
Edited on on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 6:02pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: USS AMANDORA / Fighter Hangar


Several hours had passed since the meeting with his new CO COM Song, he had spent those hours tiding up his quarters until they met marine standard and then changed to duty uniform and exited them and asked the computer to show him where the main hangar was.

He walked into the place and was spotted by a mechanic and said "ATTENTION ON DECK OFFICER PRESENT", he smiled, NCO's where the backbone of SFMC and he nodded to him and as he approached the men noticed that he was wearing the CAG badge on his uniform which in fact identified him as the CO.

He looked at him and said "At ease, bring MCAPT Rivers and prepare the unit for inspection"

The mechanic nodded, spun on his heel and bolted for Alesha's office.

Alesha seeing the mechanic at her door motioned him to come in. "What brings you here in a rush?"

"Sir the new CO wants to see you, the pilots and prepare for an inspection of the fighters," he said.

"Thank you," Alesha said tapping her com-badge and ordering the pilots to assemble in the flight deck.

Alesha walked in a few minutes later, the wing had been informed of a change in command. "Come to attention!" she called to the assembled pilots.

Virgil Watched as pilots and crew assembled in the flight deck and consulted his chronometer with a rehearsed disproving look, as soon as everybody stood at their posts he said "GOOD AFTERNOON I AM CAPTAIN VIRGIL FERGUSON CALL SIGN FLASH, AND I'M YOUR NEW CO"


One of the pilots started to open his mouth but a warning look from Alesha and he remained silent, "I'm not making excuses just remember one thing sir, this is a brand new and much bigger ship. We're still all getting used to things." she turned back to the pilots "He is right, nine minutes is not good enough. Quarters are next to the flight deck, five minutes or less understood?"

There were shouts of yes sir from the fighter wing.

Vincent looked at Alesha and winked in order for her to understand that he was playing with the crew and said "Please introduce me to all fighter wing"

"Stand at ease," Alesha said "You all received my missive about a change in command.This is Captain Virgle Ferguson the new Group Commander of the fighter wing. I expect each and everyone one of you to follow his orders as you have mine. I also expect each of those fighters to be fully operational and ready for what ever the commodore gets us into."

"That is the way of Starfleet and Specially we pilots, we need to Improvise and triumph in whatever situation the Commodore assigns us to perform, after I inspect your fighters and flight-crew we will begin a series of simulations before we live drydock and I'll try to get us to perform some live maneuvers once we are on our way", said Virgil

"They're ready now," Alesha said "I've trained them to launch while we're at warp, up to warp three."

"Very good, I didn't expect less from you. Where is my bird?", answered Virgil

"Follow me," Alesha said leading the way to a corner of the bay, she pointed to the Viper. "That one is yours, mine is the one next to it. Yours is ready to go, each fighter has it's own access codes," she snapped open an access panel on the hull of the fighter, removed a PADD and handed it to him. "This is your access code. There is a ladder in the belly of it for when we're on the surface and not on the ship. Otherwise there are ladders for each fighter, well not for mine, Mine has a hidden ladder."

Virgil followed Alesha and climbed to the fighter she pointed as his and said "Great Job Rivers, this is a fine bird I'd like a report on the capabilities of your special craft in order to use it as best as we can"

Alesha looked at her fighter for minute, walked over to it, pressed a hidden button causing the built in ladder to appear, climbing up she opened the canopy and climbed down. "My call sign is Lightening Bug. Take a look inside. It's able to cloak and fire cloaked. The downside once I cloak it the shields don't work. She carries a payload of six mini torpedoes each with the fire power of regular torpedoes. All the controls and systems are in my native language but I can easily convert it to Federation Standard. It's a two seater, one behind the pilots seat that currently is folded down."

Virgil's mind begun to race, a cloaked fighter, that could be the difference between failure and success in a mission "I think your ship has immense potential... I look forward to be able to deploy it, do not modify the language, it would serve as a precaution in case someone tries to steal it"

Alesha nodded. "Currently only three aboard can read it. Myself, Dr. Long and Lieutenant Herculoid who is the assistant science chief. Both from my home planet. I don't cloak it without a good reason"

"I understand, just remember that an aircraft with this kind of capabilities could be very tempting to a lot of factions through known space", answered Virgil

"That is if they can read the Amazon language. Figure out the code for the alarms. But yes I do keep a close eye on it," Alesha replied "I'll get you the schematics for it to you if you like. It carries dual registry. My homeworld and the Federation as ordered by the general."

"Of Course, Just need to be careful because even if we maximize de precautions there is always someone that at least will try to violate those measures", said Virgil in a pensive tone.

Alesha closed the canopy, pressed the button causing the built in ladder to disappear and reset the alarms. "I'll be careful I assure you of that. If you like I can raise the rear seat and take you out in it so you can get a feeling of what it's able to do. The alarm codes are changed on a regular basis."

"Very well, I'd love to have a ride in your bird to see what it's really capable of", answered Virgil.

"Give me a couple of hours, I need to check on my daughter," Alesha said. "She's in my quarters with a holographic baby sitter. Then since we're still in dock it won't hurt to take the fighter out."

"Very well I'll be on stand by waiting for your call", he said making the show to go to his office with all the calm in the world, after all they where in the drydock still


Post By

MCAPT Virgil Ferguson


MCAPT Alesha Rivers


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