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Post Number 35 Settling In

Posted on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 4:45am by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon
Edited on on Tue Feb 6th, 2024 @ 8:14pm

Mission: Hijacked


Alesha was looking forward to getting to the Klingon Ship that was going to aide them in locating her daughter. Alistar's team were good and knew what they were doing.

Alister leaned back in his seat as the runabout dropped from warp. "We're at the rendezvous coordinates," the chief at the helm said, "Sending the recognition signal." There was a brief pause before the computer beeped, "Getting a response, one Vor'cha class cruiser and pair of Bird of Preys decloaking off the bow."

"Glad to see everyone's on time, opening a channel," he said pushing some keys on the console in front of him, "Good to see you again," Alister said as an older Klingon officer appeared a series of scars across his weathered face.

The Klingon officer snorted, "Let's drop the pretense, I need to get this patrol back on course. I have one Klingon fighter in the main bay ready to be turned over to you. I'm doing this for the honor of my house not as any favor to you or your Federation."

Alister nodded his head, "Glad to see some things never change, we're two minutes out from your main bay and we'll be out of your hair as soon as my pilot says the fighter is as advertised."

"Agreed," the Klingon said with a nod before barking an order and cutting the channel.

Alister sighed, "Get us on the deck of the Klingon cruiser," he said standing up from his seat. "Captain Rivers, once you go over the fighter and finish her pre-flight, we'll be one our way."

"Friendly sort,"Alesha commented knowing how Klingons could be.

The shuttle landed a couple of minutes later, Alesha got to her feet, walked over and dropped the ramp, stepped onto the deck of the Klingon ship and was met by a Klikngon warrior who pointed to the fighter that she was to fly.

Alesha walked over to it, did a walk around it and then climbed in. Picking up the helmet as she took a seat. The instruments were in standard so that was one good thing. A flight check, everything was in order. She dropped the canopy, fired the engines and gave a thumbs up to Alistar. Tapping the comms "All good here, I'll follow you out. Weapons and cloak are state of the art and top of the line for Klingons. All systems are good."

Alister gave a nod to the pilot who lifted the runabout off the deck and into space. As soon as both craft cleared the bay the Klingon jumped to the warp. “Alright, take up an escort position with us and we’ll head on out,” he said over the comm as he leaned back, “We’re about an hour out and we’ll handle the comms. Plan is for us to land and book into a hotel before starting the op. If they put us in separate bays meet up at the exit of the main spaceport.”

Alesha tapped the comms "I'll be on your port side. Hopefully they don't put us separate but if they do I"ll meet you." Alesha maneuvered the fighter along side the port side of the shuttle and just ahead of it.

The two small ships exited the warp and into the busy traffic lanes over the planet. Sipping a cup of coffee Alister listened as one of his people handled the comma to the planet. “Negative a berth together is what we want I see plenty of space for two ships to land together,” the ensign at the comma terminal said.

“And I’m telling you negative you don’t like it you can leave,” the voice came back.

Alister lifted his hand, forestalling the response and keyed the comm to his panel, “This is Captain Marcus Kenton of the mercenary company Kenton Commandos. If the public landing bay can’t accommodate my request then we’ll take a private bay.”

A brief pause came from the comm before an older voice answered, “Private bays cost extra five bars upfront another two per week and that doesn’t include consumables.”

Alister smiled, “We’ll pay seven up front and one per week and I want security included.”

“Seven up front but I’ll need an additional two slips per week for the security fee,” the voice responded almost instantly.

“Done,” Alister said with a nod punching a few buttons on the comm, “Payment has been sent, pleasure doing business with you.” He glanced back at his pilot, “Take us down.”

Alesha receiving word they'd be landing flew in behind the shuttle and followed it through the busy space traffic and through the stratosphere of the planet. The two crafts flew into the private bays and touched down. Alesha shut down the engines on the fighter. Raising the canopy she climbed out, dropped the helmet onto the seat, closed the canopy and climbed down.

Alesha walked over to the shuttle and waited for Alistair and his team to emerge, while she was eager to find her daughter Alesha knew this was Alistar's call and that she needed to remember that.

Alister took a breath before schooling his features and walking off the back ramp with a swagger, the Jem H’dar disrupter in a gunslinger holster on his thigh. He flung his arm around Alesha’s shoulder and spoke in a deep ringing voice, “Alright boys and girls time to check into a hotel and drink the nearest bar dry.” A ragged cheer came from his people that followed him off the shuttle as they made for the exit.

Alesha placed her arm around his waist as they walked to the exit. "A drink sounds wonderful to me as well. Get our rooms and go to the nearest bar. I'm all for it. Let's get this party started."

Exiting the bay with only the briefest of stops to forward their IDs to what passed as the planetary customs the group made their way to a decent hotel by the port getting a set of adjoining rooms. “All clear,” one of Alister’s people said after running a series of scans for any listening devices, “Only a couple of devices that we disabled.”

Alister nodded his head, “Alright time to divide and conquer group to the bar and try to drink it dry. Cooper, you’re on getting into the local systems and trying to locate our target. Sibe,” he gave a nod to the female Trill who was stepping back into the room her hair wet from the shower to remove the makeup originally covering her spots, “We’ll move up town and check into one of the high costs luxury hotels there, give us a second base of operations and from my read our target is going to be more use to the finer things in life.” Alister accepted a new top handed to from his bag and put on a well tailored jacket, giving his hair a quick brush and slumping his shoulders from the cocky mercenary commander. “Any questions before Lewis Shelton and Juni Shelton go check into the hotel to celebrate their anniversary l?”

"Not from me," Alesha said walking into the room, reaching into her pocket she placed a bottle of pills on the table "I've had these, they're sobriety pills to keep you from getting drunk in case they serve the real stuff."

One of the operatives chuckled slightly, “We all had the hypo on the shuttle. Isn’t the first time the boss had us play drunks to cover movement. Throw back lots of the real stuff and buy drinks for the whole bar. If you want we can give you the hypo tends to cause less nausea then the pills.”

"I'll take the hypo too," Alesha said "I never have been a fan of those pills," The operative stepped forward and injected Alesha with the hypo.

"Now you can drink and enjoy it with all of us without worrying about it."

Alesha still in her black jeans and black tank top "Think I should go change into something a little more revealing?" she asked

Alister chuckled, “You’re fine, the cover is a mercenary company. Well, we’re off to enjoy the finer side of this wonderful planet. You’ve got the codes for a dead drop. We’ll be back in a couple of days to check in and be seen. Otherwise enjoy the rooms and try to remember that we are 'suppose' to be able to justify everything we spend money on.” With that Alister and Sibe walked out of the room.



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