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Post #50 A day in the life

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 1:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Grace Parker

Mission: Shakedown II

As Lieutenant Commander Grace Parker walked down the metallic corridor towards her quarters, the day’s events replayed in her mind. It had been a long day of verifying weapons and running through emergency protocols with her staff. A smile crept onto her face as she thought about the challenges she faced, particularly with Lieutenant Junior Grade Doug Fleming.

Doug was the quintessential overachiever—confident to the point of arrogance. He believed he should be at Starfleet Headquarters, commanding the entire security apparatus of the fleet. Today, he had chosen to challenge her to a hand-to-hand combat session. Grace had taken it as a teaching moment, and his cocky demeanor quickly faded when he realized that she wasn’t an easy target. “Maybe now he’ll understand that it’s not just about rank but skill and teamwork,” she thought, knowing that their upcoming discussion would be pivotal. She preferred to handle issues directly, believing it would be better for his development.

As she entered her quarters, the familiar sounds of her children greeted her. Lily, her youngest at five, was chattering away, her voice bubbling with excitement. “Mommy! Mommy! Did you see any aliens today? Did you fight them? Can I have a pet alien?” Each question spilled out in a rush, her eyes wide with wonder.

Grace knelt down, wrapping her arms around Lily and pulling her close. “No aliens today, my little star explorer, but we did practice some really cool moves! And no pets, even if they’re aliens. They might be too much to handle!”

“Aw, come on! What if it’s a nice alien? Like E.T.?” Lily pouted, her imagination running wild.

“Okay, a nice alien might be a possibility,” Grace replied with a grin, enjoying her daughter's enthusiasm. “But only if you promise to feed it space cookies!”

Marcus, her aspiring captain who dreamed of commanding his own starship, bounded over. “Did you beat the bad guys today, Mom? Did you use your super moves?” His excitement was infectious.

Grace smiled, recalling her encounter with Doug. “Well, I didn’t run into any actual bad guys, but I did have a spirited practice with someone who thought he could take me on. Turns out he learned that I’m not as easy to defeat as he thought!”

“Whoa! You beat him? Can you teach me those moves?” Marcus asked, his eyes lighting up with admiration.

“Of course! But first, we need to make dinner. How about we whip up some ‘space spaghetti’?” Grace suggested, eager to shift the focus back to her children.

“Yay! I want to help!” Lily bounced in place. “Can I sprinkle the cheese?”

“Absolutely! You’ll be the official cheese expert,” Grace replied, her heart warming at their excitement.

As they moved toward the kitchen, Grace’s mind wandered back to Doug. She knew he had potential, but his arrogance often clouded his judgment. “You know, sometimes people need a little reminder about teamwork,” she said, almost to herself.

Marcus looked up, sensing her change in demeanor. “Mom, is everything okay? You seem a little serious.”

Grace paused, kneeling down to meet his gaze. “Oh, honey, just thinking about how important it is to work together. Even grown-ups forget that sometimes.”

“Like how you and Doug had to work together today?” Marcus suggested innocently.

“Exactly! And sometimes it means standing up for yourself while still being part of the team,” Grace explained, feeling a swell of pride at her son’s insight.

Just then, the door chimed, and Benjamin stepped in, his presence instantly filling the room with warmth. “Hey, team! What’s cooking?”

“Space spaghetti!” Lily shouted with glee.

Benjamin chuckled and leaned over to kiss Grace. “I see I came just in time for dinner prep. What’s my role?”

“You’re the captain of the kitchen tonight—your job is to taste-test and supervise!” Grace replied, her earlier concerns fading as they gathered around the kitchen.

In this moment, with her family close, Grace felt a deep sense of gratitude. Tomorrow would bring its challenges, especially with Doug, but for now, the laughter and love of her family were all that mattered.


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