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Post Number 36 Ready To Launch

Posted on Fri Sep 13th, 2024 @ 3:24am by Commodore Cyndi Song

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Amandora Bridge
Timeline: Current


This will start our shakedown cruise. Please post your reactions to us leaving Star Base Danvers as we work out the kinks in the new ship. I’m sure there will be some issues so be creative.


After the staff had met the new XO and new Security Chief it was time to get underway. Cyndi had mixed feelings, for the first time in a few years her husband and kids were not along. Paul had accepted command of Star Base Danvers. Cyndi stepped onto the bridge of the new Vesta Class Star Ship and took her seat. “Communications open a ship wide channel.”

“You’re on commodore,” communications announced a few seconds later.

“All hands we’re leaving Star Base Danvers to begin a three to four week shakedown cruise before we head into our new patrol sector. Remember this is a brand new ship so she’s bound to have some issues. Engineering bring impulse and warp drive online, sciences bring all sensors online, security, Intel, operations, fighter wing, and medical keep me and Commander Parker apprised of anything you may find. Communications signal the star base for permission to leave dock,”

“Star Base acknowledges and signals we’re clear to depart,” communications responded.

“Kalina release docking clamp, supports and take us out. Impulse only until we clear the star base then engage warp dive, warp one. Nice and easy for a few hours to see how the new ship responds.”



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