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Post Number 47 Back On

Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 3:27pm by Lieutenant William Wright III & Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Amandora
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Wright was sitting at the Ops console when suddenly the lights came on as quickly as they had gone off as he felt the faint vibration of the warp engines on the deck below his feet. Looking up at the view screen Will could see the ship was moving once again. Allowing a thirty second reboot time, William began accessing his Console.

First things first. Will brought up each Bridge console on his screen checking to make sure each one was functioning properly. Science I and II seemed to be working properly as was Tactical, Engineering, Communications, Mission Ops, and the Command consoles.

Satisfied with that he next brought up the Environmental Systems for the ship. Checking the Ship deck by deck to make sure each had the required lighting and the proper temps. One thing Wright did notice was, for whatever reason, Sick Bay seemed to be cooler than the rest of the ship.

Tapping his comm "Doctor Long, this is Lieutenant Wright. I noticed your area seems to be cooler than other areas so I adjusted the heat to send a little more your way. Please let me know if it gets too warm down there and I'll readjust it for you."

"Thank you lieutenant, it's warming up nicely here. I'll keep you posted on things," Kristian responded

" You're welcome Doctor; anything you need from Operations please don't hesitate" Will replied.

Now that Sick Bay was set, Will brought up ship's defensive systems such as shielding, deflector dish, and weapons making sure that all had the required power to be functional should they be needed.

Lastly Will checked other areas such as the Holo Decks, gymnasium, Science Labs, Shuttle Bays, Lounges, and a few other areas to make sure all were operational.

Sitting back in his chair he thought for several minutes going over the ship in his mind making sure he didn't miss anything. A tap on the shoulder brought Will back to reality as he looked up at a young Officer "Lieutenant, I'm here to relieve you; your bridge shift has ended."

Wright stood and went over everything with the young Ensign "Hopefully the Ship won't go dark again, but if it does call and I'll try and get back up to the Bridge and give you a hand with things" he stated with a smile.

"Understood Lieutenant" the Ensign replied before taking the seat at Ops.

Since William had some time left on his shift, there was one place he wanted to go and meet their Chef as he entered the Lift "Computer, Main Engineering."



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