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Post Number 51 Chief To Chief

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 7:30pm by Lieutenant William Wright III & Lieutenant David Montgomery
Edited on on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 7:31pm

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Wright exited the lift then made his way into Engineering looking for the Chief. After looking around a few moments Will saw a gentleman directing people figuring this must be him.

Walking over wearing a smile “Excuse me Lieutenant David Montgomery, I’m Lieutenant William Wright, Chief of Operations” he stated as he extended his hand towards David.

David smiled widely and held out his hand. “I was meaning to come by your office and welcome you aboard.” As they shook hands he continued to speak. “Let’s head to my office where we can be a little more comfortable.”

“Sounds good, lead the way” Will replied as he walked with David since this was his domain.

David led him to his office and grabbed a bottle of water. “Please help yourself to something to drink and make yourself comfortable.”

“Thanks, don’t mind if I do” then sat in a nearby chair as he opened the water and took a swig “I thought I would get around to the department heads and get to know all of you a little better” William explained.

“I was going to do the same thing.” David nodded. “But then everything went sideways for a bit.” He grinned. “We are working them out though I am glad to say.”

“Sideways is an understatement” Will commented with a grin “What was the problem; I was wondering if the Ship should have even been in space as I was sitting in the dark.”

“They put substandard components in the fuel regulator.” David sighed. “I had to replace them before I could even attempt to bring the engines back online.”

“Sounds like either someone was in a hurry to get this ship up and running or they were trying to cut corners” Will replied “Hopefully that’s the only place they did that or this could be a shaky shakedown.”

“I’m hoping they were in a hurry.” David murmured. “If they were cutting corners it would probably be done in many areas.”

“I’m with you on that” Will replied “Not to change the subject, and not that I’m nosey or anything, but how long have you been Chief here.”

David smiled at him. “I came about a year ago as operations officer. Our engineer got offered a new position and I was offered this position, about nine months ago.”

“Ah, a retired operations officer; looks like we have more in common than I thought” Will replied with a big grin “At least I know whose brian to pick if I get stuck since this is my first assignment as operations chief.”

David grinned back at him. “You need something I am your man. I’d be happy to help where I can. We are a team.”

“Thanks; not that I’ll need any help per say but it’s nice to know it’s there if something out the ordinary comes up” Will replied “Well I think I’ve taken up enough of your time; I’m sure you have things to attend to and I have a few more people I’d like to meet as well” as he stood “It was very nice to meet you Lieutenant and thank you for your time.”

“Thank you for coming down and introducing yourself.” David said sincerely. “I look forward to us working together.” He watched as Will left and then turned to his paperwork.


Lieutenant David Montgomery
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief Operations Officer
USS. Amandora


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