
Post Number 52 Science Shake Down

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 3:17pm by Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Lieutenant Sabbath

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


< Bridge >

Lt Sabbath was very pleased some of the new systems on this new Amandora was working as they were supposed to.

The old Amandora had its delays and in a mission where science was crucial equipment needed to work.

Tara had been monitoring science when the ships power had gone out. But thanks to David the chief engineer the power wasn't out long. "Lieutenant we need to re-boot sciences. Power is back on computers are coming up."

" AFFIRMATIVE. Starting re-boot of main dyno scanners. It is crucial to also re-boot the Labs interfaces as well per the ships specs." Sabbath replied

"I'll get on it, I can do it from up here," Tara said

Sabbath watched Tara perform the duty and then interjected.

" I am curious of something. When designers make modifications why do they always link sciences with the other ships systems? One should never put all of their eggs in the same basket, " Sabbath punned. " I am sure Mr Spock had the same issues on his Enterprise.

"If you recall Ambassador Spock did assist with engineering at times" Tara commented. "I hold a PhD in science and I have a minor degree in communications."

" Job security no doubt. I was briefly an assistant isolinear chip inspector while we waited for this assignment. But apparently I could not sing and they told me not to give up my day job." Sabbath punned.

Tara couldn't help gut giggle at his comment "I can sing,,,some, I play the lute. I have one aboard I've not had time to get it out and practice. I bet you can sing if you try."

" I learned to play a flute when I was with the AWA. That is the limits to my musical skills. My scanner is working nominally." Sabbath replied.

"As is mine, sensors are back on line, all systems are normal and it's finally getting warm," Tara said "Perhaps sometime you can play for me?"

" Only if you sing for me?" Sabbath replied.

"I'll consider it and only if you play your flute for me," Tara said.

Sabbath nodded and resumed his duties all the while remembering his flute playing days. A Vulcan boy among native humanoid indigenous people was hard enough. Learning to play their music was a way of fitting in.

Tara concentrated on getting the science console back on line.It took a few hours but finally it was done. "Sabbath everything is back online and we're good to go. Why don't you come by my quarters later and I'll make supper."

" Agreed. I will bring my flute." Sabbath replied.

"Say seven?" Tara asked "I'll make a traditional meal from my home world."

" Very good. " Sabbath stood up and took leave of the bridge and headed to the main science lab. Now he had to restart all of those devices.




