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Post # 46 The Multiverse Scenario Part 2

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 2:26am by Lieutenant Sabbath

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


< Miri >

Tabitha Cane arose quickly from her tent the moment she heard the oblisk come to life. The old code had worked and had opened the device.

Lucas Tahn had faced the same effect Kirk had and was recovering in sickbay aboard the Equus, his memory had been shaken.

Tapping her console Tabatha sent Sabbath the recent news.

[ Sabbath it opened...the signal worked but one of my peers has been injured. He is aboard the Equus. I wish you were here.]

Sabbath almost smiled but refrained at hearing the news.

" Proceed with caution Tabitha. This obelisk was attached to a large system to repel asteroids. There is no telling what this one can do."

[ Sabbath you sound like my....father. standard tricorder reading and all far is well. Board configuration is similar to Miri but....this one has a complete room reconfiguration. It is larger in here than we were considering . This configuration is similar to a Stellar Cartography panel. Sabbath there is a presence here. Some kind of interactive AI]



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