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Post Number 37 A Little Buggy

Posted on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 6:52pm by Lieutenant William Wright III
Edited on on Tue Sep 17th, 2024 @ 6:56pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant William Wright sat at the Operations Station checking various screens getting ready for departure from Star Base Danvers.

Next to him sat a Lieutenant at Helm checking to see if impulse and warp core were online yet; looking a little concerned.

William, looking to his right, noticed the Lieutenant had a strange look about the face "Lieutenant you alright; nervous about the shakedown" he inquired.

"Yes, I'm fine. I guess I'm getting a little impatient waiting for Ship's power to come online "she explained "Wouldn't want the C.O. to order departure and no gas to get the ship underway."

William grinned "I'm sure the Commodore will make sure the engines are online before giving you such an order" he replied. Just then he heard the C.O. taking to Engineering as he whispered to Helm "See nothing to worry about."

Lieutenant Wright kept close watch of his screens, making sure all the Departments had the required operating power, as Helm carried out the C.O.'s orders and separated the Ship from the Base heading towards open space.

About an hour passed by and so far so good with Operations, then Williams comm went off "Lieutenant Wright, go ahead."

Chief this is Crewman Avery. I just received a call from a member of the Crew that Holodeck well....glitching. His program keeps cutting in and out repeatedly" came the explanation.

"So much for things going smoothly" Will thought to himself "Crewman grab your tools and tri-corder. Open the power distribution panel by Holodeck One; using your trip-corder make the required adjustments.....that should take care of the problem. I'm currently on the Bridge so if you have any problems give me a call back" he instructed hoping this was just minor.

"Ok Chief I'm on it. Avery out" came the reply as he gathered his tools to carry out the Chief's orders.

The Helmsman couldn't help overhearing the recent conversation. With a whisper "Everything alright Lieutenant" deciding to return the favor of reassuring a fellow member of the Crew.

Will grinned "Nothing major, I hope, just a bug rearing it's ugly head letting us know the Ship is still new" he replied confident he was correct in his assumptions.


Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief Operations Officer
USS Amandora


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