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Post Number 36 Seeing Amber from a distance

Posted on Thu Feb 8th, 2024 @ 11:19pm by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Planet Surface
Timeline: Current

Alister glanced up from the menu in front of him, three days after separating from the bulk of his team, for all intents and purposes staring into the eyes of Sibe as he studied the girl and what appeared to be a babysitter at a table by them. "So my dear what where you thinking of ordering," he asked reaching out his hand and giving her's a single squeeze to confirm that he believed he had the correct girl in sight.

Sibe gave him a smile, "I think I'll have another glass of wine and then the local fish sounds wonderful." She bent over and gave him a quick kiss, "Put in my order I need to use the restroom and freshen up." The Trill stood up and made her way to the restroom close enough to the other table to get a scan on the occupants. Returning a couple of minutes later she gave him a nod of her head in confirmation before the two turned to finish their dinner.

---Scene change---

Connor glanced up from the screen of the computer he was working on, "Chief," he said glancing at the man sitting down to breakfast, "Boss has confirmation of our target. Says to inform the Captain, he has a location if she wants to see her."

The Chief nodded his head getting up and moving thru the link rooms until he reached Alesha's door and knocked on it before cracking the door open, "Ma'am, the boss say's he had eyes on your daughter and a location if you want to see her. We'll need to respond and get the rest of the details as soon as we can."

Alesha could hardly contain her excitement "Most definitely I want to see her," Alesha said the excitement clear in her voice. Picking up the phaser she strapped it on and walked over to where he was "I'm ready to go, just lead the way."

“We’re only going out to the main living room, boss still has to send us the details.” The Chief gave her a look up and down, “Also I’m pretty sure the boss isn’t going to want you armed for this.”

Alesha thought for a minute and nodded as she removed the phaser and laid it on the end table "Your right,"

The two walked out, “She wants to see her what’s the boss’s plan?” The Chief asked leading her back out.

“He’s going to send a vehicle to pick up the Captain and drop her off at the hotel he’s currently staying at,” Connor’s said staring at the screen, “He’s paid off the front desk to give you another key to the room. Him and Sibe will take it from there.”

"My daughter does she look okay?" Alesha asked "My ex hasn't hurt her has he?"

Connor’s gave a shrug of his shoulders, “Message doesn’t say.”

The Chief gave a wary shake of his head as he looked at the hacker with a patented look of wondering how someone so smart could be so clueless. “If something looked off with your daughter I think the boss’s orders would have been different. While we’re trying to keep a low profile and make this go smoothly. Connor is good enough to spoof the systems long enough for us to go in fast and hard. It wouldn’t be low profile but we could be burning space inside an hour with your daughter if we needed to.”

Alesha nodded "I'm sorry guys I guess I'm just eager to see her and to get her back. I'm sure she's fine. Please forgive me."

“That’s alright ma’am, we understand,” the Chief replied a quick step on Connor’s foot got the hacker to nod in agreement as well. “I would suggest changing into something nicer or going with someone to pick up something nicer. You’re heading uptown for awhile.”

"I do have something in mind. Give me a few minutes to change," Alesha said as she walked into the next room, opened her duffel and removed a pale blue dress, slipping it on, it fell just to her ankles, slipping on a pair of silver sandals, Alesha pulled her hair out of the pony tail and brushed it and let it fall to her shoulders. Her mother had given her a gold heart shaped locket. Putting it on Alesha looked at he reflection and nodded. She returned several minutes to the main room."I hope this will pass."

The Chief’s foot on the hacker this time was more of a stomp as the young man winced but returned his attention firmly onto the console. “It’ll do ma’am,” he said with a nod of his head. “You’ll be asking for the key to suite 1703 you’re a guest of who if they ask?”

"I'm the guest of Shelton, Lewis and Juni," Alesha replied.

The Chief nodded his head with a smile, "Very good," he gave a nod to the door, "Let's get you moving if the boss has found your daughter we've got a lot of planning to do."

"i'm ready and hopefully he has found my daughter," Alesha said

---Scene Change---

The luxury vehicle pulled up in front of an exquisite hotel in the middle of the planetary capitol a suited doorman opening the rear passenger door before hurrying ahead to open the buildings main door leading into the main lobby. "Can I help you ma'am," a uniformed woman asked from behind the desk glancing in Alesha's direction.

Alesha nodded at the woman "I'm a guest of Shelton, Lewis and Juni, they're in suite 1703, I'm going to need a key, they are expecting me." She glanced around the hotel lobby, the place was beautiful, she then turned her attention back to the woman behind the desk as she waited for the key.

The woman gave a nod of her head, "The lifts to your left will take you to the suites, the room is located on the 17th floor." She slid a key across the top of the counter, "Enjoy your stay."

Alesha picked up the key and thanked her, she then headed for the lift. Once inside gave the command to take her to the 17th floor. The lift moved upwards, it didn't take long to reach the floor. Stepping out of the lift once it stopped Alesha made her way to the suite, inserted the key, opened the door and stepped inside

Alister glanced as the door opened, and gave a nod to Alesha as she stepped in. "Good to see you again," he said turning his attention back to the PADD as Sibe stepped out from another room giving Alesha a friendly wave. "We've found your daughter she was in the care of a nanny before meeting up with your ex for lunch," he said motioning to another chair. "Connor's is busy pulling up more info on your ex we're planning on causing a disturbance that will draw him off from the house before myself and Sibe go in and get your daughter. However, we do know of a park that Amber visits frequently we can let you see your daughter from a distance," Alister said glancing over at Sibe as the female Trill frowned slightly from her seat.

"Thank you," Alesha replied as she took a seat "I can't wait to see her. Three years is a long time to be separated from her." Seeing Sibe frown "Is something wrong?"

"I disagree with letting you get a glimpse of your daughter, your ex could have told the nanny about you, and with his contacts even have an updated photo from your personal jacket," Sibe said from her seat, "You have done well according to the Chief but you are still an amateur and this is a risk I do not think we should take."

Alister gave a shake of head, "We can control the distance and I made a promise to the Captain that if it was possible that we would do it," he replied looking at Sibe. "However Sibe is right that a photo of you might have been pulled from your jacket," he turned to face Alesha, "The risk in my opinion is small and the Chief thinks you can handle not giving away the game says you've done well."

Sibe sighed, "The choice is yours, we've been going in circles during the downtime. One of the downsides of playing a married couple on anniversaries is expected to spend large amounts of time in your suite. He's always more willing to walk on the edge then I personally prefer."

"The risk may be small, and Raul easily could have pulled a picture of me. He'll know me as a brunette, if someone is willing to temporarily dye my hair red that should throw him off track in case he'd have told the nanny about me. Granted Alistar did tell me he'd let me see Amber from a distance. I do want to see her but not if it’s going to put this at risk," Alesha commented.

“No time for a hair dye and the front desk would raise eyebrows on you changing hair colors all of a sudden,” Alister said glancing over at Sibe. “It’s not like we’re planning on staying here much longer. After this we’re regrouping and putting the operation together.”

Sibe nodded her head, “Alright if you’re okay with the risk.” She stood up, “Alright Captain it’s about time for us to leave.” She leaned over, “Just a couple of things won’t do to have you looking too perfect.” With practiced hands she slightly disordered the perfect fit of the dress and messed up the Captain’s hair. “Unless Alister wishes to inflate his ego we should go ahead and call for that cab.”

"I'm ready when ever you are," Alesha said "I have no feelings left for Raul so if he gets killed in this so be it."

“We’re trying not to leave a trail of dead bodies,” Alister said standing up and making for the door, “If you’re ready ladies our chariot awaits.”

"Let's go," Alesha said as she followed them to the door. She knew that Killing Raul was not something that no one wanted to do. Dead bodies tended to leave a trail.

Leading the way outside Alister waited for the two ladies to step into the vehicle before following. The car headed off stopping at a very nice downtown park. Leading them to a picnic table Alister sat down motioning Alesha to sit next to him with Sibe across. The two Intelligence officers exchanged meaningless chatter as they waited. “There,” Alister said with a nod of his changing his gaze over to Alesha, “Coming into the park now the blonde holding a child’s hand.”

Alesha looked over in the direction Alistar had indicated, it took everything she had in her not to run over to her daughter and scoop her up and run off. "She looks exactly the way Tara's age progression showed. She's beautiful," Alesha said "My beautiful little girl. She looks good and well taken care of."

Alister and Sibe tensed slightly as Alesha spotted her daughter ready to react in case their intervention was needed. Reaching out Alister placed his arm around her and pulled her into a one armed hug as Sibe reached out to squeeze her hand. “Let’s get going we have planning to do.”

Alesha nodded blinking back tears. Taking a breath to calm her nerves "As much as I want to run over there I know it will ruin everything. Thank you for letting me see Amber.”

Alister stood up pulling Alesha up with him as he steered them to a park exit, “I promised I would if it was possible,” he said softly looking over at the Captain, “It’s hard but I also promise we’ll get her off planet and to you.”

"I know and I am so glad you did," Alesha said brushing away some tears that had fallen as she looked back at her daughter as they left the park. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry. I owe you and your team far more than I can ever repay. But if there is anything you need you'll have it. Now to get her off the planet and away from Raul."

A vehicle with dark tinted windows pulled up stopping as the Chief dressed as a driver opened the rear door, “That’s the next step my dear,” Alister said taking the time to wipe a stray tear from Alesha’s face. “Let's go and start making that happen. Piling into the car it drove off headed back the hotel by the star port where the team was gathering for the final briefing.



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